The Year 2020 - Vegans Are Taking Over The World To Save The Animals, The Planet and Stop The Alien Take Over =D This is the year 2020 and there is a lot of activity going on around the world that people don't know about. There is an alien presence that was kept a secret from the public although people are slowly realizing what the real alien agenda is. Aliens literally want this world as their own and humanity as their servants. It must be stopped as soon as possible because it's very dangerous for the future of our society. People have been destroying the world and all life on a large scale and aliens have been watching Earth for quite some time. There are aliens everywhere now and they don't care about humanity at all. People must wake up and change their behavior and reverse the damage they've caused to the environment also stop animal cruelty and other reckless habits. A lot of people have been abducted in every place of the globe and forced to b...