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Vegan Future

 Our world is changing every day. A lot of people are waking up to what's going on behind the curtain. We're being used and brainwashed in every way possible through advertisements, tv, videos, products, schools etc. Life isn't what you think it is. This isn't the real selves of humanity. Stop believing everything you see and hear. We must change and we're changing with every information we receive with our senses. Some people control it all to keep us in the matrix they've created to gain profit and domination over our society. The movie Matrix was very close to the reality of our situation. Although people are waking up now which is a great thing. Humanity isn't here to work and feed a few corporations and people with all their energy, time and actions. This is a ridiculous idea to live your life. Life is actually the acts of surviving on Earth as individuals forming a bigger pact to make life more efficient for our needs and the environment we live in.

 We've been polluting and ripping apart our world for decades. U.S became a meat and junk world for profits and they make them off people that work jobs and buy stuff they never really needed =D We can have a new future if we change our minds and realize that this isn't the right way to be. Veganism is growing all around the world and it's unstoppable. Don't overreact to what's happening in factory farms because all of that would change if we all stopped consuming animals products. It depends on every individual that works and buys those products assuming they're good for them, they provide essential protein and vitamins etc. This isn't true at all. Being brainwashed will only turn you into a dumb worker so corporations can feed off you more and more in order for them to gain more profits and control by sucking your energy. Is this how you want to live? We have a new future now and it's Vegan. Everyone will have to become Vegan and do the right things for themselves, animals, environment and all living beings. It all starts on your plate. Stop working and trying for a second and think more. See the madness with clear eyes. You are what you eat. Your body renews all the cell with the food that you consume. You turned your body and brain into a disease ridden meaty animal who doesn't know what the right way is. The world will only get destroyed and people will become sicker, dumber robots that work for the system to continue. Vegan is the right way. Our world is meant to be plant-based through the actions and information our brains process.
 Our future is Vegan. Every product, every person, every inch of Earth will become Green, Vegan and plant-based in the future. It already began. Plant-based is the best way of life to be healthy, happy and intelligent people who are capable of accomplishing so much because their bodies and brains will be more efficient and evolved than before. This new society will be able to terra-form other planets and moons like our Moon, Mars and many others. Future is your skill to learn by processing the information you perceive in your brain. Brain is a magnificent organ that's gifted to humanity. By brainstorming with our brains, we can overcome any problems we all have and plants will only help us. The variety of plants, fruits, seeds, nuts is incredible in our world. By planting more of them, we can be greater and save ourselves and the world in a short time. Even climate change can be reversed if everyone stops consuming animal products and drives less. Future is our mentality that will be projected into our actions.
 You can actually save money and be healthy even more intelligent by going Vegan, promoting Veganism and green renewable energy sources. Even the corporations that make the most profits with animal products and products derived from oil, can convert to vegan, green, plant-based products easily. Never stop changing. Change is the way to create a better yourself and future for the entire humanity. Future is made of plants. You can buy cheap land and start farming to build your own green world with little effort because it's one of the easiest things to do. Going Vegan and planting are easier than working hard, dealing with so many people, being a slave to the system that's been feeding off you to grow bigger. Just deal with plants instead. They're the best friends and Vegans are the coolest people on Earth. They're healthier, smarter, good looking, fit, skilled, simply the best androids ever lived =D  You want to save yourself or you want to be a sick, miserable person. Always choose plants to be the best you can.
 Your eyes change color once your body is fully Vegan with all the nutrients that are in your blood flowing to every inch of your body. Your organs will renew itself, your eyes will change color, get sharper, you'll lose weight, you'll be more fit without even working out. The protein, vitamins, antioxidants will circle around your body to turn you into an amazing human being who's here to fix humanity and save the world. Everything you think and do will save the world. You'll be superhero with plant powers to stop the madness happening all around the world. The Vegan Future is Here !! =D  2019 and the future years will only make us stronger and smarter. Even if you don't have too much money, you'll still be great because some amount of Vegan foods, veggies and fruits will give you the power of thinking and brainstorming magnificent ideas to save yourself and the humanity. Money won't make much matter anymore. Humans will turn into flying eagles to go anywhere in the world to initiate their unique ideas that will eventually take over the world to reverse any possible catastrophes. Humanity is becoming universal by going Vegan and promoting new concepts about Vegan technologies that developed with renewable energy sources and plants. Entire world will be Vegan soon because that's the right way for us to live as one human society. Plants and trees are always greeting you and doing whatever it takes to clean the air and feed humans by offering them abundance of nutritious, tasty foods.
 Single use plastics are polluting the environment and killing the marine life. We can replace the single use plastic consumption by not buying and using them. There are so many options like glass, wood, cotton or other natural fabric, stainless steel, hemp, jute, rubber, and so on. Please use them instead to reduce the plastic pollution in the oceans, landfills and everywhere. We're creating a new world that will evolve us into brilliant beings of compassion, health, prosper, intelligence, communication, knowledge, research vice versa. Our Vegan Future is here !!


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