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Showing posts from March, 2019

Your Brain Is God =)

 Yes, you heard. Your brain is God and it contains you, all your thoughts, memories, energy, ideas, inspiration, purpose, dreams, intentions, basically all about you and your soul in it. Your brain is the biggest phenomenon in the universe by far. You are your brain, your brain is you. We have the creative force that God presents in our brains. Nothing can come close to this ultimate fact in life. Our brain needs most of the energy the body consumes daily, it consists of billions of neurons that fire in every direction to create new universes and multiverses. Our brain operates like the universe and there are probably other universes nearby existing in parallel realities. Our brains never stop thinking, it also contains a subconscious mind that we aren't fully aware of and it accommodates tons of information and memories in it. Our brains have so much power that we aren't aware of yet although it's related to our conscious minds and personalities densely. The brain is still...

Life Isn't About Technology or How Much You Have It !! =)

 Life isn't about technology or how much technology you have. There is more to life than that. You never need that much technology to live or use for daily life. Technology is just a useful, innovative product for us to communicate with and learn from. You don't need the best tech to slide through on the screen or take a little more detailed pictures. I never care about the technology that much. Tech is just a fun aspect of life. People are so into tech now that they believe those tech products will make them and their lives better, bigger, and smarter. It's usually the opposite unless you're using tech for work and learning from it.  You are what you think. Tech is using you to get richer, bigger, and better by brainwashing you to think it's great or good for you. There are so many tech products out there waiting to be sold to individuals for them to slide their screen with their thumbs so they can be better, smarter, gossip more online =D  We need to grow up. Tec...

Build Your Garden To Save Yourself =)

 Hello there !! I will try to explain how you can save yourself and become a better, healthier, happier you in a short time. Making money will be easy as well. We all need products, food, and all that to survive. Money equals the products and services that we need in our daily lives. Think about how much stuff you need to live every day. Life without those things would be miserable although you actually don't need that much. Human beings love to consume and use all they can but there is a better way to live that we don't know about. And that's building your gardens everywhere =)  You can build a garden in and around your home, where you live, at your parent's place, your friend's, relatives' homes or anywhere that you can have access to.  It's not even difficult like people assume it is. We are all programmed to think certain ways at school, at work, and in society, after the day we were born. People are told to do and behave in some ways and other things t...

David Icke : Everything You Need To Know

Can A Vegan Diet Help Autoimmune Diseases?

I Saw An Angel Last Night =) This Is A Warning !!

 This is the real story that I experienced the other night. I want to share it online so people know that we aren't alone or helpless. I believe there are a lot of angels and spirits out there helping and watching humanity and other living beings of our world, therefore it seems like we're on our own in our lifetimes. We do get a lot of guidance and help even healings from many angelic beings that protect us from all kinds of accidents and happenings. In fact, we're all spiritual beings that live in a body to be on Earth so we can experience, learn and grow by being here physically. Physical and spiritual may seem like they're separated from each other but that's not true after all the experiences I had. We're still spiritual during our lifetimes, all of us are spiritual no matter who you are, animals included. Animals do have spirits just like humans but humans contain more individualized and evolved compared to animal spirits. We all come from somewhere like a...

Cultivate A Monk Mindset =)

Your Soul Lives In Your Brain =)

 You think all the time. Everything you do, all your organs, your body, and life rely upon your brain. It's such a magnificent organ that projects your reality in your head. We live in a physical world although it's not completely physical. We just perceive the world as blocks of objects that are in motion. Our brains give us the opportunity to be in this world so we can interact with it in every way possible. You can't be just your body and brain creating all these ideas, thoughts, and even products out of nowhere. If your brain was just an advanced organic computer that lays in your head waiting for more food to survive, it wouldn't be able to manufacture all these advancements that you use and live around every day. We live in the age of technology and the computers are catching up with our brains. It's like our smartphones, tablets, and computers are attached to our brains so we can receive more information and share posts on social media. There is a lot more th...

Alien Message - Vegan TakeOver Has Begun !!

hello there. this is a message from the group of beings that have been watching Earth for a long time. we've seen you go through so much over the years. it seems like nothing is going well but things can change if you put the effort. humanity must evolve in the coming age of big changes. this is the age of information and communication. you have the power to fix all the problems and issues of your society. vegan take over has begun. it's mainstream all around the world now and growing faster than anything in the past. technology isn't everything. stop focusing and wasting your energy on tech products and innovations too much. the best way of life is vegan and living peacefully by being kind and gentle to other living that you share your world with. this world isn't all yours, you share it with so many species. going vegan is a great beginning for all of you. go vegan and take over now. this is the time to save the world by all means. the whole world must go vegan soon...

Words Of GOD

This is a direct message from me to you. God is here and everywhere now and always has been. Anybody can have a connection with God. You need to open yourself up and do the right things that will save you and your world. Everything is actually easy in life. Nothing ever meant to be difficult for any living being. Humans with their thoughts and actions created unnecessary turmoil on Earth. It can all be fixed in a short time. I will tell you how you can overcome the problems in the world today and the future. God never creates then leaves his creation alone for them to mess it all up. You need to reconnect to God just like you connect to your internet, plug your electronics, your charger etc. It’s easy as that because God is always everywhere every time. Photo by Johnny McClung on  Unsplash People just lost their connection to God by forgetting that he lives in them and all living beings. You’re here for a purpose. This beautiful world has been giving to you to protect and pre...

Vegan Future

 Our world is changing every day. A lot of people are waking up to what's going on behind the curtain. We're being used and brainwashed in every way possible through advertisements, tv, videos, products, schools etc. Life isn't what you think it is. This isn't the real selves of humanity. Stop believing everything you see and hear. We must change and we're changing with every information we receive with our senses. Some people control it all to keep us in the matrix they've created to gain profit and domination over our society. The movie Matrix was very close to the reality of our situation. Although people are waking up now which is a great thing. Humanity isn't here to work and feed a few corporations and people with all their energy, time and actions. This is a ridiculous idea to live your life. Life is actually the acts of surviving on Earth as individuals forming a bigger pact to make life more efficient for our needs and the environment we live in. ...

Brainstorming Is The Best Thing You Can Do !!

 Brainstorming is by far the best thing ever. It may not be something everyone can do because it's usually not something you can do with intent. It mostly happens naturally to people when they're asked to do something very complex or when they're trying to make something big. Nobody ever brainstorms ideas or get things done by brainstorming intentionally. You can arrange yourself to brainstorm more so you can get more things done that you were never able to before. Brainstorming isn't doing a lot of things in a short time. It's something extraordinary because most of the completed tasks were done in time. It might have taken a lot of brainstorming to get there like making movies, writing a book, creating something great, your creative job or basically anything you are successful at.  Most of the extraordinary products are created by tons of brainstorming. Your brain is always there thinking of what to do next to solve the problems of your life. Why do people have...

Why Meat Is The Worst Thing In The World