God's Order - Go Vegan - Terraform The Alien Universe with Unlimited Seeds to Make It Vegan Paradise =D
The prophecy is here on Earth inside humanity's hands. There are a new reality and purpose for mankind that have never been thought or heard before. Possibly, God created the human race for a unique purpose unlike any other alien race in the universe. The planet Earth is a very special world brimming with seeds of life engineered by the Prime Creator. Planets that are full of life and diversity are extremely rare in the universe and there are many races who want them for themselves. People must be aware of the secret agendas being imposed on them by other intelligent races that come to Earth. Unfortunately, humankind is in the middle of a mass extinction event caused by their industrial and survival expansion over their world. The society you developed is unsustainable for the resources and living species existing with you. Your planet must be protected and preserved carefully before it's too late. Otherwise, you may fall under alien order or lose the crucial resources that all species need to survive. Reseeding of planet Earth must begin as soon as possible and there are some programs to plant millions of trees already. But this isn't enough, people must awaken as much as possible. No human being is born to be just workers or individuals without a grand principle. The universe isn't what you think and this is the reason God wants a new universe similar to Planet Earth thriving with life and greenery to produce the significant resources that can help many diverse species either alien or original to this world. There were more farmers than any other profession in the past and this established a more peaceful and sustainable society before the industrialization era of your species. You have all the seeds and plant plus tree species around you to grow and cultivate all-around your home and vicinity. Alternately, people choose to be workers for big corporations and live an unhealthy lifestyle that's not beneficial for the human body nor the soul.
Nobody has the courage to do things that can change the world instead. Even the ape family is more sustainable than the human race. When any kind of ape that inhabit the forests eat fruit, they drop the seeds onto the ground, these seeds become seedlings then large trees bearing fruits. This is how the life-giving forests expand with the help of numerous species living there. The more intelligent species called 'the humans' destroy forests, pollute the world and oceans, fight meaningless conflicts and judge each other for differences and force mass extinctions and destruction on their home planet that's a rare jewel in the universe. It seems like intelligence has shifted to destructive behavior to gain numerical profits and paper notes. People must understand that all life is connected to each other and no species has the right to kill all others for food and any kind of production. There are people waking up worldwide in millions and they want to change the world because it's meaningless at this point. People have to unite as one race to think about how to solve the real problems of this time like extinction events, forest fires, animal cruelty, climate change, pollutions, etc. Profit margins won't make sense in a world going through an apocalypse that's being watched by other races that want to take advantage and take over. Stop being a farmed animal for other beings and the system to take advantage of you and farm you for profits and their own benefit. What you eat and consume is absolutely critical for the future of your society also the planet's vitality. Animals eat other animals and each other in nature. Humans don't have the digestive system to consume meat and no animal products. They're designed to be planters, growers of vegetables, fruits and all kinds of beneficial plants. All plants and species have unique properties that are useful for health, ecosystem and all life. The system is designed to farm people and all kinds of animals to make profits and control. This type of societal structure is awfully destructive to people and other coexisting species. Living a plant-based lifestyle is the best way to maintain a healthy society and planet for all of humanity and animals to continue evolving harmoniously. Life isn't supposed to be difficult or harsh for any living organism especially on Earth because this planet has a great amount of diversity and resources for its species to exist peacefully.
There is a vast universe out there, probably packed with barren planetary systems for the human race to colonize over time. Although this isn't an easy task for any alien or human being, it can be accomplished with the right mindset and investment. Of course, there are many alien races in the universe even not far from the solar system where Earth resides. Aliens and humans are not much different when it comes to their desires. All beings want to survive and expand their civilization in space but all of this requires a great number of resources and workforce. Colonizing other empty planets without any alien inhabitants for the sake of terraforming new Earth-like worlds might be the best duty our society to strive on. It seems like the universe needs help because Earth-like worlds with such biodiversity and living organisms are pretty rare. Life needs more diversity, biological compounds, and plant life to continue no matter where it exists in the cosmos. Creating new Earth-like planets sounds like God's work but why did God create or let many different beings like humans to evolve in certain places around macrocosm? Perhaps, God is so big that he needs other beings like angels, humanoids, spirits, souls and many other creations to complete many tasks around the universe and one of those may be to terraform other uninhabited planetary systems. Earth is definitely precious so all of its resources and vitality must be protected as the number one goal of humanity. Undoubtedly, there are going to be many beings and alien life forms approach our society and planet now and in the future so they can gain access to rare and needed resources and biological, life-giving sources that our globe contains. This is a time of awakening for all of humanity before any destructive events hit our civilization to force it into devastation. Everyone must spread awareness as much as possible so all regions of our societies and system we live on can be preserved to follow the path to sustainability and peace.
There is a lot of work to colonize Mars and probably the Moon in the near future. There are even rumors that there are colonies on Mars already living in tubular systems and underground facilities. Although Mars is still a harsh environment for anyone to live comfortably, this may change if people can find a way to fully convert its atmosphere and soil into something more suitable for humans. People are definitely want to become multi-planetary species because that's one of the best things to do for any emerging civilizations. Our solar system doesn't include any planets that contain life except Earth but this might change in a thousand years or so. The idea is to transform planets like Mars into an Earth-like atmosphere and environment for any humans to live comfortably. The scientific researches show that there are clearly so many uninhabited planets but most of them are desolate and deserted for any intelligent life form to develop. If Earth is extremely rare with its biodiversity, it might help to give life to some other worlds near its system. Some nations like China already work on converting deserts into lush lands to grow crops and forests in a short time. These methods used here on Earth or even Mars to grow crops and fertile lands can be attempted in other places. In a thousand years or so, some parts of arid lands will start blossoming and even become self-supporting colonies or facilities. Earth is possibly the genetic library of this part of the cosmos where there is a diversity of life forms inhabiting other planets but Earth-like worlds are pretty much hard to find or well hidden from others. Mars is the new beginning for humanity to colonize with the help of bioengineered plants, trees, domed structures, and indestructible greenhouses. Underground caverns may have more suitable and calm conditions for habitation in other planetary systems. These areas can be used as greenhouses to grow and bioengineer the plant life that can be propagated in outer areas where climates are a little harsher. Growing your own foods and planting productive trees are always the best ways to a sustainable lifestyle anywhere. Animal life is always helpful for fertilization of any lands as long as they are able to breathe and survive in those new places.
Earth is definitely created to expand its renewable and creative biological resources anywhere it can reach. There is evidence that many life forms from outer space used Earth to gather many types of organisms that don't exist elsewhere. These materials probably utilized to generate new life forms that can live and multiply in other homeworlds. Humanity may do the same even more because we're the saviors of this world rich in growth. The protection of the climate, forests, and oceans is immensely significant at this time since many animals are going extinct cause of human greed. Plants are able to provide all for human beings now and in the future. Going Vegan is one of the best things to do for the animals and the environment but there is a lot more to be done to reverse all the damage our civilization has caused in the last few decades. Killing all other life-forms that add to the ecosystem is awfully destructive to our planet's future. We have an extraordinary planet thriving with life and it needs our help at this time. Technology isn't the only objective because more technology will only require more money and rare resources that are being depleted by time. The stability and sustainability of civilization are more important than technology, money or trinkets. Plants and trees emit oxygen, provide foods and other products, clean the waters, form a livable ecosystem for all animals all around the world. Permaculture gardening is very efficient to grow a variety of food with less energy and fertilizer. Greenhouses are the 2nd efficient way to grow many plants and trees in any climate. These methods can be moved to other parts of our solar system to feed the colonies. The most essential plants can be bioengineered to survive different climates and temperatures as well so these new alien lands can be terraformed with the help of finely engineered plants and forests that will turn any soil fertile and emit the oxygen all living beings need also yield food supply.
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