The Year 2020 - Vegans Are Taking Over The World To Save The Animals, The Planet and Stop The Alien Take Over =D
This is the year 2020 and there is a lot of activity going on around the world that people don't know about. There is an alien presence that was kept a secret from the public although people are slowly realizing what the real alien agenda is. Aliens literally want this world as their own and humanity as their servants. It must be stopped as soon as possible because it's very dangerous for the future of our society. People have been destroying the world and all life on a large scale and aliens have been watching Earth for quite some time. There are aliens everywhere now and they don't care about humanity at all. People must wake up and change their behavior and reverse the damage they've caused to the environment also stop animal cruelty and other reckless habits. A lot of people have been abducted in every place of the globe and forced to breed a new alien species called hybrids that look like humans but alien in mind to put forward the alien agenda. Alien agenda isn't for the good of humanity in every way possible, they aren't going to save the world. People must do all they can to save their own world from environmental degradation, climate change, and other problems. Luckily, the awareness about the real problems is arising and more people are taking action and changing their eating habits and behavior to save animals, the environment and the world. This is a time unlike anything in the past on planet Earth, the alien beings are everywhere and the hybrids look exactly like humans to help aliens take over the world. In this new alien world, people are the workers, servants that will lose all their rights and freedom for them to extract all resources and control the society cruelly that's similar to what humans have done to animals. This is extremely dangerous for any real human being no matter how rich or powerful they are and for their future. This is probably the biggest event and probably threat ever and it's kept secret for decades.
It came to a point that either vegans or aliens are going to take over the world so everyone must invest in a vegan future as much as possible to build a better, more sustainable and free world for everyone to live in. Otherwise, it may be too late, human beings may fall under alien order that's more cruel and manipulative than anything ever occurred in history. Now is the best time to gather all the information about what's going on and take action to do whatever it takes to save the world that's given to us by God. Everything will change after 2020, humanity has entered a new age in the universe and there are many alien races and agendas included this time. There are also other issues about climate, animal cruelty worldwide, deforestation, inequality. Some psychics and channelers are informed about a coming apocalypse that's both alien and environmental-related affecting all of our reality. It seems like only vegans with their clear minds, healthy lifestyles and impact on rescuing animals and nature can defend and protect human society and freedom here. The inspiration to go vegan and change the planet might be sent by God or some higher beings in the recent past. Lately, it's taken off and more people are realizing that consuming animal products, destroying and polluting the planet isn't the way of life for anyone. Hopefully, somehow someway mighty vegans with their higher awareness and compassion will find new ways to safeguard all life here. This will help to stop the alien beings that are already here and come here to take over planet Earth to extract all the rare resources and establish dominion here.
One thing, people don't know about is that the alien life near our solar system is very diverse, there are so many different alien societies and groups in some star systems also in and near-Earth for a long time. Humanity has been a young and developing species but they've started behaving reckless towards all life in their system and this attracted so much attention from outer space. Luckily, there are vegan, environmental movements to free the animals from the never-ending cycle of consumption and find new ways to stop the degradation that will only cause depletion of significant, life-giving resources. There is no better time now to go vegan and do whatever to save the planet and stop aliens from taking over because there is evidence that aliens have been cruel to humans by abducting them and using them with no consent. We live in a universe filled with alien life almost everywhere and we live in a populated area already. Most of the civilizations nearby are very old and technologically advanced. Technology isn't the most important aspect in the universe so wasting your time and hard work on technology will only turn people into mindless workers and technological addicts. Technology isn't everything, there are definitely more important things in life than alien or human-made technology. At first, it seems like all of the technology that can reach light speed or be useful in enhancing our lives is the best thing but it's not. Running the path to gather more and more technology will only deplete the planet's rare resources that are hard to find elsewhere. Going vegan worldwide and investing in renewable energies also reforesting, greening the planet will stop most of the problems in the world and probably unite humanity for a unique cause instead of wasting time on unnecessary conflicts. Life depends on supply and demand everywhere. When people need and demand more green, plant-based, vegan products that help to revitalize the planet's life cycles, we will build a more sustainable, free and compassionate civilization unlike anything in the past.
Now we can build the most advanced, plant-based, green civilization on Earth or let some malevolent alien beings control and farm us harshly. Aliens are literally trying to punish the human race because of how our society turned sentient beings into products by killing and using them in billions. Animal products don't supply the protein or other nutrients in a healthy human diet. The real protein and needed nutrients are in plants like vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, etc. We as the most intelligent species on Earth have to build a new world to solve all of our problems ourselves because other beings won't help us, they will take advantage of the situation at every chance. Aliens aren't vegans by any means. They used many people in experiments ruthlessly to create a hybrid race to begin overruling our society. This new type of control won't benefit the human race anytime in the future, this is a very dark agenda for everyone. It seems like the vegan movement will eventually take over the world to create an advanced, vegan civilization that can terraform planets like Mars. Plants and trees are the most essential, life-generating organisms on Earth and they will reach other planets to create more life there with the help of humans. This is the outlook of our civilization, we have a planet that can revive barren worlds like Mars that contained life and intelligent species in the ancient past. Of course, there are a lot of things to be done first, our planet is going through a mass extinction and it must be halted immediately before it's too late. Don't think that some highly intelligent beings will come and save humanity and the world. Unfortunately, this is not how things work in the universe. The resources the Earth contains are extremely rare in the universe and many alien races want to gain access to them. They need human compliance to gather what they want in an ever occurring plan.
The year 2020 is the beginning of a new age that must be taken seriously. All life is connected to each other, nature encompasses it all. Humans are designed to be plant people to spread the seeds and expand the plant life for a sustainable and sufficient community. The distinct languages, traditions, beliefs between many nations spawn unnecessary conflicts that make the human population vulnerable to alien interference that's planned intelligently. Everyone has problems but they can be overcome once you follow a higher calling to save all life on this magnificent planet called Earth. There may not be any sphere for humans to colonize because most of the Earth-like planets are inhabited and protected by other alien civilizations. This is an alien universe, humans are the native species here and they're supposed to find solutions, do research and act upon saving our society and the planet. Aliens can't, they only come here for their own agendas since they're some beings with needs like humans. Everyone in the cosmos needs things to continue their life and development. Developing more advanced technology will never solve this problem, it will ignite more over time. Living and following a vegan, plant-based mindset to produce more sustainable, green communities energized by renewable energy sources and food forests is the best way to proceed as a society. Vegans and other activists are uniting to build a better world with the help of social media, the internet, and other devices. Anyone can plant trees and invest in projects that will save the planet instead of technological junk. We're all biological organisms sharing one planet with diminishing forests, foods and resources. Planting new forests that can feed most of humanity and produce more oxygen also forms livable habitats for all animals and human beings can change the world positively.
You wouldn't want to live on a planet controlled and overruled by wicked alien races. All of humanity's freedom and culture would perish in a minute giving away all to the new alien lords. Animals have been farmed to turn into products for human consumption for quite a while. They've been treated cruelly, all of their freedom to live was taken away from them by more intelligent species. The same thing will happen to the human race because they've been behaving recklessly, destroying all life and polluting a rare and magnificent planet containing so much biodiversity and unique resources. Most of the alien worlds are either desolate or depleted with little or no resources so they have to find these elsewhere and the Earth has lots of them unlike most other planets in the universe. The rich and resourceful planets are well protected so the planet Earth must be safeguarded as soon as possible before the catastrophes become irreversible. Planets like Mars can be terraformed by human colonies and there are countless barren planets like Mars. Humanity can become terraform Gods of the universe, revitalizing the cosmos with newly generated Earth-like worlds for humans to inhabit even sell to other alien civilizations. It's almost impossible to even for advanced alien races to terraform new worlds because they have little or no resources that can generate livable habitats and plant life. Luckily, humans still live on a planet with extreme biodiversity that's very unique to its own. For these reasons, now is the time to save the world with a new plan designed to build a sustainable, vegan and united civilization that will only get better by time. Reforestation of Earth must begin immediately, food forests can provide most of the basic necessities and even more. We can create Heaven on Earth and Garden of Eden here, in fact, this is the garden of Eden already. Going Vegan and investing in a sustainable, vegan and joyful future is the new beginning. Everyone will evolve and thrive in this new society forming a united vegan world that's free from alien control.
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