You think all the time. Everything you do, all your organs, your body, and life rely upon your brain. It's such a magnificent organ that projects your reality in your head. We live in a physical world although it's not completely physical. We just perceive the world as blocks of objects that are in motion. Our brains give us the opportunity to be in this world so we can interact with it in every way possible. You can't be just your body and brain creating all these ideas, thoughts, and even products out of nowhere. If your brain was just an advanced organic computer that lays in your head waiting for more food to survive, it wouldn't be able to manufacture all these advancements that you use and live around every day. We live in the age of technology and the computers are catching up with our brains. It's like our smartphones, tablets, and computers are attached to our brains so we can receive more information and share posts on social media. There is a lot more than what you see and conceive with your lizard brain.
The brain is the gateway that connects physically to spiritual reality. Our brains can't do everything by itself then computers and your smartphone would become transformers by now, taking over the world with their agendas. Just having a brain can't have all the creative force humans own. All of the inventions and technology are fabricated with our brains. The human brain is capable of achieving a lot more if people knew what it really is. It's the internal organ that contains our souls. Our soul-spirit whatever you call it actually lives in our brain. That's the only place it can operate because it's multidimensional, it's so fluid that it can only be contained in a place that processes electrical thoughts and signals between so many neurons. Some of your thoughts and insights may be coming from your soul because we all have dreams, aspirations, desires, expectations, insights that we don't know where they come from. They're the real elements that form our souls and ourselves that live in this human body. There is no scientific explanation or experiment proving our real essence is contained in our brain that we constantly use and do all with the help of it. They may not want us to know this pure truth of our spiritual and physical reality. Everyone has a soul, even animals do. Once you look at someone's eyes, you can have a glimpse of their souls through the nerves that connect eyes to the brain. We all live in our brains because that's where our souls are.
All of us have so many dreams, desires, imaginations, ideas popping out every minute of our lifetimes. Nobody really thought about this amazing theory or fact of where our soul is after we were born. Where do all these images, self-talks, opinions come from? The only brain by itself can't generate all that you think throughout your entire lifetime. We're all spiritual beings that gain a body to be on Earth so we can experience and learn more also create. The creative force is rendered in our brains with the lead of our spirit. Our spirit wants to learn more, create more, experience more all the time. It's not meant to just work and pay bills to feed the system. It's here for a lot more. Your spirit is always talking to you and giving you sparks of imaginations so you can find a way to make them happen out in the world. Your spirit lives in your brain, that's the only it can be and operate here because its frequency is too high to touch the matter. It's made of electricity just like the signals that are moving around the neurons in your brain. Your brain is powered by your soul. Once you die, the soul leaves the body through your head to go back to the spiritual realm only to plan a comeback or move to other dimensions. We are advanced spiritual beings who are here on Earth to create Heaven on Earth with our cooperative actions also to live, experience, and learn all we can. Your soul never stops learning by using your brain and your other senses that are firing electrical signals to your brain with neurological paths in your body.
The brain is so astonishing that we still don't know what it is. Nobody, not even the most famous scientists ever thought about the theory of where the soul is placed in our body. Our bodies and brains cannot perform the most complex tasks that we're able to produce every day. Scientists study the past in college and assume they know it all. Your soul leads you in every second of your life because all your actions come from your brain. Your body is your temple. Take care of it with all you have. Your brain is this futuristic computer of your soul unlike anything ever created by God. God designed the most amazing substance ever existed and that was the brain that sits in our bodies that we still don't know everything about it yet. Once the science starts thinking about the brain as a spiritual computer that merges both spiritual and physical realms into one realm of creative thought exhibition of the universe. We will be able to push science and technology to new levels of advancements. We can create Heaven on Earth just by thinking about it because that's what our spirits desire and here for. Why would a spiritual being with an advanced computer and body with extraordinary capabilities of creativity want to live in a world of turmoil and madness? We can fix all of the problems if we put our souls and brains into new ideas with full capacity. Just working or money won't help to fix all the problems we all have. Not even the richest or most successful people are problem-free.
We can build a new world since we know where our souls are. People lost their souls because they didn't know where it went after they were born as a baby. They were missing something in their lives, the feeling of being home never left them. They didn't realize our souls were in our brains and our thought at every moment. They became sad, felt like they lost their true identity. Nobody taught them anything about spirituality or what a spirit is at school or in college. We're 8 billion souls living on Earth, we aren't here just to survive or make printed papers to have more junk in our lives. That only feeds the system. If we combine our brains into establishing a new society of magnificent advancements and a green, clean Earth. We can initiate Heaven on Earth by merging spiritual with physical as one with the help of our incredible brains that house our beautiful souls. Nobody will help us to begin this unique generation of Human Beings. We will spark new neurons to form new neurological paths that will unite all of us as one Angelic Race of magnificent Humanity to overcome all the problems and constitute a higher vibrational green, lush realm of love, experience, innovation, advancement and so much more as we dream of.
The brain is the gateway that connects physically to spiritual reality. Our brains can't do everything by itself then computers and your smartphone would become transformers by now, taking over the world with their agendas. Just having a brain can't have all the creative force humans own. All of the inventions and technology are fabricated with our brains. The human brain is capable of achieving a lot more if people knew what it really is. It's the internal organ that contains our souls. Our soul-spirit whatever you call it actually lives in our brain. That's the only place it can operate because it's multidimensional, it's so fluid that it can only be contained in a place that processes electrical thoughts and signals between so many neurons. Some of your thoughts and insights may be coming from your soul because we all have dreams, aspirations, desires, expectations, insights that we don't know where they come from. They're the real elements that form our souls and ourselves that live in this human body. There is no scientific explanation or experiment proving our real essence is contained in our brain that we constantly use and do all with the help of it. They may not want us to know this pure truth of our spiritual and physical reality. Everyone has a soul, even animals do. Once you look at someone's eyes, you can have a glimpse of their souls through the nerves that connect eyes to the brain. We all live in our brains because that's where our souls are.
All of us have so many dreams, desires, imaginations, ideas popping out every minute of our lifetimes. Nobody really thought about this amazing theory or fact of where our soul is after we were born. Where do all these images, self-talks, opinions come from? The only brain by itself can't generate all that you think throughout your entire lifetime. We're all spiritual beings that gain a body to be on Earth so we can experience and learn more also create. The creative force is rendered in our brains with the lead of our spirit. Our spirit wants to learn more, create more, experience more all the time. It's not meant to just work and pay bills to feed the system. It's here for a lot more. Your spirit is always talking to you and giving you sparks of imaginations so you can find a way to make them happen out in the world. Your spirit lives in your brain, that's the only it can be and operate here because its frequency is too high to touch the matter. It's made of electricity just like the signals that are moving around the neurons in your brain. Your brain is powered by your soul. Once you die, the soul leaves the body through your head to go back to the spiritual realm only to plan a comeback or move to other dimensions. We are advanced spiritual beings who are here on Earth to create Heaven on Earth with our cooperative actions also to live, experience, and learn all we can. Your soul never stops learning by using your brain and your other senses that are firing electrical signals to your brain with neurological paths in your body.
The brain is so astonishing that we still don't know what it is. Nobody, not even the most famous scientists ever thought about the theory of where the soul is placed in our body. Our bodies and brains cannot perform the most complex tasks that we're able to produce every day. Scientists study the past in college and assume they know it all. Your soul leads you in every second of your life because all your actions come from your brain. Your body is your temple. Take care of it with all you have. Your brain is this futuristic computer of your soul unlike anything ever created by God. God designed the most amazing substance ever existed and that was the brain that sits in our bodies that we still don't know everything about it yet. Once the science starts thinking about the brain as a spiritual computer that merges both spiritual and physical realms into one realm of creative thought exhibition of the universe. We will be able to push science and technology to new levels of advancements. We can create Heaven on Earth just by thinking about it because that's what our spirits desire and here for. Why would a spiritual being with an advanced computer and body with extraordinary capabilities of creativity want to live in a world of turmoil and madness? We can fix all of the problems if we put our souls and brains into new ideas with full capacity. Just working or money won't help to fix all the problems we all have. Not even the richest or most successful people are problem-free.
We can build a new world since we know where our souls are. People lost their souls because they didn't know where it went after they were born as a baby. They were missing something in their lives, the feeling of being home never left them. They didn't realize our souls were in our brains and our thought at every moment. They became sad, felt like they lost their true identity. Nobody taught them anything about spirituality or what a spirit is at school or in college. We're 8 billion souls living on Earth, we aren't here just to survive or make printed papers to have more junk in our lives. That only feeds the system. If we combine our brains into establishing a new society of magnificent advancements and a green, clean Earth. We can initiate Heaven on Earth by merging spiritual with physical as one with the help of our incredible brains that house our beautiful souls. Nobody will help us to begin this unique generation of Human Beings. We will spark new neurons to form new neurological paths that will unite all of us as one Angelic Race of magnificent Humanity to overcome all the problems and constitute a higher vibrational green, lush realm of love, experience, innovation, advancement and so much more as we dream of.
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