Salute, as you know, the planet is in midst of climate and pandemic crises. The world community is doomed to find new ways out of the crises at hand and there will be more of them henceforth. Nothing will ever be the same again. The planet has been impaired heavily during the economic and industrial growth, expansion. The carbon and greenhouse gas overflow in the atmosphere has been warming the globe steadily. Almost every year has been warmer than previous years, some of the hottest temperatures have been recorded in 2020. 2020 has proven to be a tumultuous year. You never know the subsequent years can be even tougher than this. Humanity has to unite as a global super-green force to overcome the cataclysms, reverse climate change, and refresh the planet. Time is running faster, days are going fast. Wildfires have devastated the entire west coast and many states, the negative effects of climate change are atrocious. It’s like the day after tomorrow’s scenario is happening worldwide now. Disasters are coming back to back with no hesitation. Some people think technology can solve all of the problems and renewable energies can halt climate change but that’s absurd. The economic system must be modified to adapt to the needs of the environment and climate. Many types of green technologies are being designed and proposed to be mass-manufactured so they can be available worldwide to absorb the excess carbon in the atmosphere. Some carbon-absorbent plants can do the work of 40 million trees but they aren’t built in large numbers. Bioreactors are small alternatives to carbon-siphoning plants that can be mass-manufactured and hit the global markets soon. Any company and household can install a bioreactor to generate energy similar to solar panels and wind turbines. Bioreactors are powered by algae and they can siphon a large amount of carbon out of the atmosphere. The carbon economy is destined to be replaced with a very sustainable and green global economy to put an end to most of the problems and crises of our time. Anything green will be a thriving business in the short run because people are grasping their impact with their product choices. Pandemic and wildfires especially the Amazon fires have awakened mankind but time is running out to rescue the forests and the planet. The biodiversity in tropical rainforests is immense, the meat industry destroys more forested lands than any other industry. The meat industry is still one of the biggest contributors to climate change. Climate change alone can transmute the globe into an uninhabitable, depleted, toxic scene in less than a hundred years which isn’t that long time. Some people live longer than a hundred years especially if they’re vegans. A lot of people want to restore the planet, preserve the forests and biodiversity and halt climate change but nobody knows how to completely achieve this new objective. A fifty or hundred years ago, there was nothing like this and it’s winded up as the most complicated affliction. People need to decide their next moves wisely. The era of consumption and waste is coming to an end. A lot of people started gardening during the lockdown which is a good thing. Scientists apprised of detail that planting trees alone won’t save the world nor stop climate calamities. Green innovation is the newest field of business as of now. More people around the world are required to do research and find new methods to recover the planet’s climate and environment into its most pristine condition. Of course, people, businesses, and companies need to make money and require funding to work and complete the enterprises at hand. There are some new startups that attempt to plant billions of trees with reasonable budgets. Planting trees and enriching the soil with plants is still one of the best things to do for the environment. Trees and plants absorb CO2 with the process of photosynthesis and anyone can easily cultivate a beautiful garden and construct a homestead. In order to reverse climate change, we need collective action, this is a very grave phenomenon that can wipe out the human race. Air pollution levels have been increasing in most populated places in the world.
Unfortunately, anything a human being does, makes, consumes emits tons of CO2, and impacts the ecology severely. Everyone knows how much trash their household produces, all the plastic packaging and single-use plastics add up to the plastic pollution in landfills and oceans. If the civilization pollutes and consumes at this scale, there won’t be any world to live on. Humans approximately consume 1.5 piles of earth at this time, even the pandemic couldn’t reduce this that much. Lockdowns have decreased air pollution but humans started emitting even more greenhouse gases right shortly. Some countries produce more products than most of the world and they generate a tremendous amount of greenhouse gases also pollution. Industrial growth and expansion have provided almost everything that people use and need to live comfortably but it also started to destroy the planet exponentially. Perhaps, most of the industries must be strictly regulated and adapted to environmental conditions and stop being destructive. Natural resources that people rely on to make all kinds of products are depleting extremely fast. Most of them are derived from forests, trees, and plants. Toilet paper productions are causing deforestation in large forests in the Americas and people hoard these types of products excessively whereas nobody needs much of them. Unsustainable productions like bath tissue, paper, plastics, oil, and gas, meat, dairy, and much more are doomed to be revised for environmental requirements and climate change. Paper products can be made from plants like the ancient Egyptians made papyrus. Leaves and bamboo are more sustainable alternatives to papers made from trees. Wood is a good resource as a construction and furniture material, though, with the rise of wildfires, buildings and houses made of wood are insecure. New alternatives to wood, paper products, and unsustainable productions will be the best business in the near future, and innovators and entrepreneurs can burgeon if they can invent green alternatives. Solar panels were uncommon back in the day. Everyone wants to install solar panels on their roofs and work in a solar company these days. Although renewable technologies are more sustainable and environmentally-friendly than others, no technologies or renewable energies will be completely renewable or sustainable. Solar panels, wind turbines degrade over the course of time like all other technologies. Tech pollution is becoming the next plastic pollution shortly. More and more people want new tech gadgets, electric cars, solar panels, green appliances, so on. Nobody really cares about the environmental impact of extreme tech productions. Tech companies make big money but they’re still draining finite mineral deposits. Nothing will ever be infinite especially in a world going through climate crises and mass extinctions. Technology, computers, the internet, and smartphones have conjoined the entire world effectively but people want more products and even tech apparatus that destroy the environment. Trade between nations is necessary because every province generates divergent commodities for the people. The global trade and economy are required to become extremely sustainable, environmentally-safe, and carbon-negative. Going carbon-neutral is never enough for any business or company. Any business can generate more revenue by going carbon-negative because carbon-negative, green resources are still as lucrative as other goods and services. A new era in business has begun and anyone, any company can thrive in global markets if they introduce eco-rich, eco-friendly outgrowth that can contribute to the reversal of climate and environmental crises.
The vegan, plant-based, and green-innovation companies have been thriving in global markets. Veganism has hit the mainstream worldwide and animals are sentient beings that need to be free in nature. All species of animals, plants, trees, and all organisms support nature’s living habitats. All protein originates from plants so plant-based and vegan protein food sources will be one of the biggest businesses in the years to come. You can eat protein-rich legumes, beans, vegetables for your daily intake, or purchase plant-based burgers, meats, and other vegan protein items that will be more popular over the course of time. A vegan diet reduces your environmental impact significantly and produces a lot less carbon. A lot of animals are saved from slaughter as well. Cruelty-free, environmentally-friendly businesses are more sustainable than others too. Some people invented a vegan burger made from plants and had great success. Therefore, inventing new vegan, completely plant-based products free from dairy and animal parts will always be a booming business. Since animals are sentient beings and part of nature, industrial carbon emissions of meat and dairy sectors are very high, you get to save the planet to a certain degree by purchasing, consuming, and investing in plant foods and products. To tackle climate change won’t be an easy task because every place in the world and all productions emit greenhouse gases except the permaculture methods of farming and reforestation projects. No industry may ever be fully sustainable so more businesses and corporations are supposed to take steps to go carbon-negative and mitigate their environmental impact. Green, vegan, and eco-friendly innovations and inventions will be extremely rewarding for their creators. Of course, not everyone will be an inventor or start a business but anyone can start gardening, make organic products, lower their waste and find new ways to restore the planet that’s in grave danger. Businesses and companies produce and serve the human population because most people and families can’t be self-reliant in everything they do. There are people who cultivated large forests transforming deserted lands into lush, productive forests. They started doing this at other people’s estates since everyone would like to turn their properties into biodiverse, prolific gardens. Forests are the main terra firma that sequester carbon from the atmosphere to do photosynthesis. Some architects and designers have created extremely green buildings in well-known cities that are powered with renewable energies and carbon-neutral. The greenery attached to these green buildings can absorb the carbon emissions of the same development. Green buildings will be more popular, more architects and engineers will espouse green designs and architecture to erect them in small, mid-size, or big cities across the world. Real estate is one of the biggest and most lucrative sectors so why not invest in green, carbon-negative architectural design powered only by renewables to alleviate the climate change effects of cities. Cities and industrial zones emit the most greenhouse gases. Industrial designs and city planning should be revamped to switch to environmentally-safe and green as soon as possible before disasters hit the world’s main cities. The global lockdowns have reduced the pollution levels substantially so it wouldn’t be too difficult to make the big switch to reverse climate change once and for all. New industrial and city designs that are climate-safe to nullify the environmental damage and emissions will be fruitful for their founders. Anything green and innovative to save the planet, animals, and tackle climate change and its effects will be highly profitable because new conceptions spread apart the world very fast through the internet and media. Coastal cities will be mandated to be abandoned if sea levels rise by up to 20 feet or more, hence many new green cities and eco-villages shall be built inland in safer locations before it’s too late. Some designers are constructing eco-villages near most touristic cities for them to start becoming more eco-friendly and green. Installing solar panels and wind turbines everywhere won’t resolve the climate crisis. Eco-villages are the most self-sufficient, sustainable, and carbon-negative archetypes that must be embraced worldwide. Big cities were getting bigger, more polluted, skyscrapers were popping up all over but this isn’t the sustainable or planetary-safe path to progress into the future for any nation. Building eco-villages that grow their own foods, energized with renewable energies, embellished with a diversity of plants, trees similar to a rainforest can be easier and more economical than erecting taller skyscrapers, bigger malls frittering away essential materials. Going economical is necessary to lessen the environmental and climate impact. Many sustainable eco-village plans will be beneficial for their builders also for the ambiance. Eventually, people will move out of coastal and big cities because they’ll be unlivable if the climate crisis causes more disasters and sea levels to rise. Most of the world’s population lives near coastlines, the world’s biggest cities are very vulnerable to natural disasters like flooding, tsunamis, hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, and so forth. If people move inland to safer territories, start constructing green towns and ecological communities, they may be able to offset coming cataclysms. Perhaps, disastrous events caused by climate change will never be revoked so the human population must prepare now. Everyone knows no big city is safe, existing small cities and towns can be renovated as sustainably-livable arboreous wonderlands with the help of agroforestry, green city, and building planning. Some people have plunged into farming in forests like the Amazon rainforest which covers half a continent. Forest farming is a very innovative concept that not many know of. No forest or trees are cut down during forest farming and it can be done anywhere. Eco-villages can be built inside existing forests without logging or some limber can be harvested then more trees can be planted. Most farmed lands are cleared by cutting down acres of forests but agroforestry or forest farming is the viable approach to farming. Trees and plants support each other in every place in the world. Biodiversity is essential to the productivity and longevity of natural landscapes.
There is a new intelligence emerging in human society that can reshape the world like never before. Ecological movements have been flourishing with the increase of natural disasters warning the public. Desertification has been expanding very fast and still do. Some nations formulated new ways to stop desertification and fertilize deserted sections as productive and green. These new methods can be implemented in other places threatened by expanding deserts since deserted areas will have no water in the near future. The worst droughts occurred during the last decade in many places, water reserves have been shrinking. Climate change can turn most of the world uninhabitable also evaporate the existing rivers, lakes, and other water streams. This would be the end of mankind so collective action must be taken to reverse environmental and climate predicaments. Nobody knew it was going to be this bad for the environment if society consumes and manufactures more and more with the economic and technological surge. Nature is very regenerative but human society has evolved as a locust swarm during the last few decades. The damage done to the planet can still be reversed but it will be impossible to do anything only after a few decades. Many movies have been made with end times synopsis and it seems like they’re taking place in the real world. In some cases, the movies become a reality because there is so much research done before filming. Some of them are produced from sequences of events in certain research books. All nations across the world shall do more research and take action about restoring the planet also cooling it down due to the fact that calamities would affect the whole world. Some regions have already been suffering grievous droughts, famines. Any type of rescue mission will be critical from now on. The best thing to do is to prevent disasters before they happen. Some reforestation projects have been successful, some of them failed. Reforestation has to be beneficial for the local communities so they can maintain the planted trees. Plantations are supposed to provide the essentials for the existing population for them to do the things that will protect and enrich the environment. This way, people will continue doing the tasks that will save the environment, sequester carbon rather than emitting it. Since the overflow of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has warmed up the planet, all nations can shift to carbon-negative to cancel their carbon emissions. Organic productions that can supply almost all industries sustainably emit no greenhouse gases, they sequester carbon in the ground. Most people were farmers when there was no industrial revolution. Everything made was biodegradable and turned into compost in a few months. Of course, people need technologies and manufactured products in these modern times but manufacturers can remodel their assembly lines as renewable, environmentally-safe plus climate-safe with a few tweaks. Most of these innovations will be extremely profitable for the inventors. Though companies wish to be green and eco-friendly, they don’t know how to fine-tune their processing. It all depends on people who are the consumers and workers of the system. If the global human population starts doing the right things to protect and regenerate nature to feed and supply their industries harmlessly, they’ll be able to establish a unified, self-sustaining, green civilization. The reversal of climate change won’t be easy but it can be done. The Earth is a very special planet in the alien universe packed with barren, depleted worlds. Seeds are essential to all life. Life goes on with seeds from plants, trees, vegetables, fruits, and all other organisms. Most of the foods people and animals eat are seeds. Farming seeds will always be one of the best businesses because that’s how life proceeds. Soil is fertilized with all species of plants, seeds, and trees naturally. Protecting nature and tackle climate change will require sowing trillions of seeds and that can be accomplished if most or all of the human population adopts a complete plant-based, green, pollution-free lifestyle, and mindset. People will always need products, all kinds of products can be easily manufactured with renewable resources derived from plants. Plant-based products that regenerate nature all around us will be a booming sector. Most people will want to become self-reliant after witnessing catastrophes fueled by global warming and instability. Though becoming self-reliant in life isn’t easy, anyone can make use of nature’s self-growing kernels that absorb carbon dioxide and filter water to restore the ecosystems. People are being called by nature to go back to their roots otherwise nature will beget more tribulation. Propagating heterogeneous tree and plant species in high numbers to share with others will be vital. Productive plants and tree nurseries are profitable. People will need more plants, food-bearing flora to save the environment in a decline. All industries are attempting to switch to climate and environment-safe before it’s impossible to make any modifications. The most inventive and creative people of our time will be great leaders and great inventors like Nikola Tesla who created the future years ago. The future is extremely dangerous. The Earth, our only homeworld is in grave danger. There is a rumor that we’re in the middle of a subtle alien invasion as well. Aliens are secretly trying to take over, persuade and subjugate humankind for their own benefits and plans. The secret agencies assembled to protect the planet and human society will need more funding and knowledge about how to save the world. Everyone can feel there’s something very urgent occurring behind the scenes, it feels like we don’t have much time. It’s not just climate change, there are alien invasions executed by many alien races and collectives. Natural resources are being drained at a rapid rate. Some companies own the world’s most water reservoirs, food supplies, and much more. The entire human population will need the resources for them to act upon recovering the planet. Perhaps, seeds can save the world and human society for them to proceed into the future efficiently. The world must unite as one super green force as soon as possible. The people and companies that can invent and innovate a more united, cooperative, the sustainable alliance can be very successful in a new green economy. The whole economic system can be readjusted for the environment’s needs. Each person can start the greenest life powered by renewables and seeds of life. Some people collected divergent seeds, cuttings, roots, herbs from the largest forest systems like the Amazon and built extremely productive, self-sustaining farms in the canopy of the forest or where they live. This is the power of nature, it can be reproduced anywhere. Very dry terrains would need to be revitalized to be able to resist climate crises. Forests stabilize the climate, purify water streams, provide the materials for many industries, house biodiversity, produce seeds which can be the main food source. Seeds are fundamental for all life.
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