Your Brain Is God =) Skip to main content

Your Brain Is God =)

 Yes, you heard. Your brain is God and it contains you, all your thoughts, memories, energy, ideas, inspiration, purpose, dreams, intentions, basically all about you and your soul in it. Your brain is the biggest phenomenon in the universe by far. You are your brain, your brain is you. We have the creative force that God presents in our brains. Nothing can come close to this ultimate fact in life. Our brain needs most of the energy the body consumes daily, it consists of billions of neurons that fire in every direction to create new universes and multiverses. Our brain operates like the universe and there are probably other universes nearby existing in parallel realities. Our brains never stop thinking, it also contains a subconscious mind that we aren't fully aware of and it accommodates tons of information and memories in it. Our brains have so much power that we aren't aware of yet although it's related to our conscious minds and personalities densely. The brain is still active during sleep and dream state, we just forget all of our dreams but it loads them into your subconscious mind subtly. People still don't know much about their brains because it's located in a skull hidden from them. You need to observe your brain and mind intimately to elicit more information about yourself.

 We never stop thinking and learning, all the knowledge depends on what you give your attention and focus on. The brain needs other organs like your eyes, ears, and other senses to receive information for it to become more complex and intelligent. Your brain is basically God in a physical body that can alter and change any matter in this worldly realm called Earth. This may be how God the ultimate creator of the universe operates in planets by gifting supreme brains to a few species for them to extend God's creativity. Our creative skills are limitless if you take the limitless pill. Well, that was a joke. You don't need a pill to be smarter, faster, better. You need the essential resources for your brain to thrive like natural nutrition, antioxidants, vitamins, proteins, water, etc. Your brain is constantly in search of more for it to survive so it can create and live longer as the supreme lord of the world. It will never stop. Humans never stop making things and searching for more answers throughout their lives that may be caused by their brains' thrust to expand their knowledge as widely as possible. What's the limit of our brains since everything is actually done by it? It may embody infinite possibilities of creation because it's the product of God the prime creator of all that exists. Your brain is the most amazing tool you can ever have so take care of it with all you can, it will only grant you the advancements that you desire in your life.
 The universe and our brains resemble each other in most characteristics of physical and non-physical presence. It's like our brains are the copy of God's brain existing in a human body that lives on a planet somewhere in the universe. That gives you the idea of what and who God can be. What if he is just a colossal brain comprising all matter and brains in it. Technically we're our own Gods with superior brains than other species of our planet so we are able to manifest more than others. Your brain will indicate to you what you need to do in almost every minute of your life. In fact, it needs the resources, the tools, the material to achieve your and his plans continuously. Listen to your brain and it will tell you what needs to be done in most cases like reading, finding things, working, studying, relaxing, sleeping, eating, making things, etc. Your brain is the throne in your skull and all about you exist there because you sit on that throne. You aren't just a body, your brain needs that body to operate in physical form. Yours isn't completely physical since it consists of so many neurons that work with electrical impulses. In a sense, your brain is made of electrical charge, and that may be your soul's energy moving around your neurons developing the practices for you to become more creative.
 Isn't that wonderful? You aren't actually a physical body cause of how your brain is created. God gave you the supreme power as an electrical charge to make up your brain's activity and your soul's existence embedded into each other. We're all Gods acting in human form. Look where we've come in our realm of magnificence. We have limitless capabilities that we've forgotten because the human race hasn't evolved to realize their own power that's enclosed in their supreme brains. We will get there after finding the right ways to become more creative like God has endowed us with his spark. A new human race is coming soon, it will be unstoppable. It won't be about money, work, or meaningless intentions anymore. Humans will take their powers back through the magnificent power and knowledge of themselves and their brains. Creativity will never be kept secret by a few elite. Our brains will thrive with the clean resources and devotion to the things that will save us from misery. We never meant to be weak, dumb beings that work so hard to make a few elites rich and more powerful. Our brains will unite and form a new human race that will initiate a new society of wonders and colors all around the world even other planets. The brain is evolving every second, it will become limitless one day, and the things that you see in the movies and read in books will be the norm for any human being to illustrate with ease. God is your brain and your brain contains your essence called your spirit-soul self. Reclaim your magnificence and take your power back. Being a worker for useless junk isn't a way of life. Build your Garden of Eden now to turn the world into God's impressive realm of supreme souls and brains =)


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