Veganism is spreading around the world faster than anything ever occurred in the past. We live in great times but there are turmoil and forest fires in addition to animal cruelty that exists everywhere. All of the cruelty and pain can be solved in some time if more and more people go vegan and start taking action about the real problems of the world. All animals are our friends and they add to a stable and fertile ecosystem encompassing the Earth. We cannot live without animals nor by eating and turning them into products. This is extremely dangerous for the balance of life. Killing animals for food and production is intensely primitive in a modern time with such technological advancements and access to plant-based foods. Luckily, the vegan movement is heating up and more people are adopting a vegan lifestyle than ever before. Social media and all kinds of communication devices that connect us to the internet are great tools to spread the message and raise the awareness of humanity about what's going on behind the scenes. We've been killing the planet for quite some time, humanity should have planted more forests, build green cities and technologies instead. Going vegan is the best thing that a lot of people agree on. It's the healthiest and least destructive lifestyle and mindset anyone can follow.
The longest living people in history always had a plant-based diet and a lifestyle. They were people who live in peaceful environments, planting, growing their own food, playing with animals, walking and living a less stressful life. Growing your own food is probably the best thing you can do other than developing your skills and doing the things that you really love. It's a fact that most of the longest living individuals were either vegans or vegetarians and some lived over a hundred years. So you can consider that eating plants, vegetables, fruits, etc. will make you live longer. Growing your food, planting trees, seeding your backyard will make your life more fulfilling and peaceful unlike anything else. Working many hours to feed the corporations and big companies to chase paper isn't the best way to live and it will take away your happiness and add more stress to your mind and body. The more you work to make more money that will only stay in a bank account isn't the smartest way to be successful nor to obtain wealth. The money that you work so hard and deposit to your accounts will never be yours because you'll be working more to keep all you have and all your money. That means you'll never be happy or have a fulfilling life by working longer and harder than yesterday. Unfortunately, society has been built on wrong values and a system that harvests humans and all their energy from them. You may have to work and do things to survive but working harder or more every day may not be the solution. Perhaps you should start making your own things that are useful also find a way to grow your own food to feed yourself, family, and sell the rest in markets. Planting the right kind of trees will give you a lot of food in return and trees are extremely beneficial for all types of terrain. Planting trees will make you immortal because they will never die since most plants and trees spread their seeds in certain ways to repopulate their vicinity. A few trees can become a forest eventually with no human interaction.
Building the right forests to feed humanity is probably life-saving for everyone but nobody really knows how to do it. People keep planting pine and oak trees that won't bear any edibles. The U.S was mostly covered with nut forests that died off cause of some diseases that came here from other parts of the world. The trees weren't able to defend themselves to new bacteria and microorganisms that attacked them. Now there aren't many nut trees in forests anymore. Nut forests are able to bear seeds and nuts for the animals and other species that inhabit nearby regions. The fallen seeds are picked by many animals and transported to other places to become new trees and forests so it's an automatic system for reforestation. All kinds of trees and plants work the same but they don't produce as many foods for the ecosystems. Humanity definitely needs food-producing forests and farms to feed ecosystems and the growing population worldwide. Forests are extremely beneficial for the land, air and other aspects of our world. Food producing forests can generate many sustainable communities with full self-sufficiency and renewable energies independently. Going Vegan is good for animals and all life on Earth but it won't create a fully sustainable society, we must work on other problems as well. There are billions of animals that kept in small places to be slaughtered to become food products. All animals deserve to be free and walk around freely to help grow new forests and farms because animals can generate fertile land in a short time, unlike any other fertilization system. If humanity can create a sustainable, vegan and free society worldwide, we'll all be able to live longer and peacefully. All animals and people will live happily by taking care of each other instead of trying to take advantage of each other primitively. All productions can be converted into plant-based if more people understand that using animals is extremely destructive and cruel to all life and ecosystems around the world. Humanity must stop killing all on their path to make products that grant them short-term survival and taste. In the long run, the damage and destruction will be irreversible. The forests are diminishing and water levels are rising already. Adopting a plant-based lifestyle and implementing it into all productions are the best things to do at this time.
If you'd like to live longer and be remembered forever, you must save all life that exists on Earth including humans and other organisms. All living organisms depend on each other to survive. One type of organism cannot feed on others constantly and expect to live longer and greater. Eventually, this type of relationship with other living beings will generate an unstable environment for all of them to go extinct especially the one that feeds on others. For example, cancer won't be able to survive once the host dies of the disease spreading all over the body. Cancer by itself isn't a fully operating cell. Humans are in the same situation right now. They must be more gentle and protective against other living beings and ecosystems in the world coexisting with them. Overall, the real food and production must always depend on plants because that's the most sustainable way of feeding society and animals. The fact that people who live with a plant-based diet in regions where communities or nations that endorse plants and produce as the real foods and products formed a longer living, more sustainable and green society than others. The proof is out there, technology or other advancements won't cause civilization to be more sustainable nor advanced in any way. The technological nations that depend on animals for food and production are more destructive than anything else ever existed in the world. Technology means resources that deplete the world slowly. Meat, dairy, leather and other products derived from animals kill animals, the lands and cause more pollution than millions of cars on the road. Killing all kinds of animals and even other different looking tribes won't solve the problems nor declare peace around the world. The vegan movement is a great beginning but people are supposed to begin creating plant-based products and communities to stop all kinds of cruelty especially against animals and even people.
The answer may be yes, vegans may and can live forever because all the things you do in your lifetime will have an impact and your thoughts, actions and the positive things you've created will exist forever through eternity. Now is the perfect time to do whatever it takes to save all living beings and the world. There are always many ways to reverse the damage the civilization has incited during their existence. Anyone can live forever if they become plant-based and make the world greener, peaceful and livable for all life that connected with each other in every measure possible. Vegans and people who plant trees are forming a green, free and sustainable world for new generations to continue making it better than before. There are always many ways to improve the society towards a compassionate, fully sustainable and united civilization that will live forever.
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