United Tree-Force Will Re-Terraform The Earth As The Most Eco-Friendly, Self-Regenerative and Green In The Universe Skip to main content

United Tree-Force Will Re-Terraform The Earth As The Most Eco-Friendly, Self-Regenerative and Green In The Universe


 United Tre United Tree-Force Will Re-Terraform The Earth As The Most Eco-Friendly, Self-Regenerative and 

Green In The Universe =D

 Hello There !! Times are tough all around the world. We need to find new ways to restore the planet to its most pristine and endurable condition. People are awakening worldwide, the recent pandemic shook the civilization. Nothing that people do is sustainable as in business or lifestyle. Humanity is being called by nature to evolve and start living in tune with all living beings. Pernicious habits, diets, beliefs, products, and productions should be amended for the sake of the planet and all life that exists here. These are critical times, the planet has entered a new era in its evolution. Humans were genetically designed to be the saviors of Planet Earth which is a glorious living system. Industrial consumption has exhausted natural resources and generated a tremendous amount of greenhouse gases also waste and pollution. The human population is required to go back to living in harmony with nature and all living beings before they destroy the planet. Planet Earth is certainly in serious jeopardy. Natural disasters and pollution illustrate the plight the planet is in. It may get worse and worse every year if the entire human population doesn’t act upon recovering nature and the future of human civilization. Human civilization has been damaging and exhausting the planet’s natural riches and living habitats for decades. Most of the world may wind up infertile and toxic due to climate change, contamination. Wildfires have been occurring all across the world displaying climate change and industrial devastation’s effects on the environment and forests. The largest forests are the most diverse and rich ecosystems of this planet, destroying them would fuel climate change even more. The Earth has a natural system that can regenerate itself in a short period of time without human interference. Lockdowns proved that carbon emissions and pollution have decreased significantly while there was less motion all over the world. Human society should start doing the rights things to restore their planet, put an end to climate change, pollution, and environmental decay. Pandemic was just a warning for the human race for them to change their way of thinking that’s destructive for the planet in general. A lot of people started planting trees to save the world and forests but this isn’t enough to halt global warming and coming catastrophes. Though planting trees is a great thing to do for anyone, we need to find new ways, plan cleverly to make the big change. Nothing in the world is sustainable except nature and that’s in danger. All life and all human beings rely on nature’s recycling resources to survive and evolve. Nature is the most evolved entity enclosing Planet Earth and we must learn from its sustainable circle of life to sustain our newly developing civilization. Trees and plants are the greatest assets that humans will use forever. Instead of destroying them, we can cultivate plenty of them to revitalize harmful industries. People need more energy than other organisms because they’re the most intelligent species on this planet. Fossil fuel-based energy generation can be reformed to clear the path to clean energy sources and some of these are plant-based. Plants can be a very sustainable method of energy generation, simple plants like algae can replace fossil-fuels easily. Plant-based fuels still burn and emit carbon dioxide, hence we need cleaner energy production systems like solar energy which mimics plant leaves. Mimicking nature and its energy generation process can unlock new ways to sustainably supply the energy needs of human society. New inventions circulate at a rapid rate across the world. Photosynthesis is the most wonderful process of generating energy and food by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air. This amazing process can be replicated technologically and mechanically to produce energy, feed, and materials out of thin air. In the future, a lot of things will be 3d printed. Think about a machine that can absorb Co2, water from the air and turn them into pretty much anything that people need. Innovation is critical to converting human civilization into a very sustainable and eco-friendly global community. The plundering of resources that make up nature will harm humans in return. Everything that people do make, consume affects the environment each and every day. Although the awareness about the climate and environment is growing, we still need a lot of work to transform all nations into self-regenerative, carbon-negative ecospheres. Various nations have been emitting the most greenhouse gases and guzzling nature and minerals relentlessly. The globalist and capitalist economic system has made many corporations rich and powerful but it also depleted the planet severely. Money, power, riches, nothing will matter in a depleted planet going through mass extinctions, extreme scarcity. All of the destructive and polluting industries should be abandoned and corporations should be mandated to go green, carbon-negative, and emission-free. Viable forest productions can supersede current detrimental industries smoothly. Everyone is responsible for the environment and the planet they live on. All life and every place are interconnected to each other in every aspect. People should recognize their connection to the natural environment so they can live and work in conformity. It’s up to people of the world to protect and preserve the planet and all life native to Planet Earth. Going green is the best thing you can do. Green is the color of nature because photosynthesis is performed by plant life comprising chlorophyll. Perhaps, photosynthetic plants can do anything if they’re propagated in masses. Forests can be emulated in cities and industrial productions to rectify them as sustainable and green as possible. The largest tropical rainforests were food forests planted by the natives of the past to nourish their commonwealth. Seeds from tropical rainforests can be collected and buried in other tropical zones to grow divergent forest ecosystems. Trees absorb co2, provide shade, wood, materials, seeds, fruits and so much more. Forests filter rainwater to cascade into streams, creeks, and rivers. Potentially, diverse eco-forest cities that are carbon-negative can be the best places for humans to live, work, and collaborate. Nearby perpetual forest gardening, green farming, and manufacturing can yield plentiful provisions for humans to live conveniently. Green innovation is just beginning to launch the new age of sustainability, natural harmony, and eco-regeneration. Everyone can invent the future they want to live in by utilizing nature’s renewable energy generation and diversity. Planting the right trees to produce the essential feed and materials can revise industrial output. A diversity of native trees, saplings, and seeds can be planted after cutting down forests as a wood supply. Wood will always be necessary to make many things and construct houses and buildings. There is evidence that burnt jungles have been regrowing in a short time since forests and nature have the mechanisms to regenerate themselves quickly. For this reason, they grow and expand continually ameliorating the environment that animals and other creatures share. Human civilization is supposed to evolve as a super-green force not to destroy but to revitalize the planet’s living system. Each person of the world community is in this together otherwise the planet will dry out and become uninhabitable. Anyone can grow any type of tree from the seeds in fruits and nuts. All plants and trees produce their seeds after flowering and pollination. Planting is one of the easiest things anyone can do and it’s great for the environment. Forest gardening is a method to farm inside the forest canopy without cutting any trees. Plants thrive when they’re close to each other, dropped leaves continually mulch the soil throughout the year. Once you create a rich food forest garden, it will grow and feed itself without the need for fertilizers, compost, or manure. Some people embrace agroforestry to design very abundant, heterogeneous forest gardens that produce continuously. Nature and forests are very heterogeneous and diverse and that grants them steady productivity. 

 Things are getting tougher and more complicated around the world. Life used to be easy in the past. The system is broken and it can be remedied if more people awaken and contribute to a better, greener, more fertile biosphere. Every place can be renovated as an ecological paradise so people can live healthier, more peaceful, and fulfilled. It’s not too difficult to achieve this level of advancement in human society. The planet and nature provide all the tools and expedients for people to maintain their presence and progress. Once human beings return back to a natural way of living, they’ll be able to transform their surroundings into abundant, carbon-absorbing eco-cities. Big city life isn’t favorable for the human body-mind-soul trinity. Most of the population can build new green cities thriving with green industries to kick off the global green economy. Anything can be made plant-based with little tweaks and adjustments. It’s never impossible to manufacture all of the products and commodities with plant-based materials that are biodegradable and nature-friendly. Carbon emissions have been heating up the planet increasingly. A few degrees of temperature rise can ravage food production in many regions of the world and droughts would be more widespread. Without food and water, human society would get scourged somberly, mass migrations would beget more conflicts and instability. The fertility of lands depends on a stable climate and adequate rainfall which are produced by arboreous sections in all continents. That’s why the human population and all life would get stricken if forests totally die out in a few decades. Climate change and wildfires can wipe out many species and the largest forests possibly in less than a hundred years. We definitely need a very powerful and competent reforestation army to plant more than enough trees suitable for every climate zone. Native species are more beneficial for the existing ecosystems. Planting the same tree over and over again can kill biodiversity and fertility. In order to save the forests and the environment, a great diversity of native species of trees and plant life should be positioned to benefit the human population also the variety of wildlife. You can tell from the rainforests that diversity supports the fecundity of soils and vegetation. Over the course of time, forest canopies get more packed to fertilize themselves continually. This feeds under-canopy flora and creatures crawling on the ground furthermore. Trees and plants will always be the greatest resource for mankind. They have the ability to revitalize and enrich arid terrain as well. Humans and all other organisms, as well as plants, are coexisting in a biological eco-cycle. If one species evolve as destructive to the rest, they’ll eventually go extinct. Nature’s laws are universal, intelligence won’t surmount nature and its fragile habitats. No intelligent species would destroy their home planet. Perhaps, we must start building interconnected forests cities powered by clean energies since concrete jungles congested with people and gas cars aren’t safe for the environment. Canopy layers of large rainforests and forest gardens can be incorporated into urban areas to decrease their carbon emanations and present refreshment. We need to invent new systems to convert highly populated, industrial cities into ecological, carbon-absorbing havens. Building new green cities powered by clean energies and green industries can curb climate change, pollution, and leap civilization onto its next stage in development. Green city designs and planning are improving in developed nations. Green buildings with garden rooftops, solar panels, rainwater collection, green terraces are popping up in the world’s famous cities. People want to live in green ambiances with clean air sterilized from viruses, air pollution, and contamination. Most of the world realized that the way they live and work wasn’t beneficial for the planet they live on. There will be more catastrophes and pandemics if they continue with old habits, customs, traditions. Everyone is required to be more innovative to be able to secure their future and the well-being of Planet Earth. Time is running out faster than ever, some analysts caution that the decline is probably irremediable at this point. People believed that consuming more, using more, wasting was the best thing to do in life. This consumer mindset only gives short-term satisfaction, not much else. The best thing to do is to protect and enhance the natural environment for the benefit of the whole. Biodiversity is critical to the productivity and resilience of forests, farmlands, and ecosystems. A tropical rainforest like the Amazon consists of a greater level of biodiversity that perpetuates its growth and livelihood. For this reason, permaculture methods of farming and homesteading are very successful and productive. Perhaps, the Earth can be re-terraformed with green cities, green industries, new forests, clean energies, plant-based technologies, and innovation before global warming and cataclysms wipe out civilization. It shouldn’t be too difficult for current industries and cities to switch to a sustainable, carbon-neutral, or negative infrastructure to reverse their carbon emissions and consumption. The analysis indicates that humans have been consuming 1.5 Earths for a few decades and this can’t go on any longer. Nature is composed of recycling organisms, decomposing organic compounds, and renewable resources to regenerate itself again and again. That’s the reason nature is surrounding the planet, trees and plants are a very big part of this. We must utilize trees and plants’ energy and material generation in all industries without harming the environment and cutting down large forests. When animals roam freely in the wild, arid landscapes mutate into grassland then woodsy after a certain period of time. Animals have the ability to reinvigorate drying fields by walking openly, they’re a big part of nature. Bees pollinate all kinds of plant species all across the world. Without bees, all life would go extinct in such a short time. Each species of nature play a role to feed the whole living system and nature exists as an interwoven structure. Therefore, any fluctuation impairs other parts of the network. No nation is completely resistant to natural disasters, warming, droughts, or dearths. Even the most developed and technologically advanced nations have been blemished by deforestation, desertification, floods, storms, and severe droughts. Apparently, disastrous events will intensify each year. Building the most biodiverse, green, eco-rich economic and societal system may be the only way to an extremely resilient, cooperative, and progressive future in order to overcome the current and consequential complications. Biodiversity and forest ecosystems can be transplanted in urban and suburban areas for them to reach eco-friendliness goals and become carbon-soaking sectors. Over-industrialization has been ravaging the natural environment, forests, and natural resources that human society relies upon for basic supplies. A lot of nations are attempting to ratify new green deals to reach net-zero and carbon-neutrality goals also to endorse renewables and green innovation. It seems like this can be the age of green or the age of cataclysms. There is a reason, nature is green and vivid. Tones of vivid greens signify photosynthesis and vitality. Hopefully, there will be new inventions to generate energy and matter from artificial photosynthesis since natural photosynthesis is still slow and its harvests are only seasonal. We need rapid energy generation and tangible output to supply the needs of the ever-growing population that wants more and more of everything. Although there is no end to consumption and expenditures, a minimalist and natural lifestyle can be more fulfilling for the mind and soul. Every person is waiting for a higher purpose in their lives so they can contribute miscellaneous gifts to the world community. Cultivating plants and trees can be one of the best things to do to pursue a gratifying lifetime. Some people created very dynamically abundant plantations with agroforestry practices not far from the Amazon and big cities. They constantly collected multifarious seeds, seedlings, and saplings to transplant them to their farmstead. 

 All of the world’s cities that most of the population reside in can become a productive forest similar to the Amazon or a forest garden. People want to breathe fresh air with no contagions. Once cities become prolific forest gardens filled with green buildings, clean energies, and healthy markets, carbon emissions will invert and cities will start absorbing carbon. People will walk, bike, and drive electric or hydrogen fuel cell cars, take public transit to overturn their personal carbon emissions. A lot of nations are trying to go as green as possible after the pandemic that crashed the economy. Staying at home all day isn’t much fun, living a green, eco-friendly life that’s pleasant for the planet and all living beings will be the standard from now on. There are still so many products, services, and expenditures that are immensely harmful to the planet in general. Most of the planet could be a fruitful forest garden rather than drying out and turning into a toxic arena. Apparently, nothing that people do, make, want, consume, and work for is sustainable and beneficial to their ambiance. Not much changes when you go to a different city or country, life is pretty much the same. People do the same things, work the same jobs, make, buy the same things. Unfortunately, discrepancies in language, customs, beliefs, ethnicities, and the rest kindled so many conflicts in the past. Perhaps, it was all caused by a misunderstanding of each other. Now humanity is required to unite as one super-green force to reclaim their planet, their freedom, and the future of all living beings. Things have changed very quickly and environmental awareness is rising faster than in the past. The largest empires of the ancient past have all gone defunct because they were destructive to their environment. They consumed and polluted their surroundings increasingly, plagues, floods, acts of nature wiped them out. Building the tallest structure as high as the sky won’t get anyone nominated with something substantial. Building tall and bigger structures use up more materials that emit carbon also drain mineral deposits. Natural deposits should be conserved like natural landscapes because humans will live on this planet for thousands of years. Economic growth and expansion have been disastrous. Presumably, building new forest cities, eco-villages, green industries can rehabilitate civilization that’s in danger as much as the planet and nature. Consuming the world will not take us anywhere, we can simulate nature’s sustainable production designs in every industry, business, and human endeavor to revitalize the economy and reverse increasing temperatures. Forests consist of canopy layers, green buildings can be the top layer, the second layer is tall trees for shade and cooling, 3rd is normal-sized plants and trees adorning urban areas in a compact style. Urban-foresting is a great idea to remodel concrete jungles. Of course, many buildings may have to be demolished to turn into park space or retrofitted as biophilic edifices covered with moss walls and garden rooftops. Carbon-negativity should be the norm in all nations to be able to tackle climate change worldwide. Each person can revoke their carbon discharge, waste, and forest reduction by adopting a plant-based, vegan diet and lifestyle, making the right choices in product purchases, and investing in environmental projects also installing clean energy into their households. There are so many ways to go eco-friendly so you can always share your discoveries for others to follow. Any information and good projects circulate all across the world rapidly through the internet and social media. Try to always support local farmers, new eco-friendly, biodegradable products, and environmentally-friendly businesses online. Eventually, fossil-fuels that emit the most greenhouse gases will be superseded by clean energy sources, plant-based, sustainable productions. Plant-based innovation is exhilarating because it’s inventing new planet-safe, emission-free, biodegradable, compostable product lines, and undertakings with no harm to animals and the environment. This is a great start that can reset civilization and lead it in the right direction from now on. Plants can do pretty much anything, we must study them more to be innovative in every field of business. Colonization of Mars and space is beginning now but the Earth is being destroyed during this time. It’s foolish to try to colonize and terraform other worlds while Planet Earth is burning down. We’re supposed to protect and preserve the largest rainforests and other large forests also plant more of them in and around the cities. Industrial expenditures and capitalism only made some elites rich, not the masses. Eventually, the planet will deplete if it goes on like this, money, riches, power won’t make sense in a depleted world. Mass water and food shortages will hurt the masses painfully. There may be less than a few decades to revert global warming and cool the planet down below fatal temperatures. Lockdowns revealed that nature can heal quickly, emissions were dropped substantially. Now they’re back to their previous extent. Instead of wasting so much time and money on things that don’t matter, each person can concentrate on a planet-friendly lifestyle and go completely green. Going green is becoming very popular among many nations and on media platforms. Green, environmental news is flourishing even during this unsteady period. Eco-friendliness starts with individuals, it’s up to each person and household to adapt to the needs of the environment and revise their usage and waste. Businesses, administrations, corporations can’t do all the work to save the environment and curb climate crises. Everything that people do affects the environment and the planet critically. Most of the products are made with and packaged in plastics that are dumped after a single or a few uses. Plastics are made of oil derivatives, yet they could be made of plant-based elements for them to be compostable and biodegradable. Any type of product can be manufactured with plant-based elements without harming the environment. The polyculture method of reforestation and farming is exceptional for the soils and naturally arable ecosystems. Biodiversity enhances the soil and fertility as well as the resiliency of ecospheres. The more diverse a region is, the more naturally productive it will be. The Earth is going through mass extinction events and it might be re-terraformed and refreshed with competent green projects and innovation. Technological productions still exhaust the natural system and generate so much unrecycled debris. Technically, technologies will shift to plant-based, green blueprints to become environmentally-safe and sustainable. Nature is the most evolved entity, it’s more advanced than human civilization and its technologies. Nature will incrementally swallow technologies and the whole civilization then everything will function as a component of nature. Perhaps, plant-based societies are way more advanced and sustainable than technological ones that eventually deplete their world. We’re experiencing this presently and this is a great lesson plus an opportunity for humans to change their self-destructiveness. The Earth can be re-terraformed as a lush, biophilic utopia where people live in harmony with each other and with nature. All energy sources are clean, the biosphere is as green, immaculate as possible. Seeds, plants, trees, green technologies can revive dying cities and businesses in a short time. That’s how nature works. It has the power to give life back to any organism. Biophilic buildings and city designs can rejuvenate polluted, congested, grey metropolises filled with concrete and toxicity. Civilization should be remodeled as greenest and as renewable as possible before climate change devastates present efficiency. A pandemic has crashed the economy in a few months, imagine what can happen when the planet heats up furthermore. What are the most stable zones on the planet? They’re the forest, thereby we can turn the world into a prolific forest garden to sustain human civilization into eternity. Seeds are everywhere, clean energy will boost and expand. People can make a difference and create a pollution-free, carbon-negative, naturally-profuse societal system. 

 Humanity should unite as a super-green force and forget the contrasts that divide them. Divided nations have been conquered in the past. Human society can join forces to be as competent and efficient as possible in order to overcome cataclysmic events and recover the Earth. Calamities like planetary warming have the capability to wipe out the entire planet and mark many species as extinct. Dinosaurs were possibly very destructive over their environment and they went extinct with a blast. Asteroid impacts may not eliminate mankind but natural disasters can. The fertility of many regions are dwindling at a rapid pace, driest places aren’t able to produce food anymore. The right type of plants and trees can regenerate dying, dry tracts of continents. Coastal areas will get flooded and submerge eventually and most of the population live near the oceans. Mangrove trees can cushion coastal sections from flooding. Apparently, there is a type of tree, plant, flora for everything, practically for every complication. For this reason, people of the world should plant as much as they can as a part-time or full-time liability. They ought to clear up their waste and carbon emissions to fight climate crises personally as well. Everything is connected in the corporeal world enclosed by nature. Plantlife enroots into the soil, mycelium transmits nutrients underground, consequently, the soil gets improved for it to nurture many species and lifeforms. Eco-friendly applications are planned to enhance the diversity and liveliness of the environment, soils, and natural ecosystems so productions can rely on them sustainably. Otherwise, industrial endeavors misuse and exhaust natural materials derived from these ecosystems. Rich forest ecosystems are the most sustainable places in the world so people could duplicate them to maintain large communities. Very durable, environmentally-friendly buildings and houses can be made from wood and bamboo. Bamboo is a very versatile plant that grows faster than standard trees. It can replace wood and other construction, manufacturing materials. There are companies that make paper products from bamboo without cutting down trees. Ancient Egyptians have grown papyrus as paper to write and many other uses. Papyrus is a plant that grows near wetlands and rivers. Plant-based innovation will never cease. Almost anything can be made from plants without harming the environment. Plants, trees also sequester carbon in the ground. Many components of technologies can be procured from plants, plant-based elements, that way metals mined through large-scale excavation can be ditched from technological manufacturing. Plants like bamboo can be more durable and flexible than anything. We need more scientists working in labs to invent new plant-based and green breakthroughs and energy sources. Everything is energy and it only changes form. Human beings should evolve as a constituent of nature, not the masters. Relax, meditate, and feel the oneness through breathing exercises then you’ll feel your connection to all that exists around you. The capitalist economic system is destructive for the planet, hereby a super-green economic system can innovate the future also redeem the burning globe. Possibly, artificial photosynthesis similar to photovoltaics can generate more than enough energy, form essential nutrients. 3d printers will construct buildings, houses, they will print food items, clothing and so much more before long. Think about a machine that can produce matter with artificial photosynthesis then turn it into anything. This can be a reality one day. Green innovation is still at its baby steps. Human civilization is newly developing, they need to recover and safeguard their planet first to have the chance to progress gradually. Expeditiously economic and industrial growth and expansion have been destroying the planet and natural resources exponentially. The economy and civilization have to slow down and start progressing incrementally. A green economy can be the best thing for the planet and equilibrium but it will still consume remaining deposits and materials derived from nature. Oil-based energy generation and economic systems emit the most greenhouse gases and warming up the planet. Plastics are made of oil derivatives as well and they pollute the oceans, landfills, seep into tap, and filtered water that people use and drink. We need plant-based, biodegradable alternatives to all types of plastics for them to be as eco-friendly as possible. A lot of countries are attempting to go as green as they can after the pandemic, climate change caused deforestation, natural phenomena. Planting trees is a great thing to do for anyone and any organization. Some people assert that planting trillions of trees can reverse climate change and turn the world into a global rainforest with immense biodiversity and efficient yield. Everyone would want to live near or in a forest garden or a rainforest type of setting where you have everything you need, some technology, convenience, things to do, internet, power and so on. This can be achieved globally with interconnected green city designs constantly evolving, generating clean energy, expanding as a multiform forest where people can live in tune with nature and all living beings. The companies, corporations that rule the economy and make the most profits will still be successful if they switch to plant-based, environmentally-friendly, and naturally carbon-negative frameworks. Plant-based, green innovation, products, and services have a profit margin than their counterparts. An item made of plants costs only 5 cents to make whereas meat, dairy, and other products cost so much more to make also they cause such cruelty and suffering for animals as well as the environment. Anything vegan, plant-based, and eco-friendly are way more profitable compared to its rivals in the market. Eventually, everything that people consume, make, produce, buy will be obliged to be tailored for the environment and the well-being of all sentient beings. The negative effects of global warming, pandemic, environmental degradation proved this. People want to change for the wellness of the only planet they have and they will have regardless of what year it is. We need global solutions and action, everyone is in this together. Everyone is amidst mass extinction events, disasters, flooding, severe storms, and a heating climate. Nothing is ever going to be the same again, the planet has entered a new era in its evolution. Human species have been genetically designed to be green saviors, gardeners, cultivators of Planet Earth, yet all of the resources have been diminishing at an increasing rate. Though anything green can revitalize the planet, natural resources, extinct species, and burnt forests will never come back. 



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