Howdy, what’s popping? A lot of people are waking up from a long sleep to perceive the world’s events in a different sense. Things have changed quite abruptly during the pandemic. Nobody knew that a virus could alter the planet and society at a rapid pace. Green means photosynthesis and it’s the foundation of all life on Earth and probably elsewhere in varying forms. The Earth is definitely a magnificent planet thriving with life but it’s being ravaged by the human species. There is little time to reverse the carbon emissions, pollution, and destruction caused by industrial society. In a few decades, it may be impossible to deal with climate change and other negative events. This will generate more and exacerbated catastrophes like food, water shortages, global chaos, instability, and strife over remaining supplies. Going vegan and green can be the new beginning for humanity and we can overcome the major problems with cooperation and unity. You wouldn’t want to live on a depleted or completely drained planet, life would be very harsh and savage at that time. It may be so savage and scary that people may start eating each other because of global droughts and famine. The future isn’t so bright. Unfortunately, it’s coming soon. The planet is going through changes, each year is hotter than before. Deforestation and desertification are increasing. Climate change alone will reduce freshwater reserves and soil farmable lands severely. In the near future, there won’t be enough food or water for the growing population worldwide. Even the most developed or richest nations will struggle or collapse under natural disasters, scarcity, conflicts, sea-level rise, corruption. There may be a pole shift during the next hundred years to create more calamities in a dying world. It’s apparent that the planet is being destroyed by its native inhabitants called humans. Humans should change all of their behavior, habits, tendencies, beliefs, dietary, and product choices that aren’t environmentally-friendly. Everyone depends on the environment to survive no matter where they reside on Earth. Air pollution levels have been overly cataclysmic in the world’s largest cities. This indicates that the more people are congested in an area, the more pollution, and contamination will be. For example, factory farms where the animals are crammed in the smallest cages produce the most viruses and diseases that spread as epidemics or pandemics. The recent pandemic is the demonstration of this. Animals should be living in large open spaces or the largest forests freely. Humans can plant and grow more of Plantae to enrich the ecosystems and soak up the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in larger landscapes, not in congested cities. Buildings and roads make up most of the world’s cities. Products and foods are still produced and manufactured in industrial zones and farms nearby the cities. Obviously, this type of living isn’t sustainable for human society. Cities and industrial zones that supply them emit the most greenhouse gases also overuse the limited and fragile natural resources. Natural resources are all renewable in essence but industrial methods have been exhausting them increasingly. We must readjust and rectify the industrial designs of production and manufacturing for them to become extremely sustainable, environmentally-friendly, green, and carbon-negative. Carbon is the main element on Earth but too much of it winds up in the atmosphere to heat the biosphere to a greater extent. If the planet gets too hot, the imbalance can destroy all of the food productions, water sources, and devastate all nations. There is still some time until the major catastrophes start hitting back to back but this is the best time to make the switch towards green, sustainable living, and productions worldwide. 


 The greenest and most self-sustaining civilization can be achieved through conversion to a perfectly green and plant-based blossoming of all types of business and consumerism. It will be mandated to make the switch to sustainable, renewable fabrications henceforward. Most of the people and most industries still function with very unsustainable methods and the world’s finite resources are being plundered. There will be nothing left in the near future and there are only a few decades left. This isn’t much time to veer towards ultimate sustainability and environmental resource friendliness. The Earth inherently accommodates with regenerative blossoming to power all fields of business with ultimate renewable materials and deposits. Despite the destructiveness of this type of society, humans can easily divert from unsustainable and detrimental mindsets and dependence to protect and preserve nature and all its natural wealth. Biomimicry can be applied to all kinds of businesses and households for them to transform themselves into carbon-negative and green. Going fully green and ecological begins with individual households anywhere in the world. Once most of the population convert to green, plant-based, carbon-negative, and pollution-free, corporations and the global economy will reasonably act in accordance with consumers. The global economy supplies the demand system that worked for decades but it’s been using up what the planet offers. People are accustomed to wanting more and having more to feed the economy and industrial mass-manufacturing system built to make ever-increasing profits. Unfortunately, this won’t be a working pattern much longer. Natural disasters, contamination, toxicity are the signs that society isn’t viable for the planet and its natural living systems. Planting trees is one of the best things to do for the environment but most reforestation and tree plantations are monoculture which is harmful to ecosystems, forests, and biodiversity. Nature, ecosystems, forests, biodiversity all thrive of a variety of species existing harmoniously. Some species can be invasive but others can prevent that. Food bearing plants and trees are definitely the life-giving organisms of our planet and probably other planetary systems. Nature consists of mostly photosynthetic flora dispensing the nutrients to all other living species including humans. It’s not sustainable to keep animals for meat and dairy while there is a great diversity of plant life that can feed and nurture all of humanity and animals without any cruelty. A green economy beyond all of the cruel, barbaric, destructive practices of human society will reshape the natural system encompassing the civilized structure and progress with renewable, bountiful discoveries. Planting trees, gardening, sustainable farming can be very beneficial for the environment. Some nations already started planting millions of trees, converting deserts into productive fields, building green cities powered by renewables only. The future is here, green will be the color of the future because it’s the main pigment of nature. Green is the only color reflected by plants because it’s the highest energy out of all. They reflect it to conserve energy and balance their photosynthetic existence. Hopefully, we will turn barren worlds like Mars into the greenest, most productive spheres similar to Earth. Perhaps, the moon will shine green at night since it may be covered with green algae to produce oxygen needed by established colonies and operations. Digging underground caverns systems for new colonies to live with oxygen, food, and power generating technologies may be more feasible than settling on the surface. There are very eco-rich caverns on Earth with their own biosphere and flora and they can be copied as an archetype in other planets underground. It would be easier to terraform a large cavern than terraforming an entire deserted world. 

 Humans can re-terraform the Earth to reverse climate change and halt all approaching catastrophic events. There is a tremendous amount of congested carbon in the atmosphere and in polluted areas. Re-terraformation of the Earth is critical to overcoming most of the adversities. Forests can provide most of the necessities to the growing population. The industrial era has boomed the global population but it also overused and exhausted the natural environment. Each person is supposed to go fully green, plant-based, plant all they can in their surroundings also work on planetary clean-up and environmental projects. Animals are part of nature and they enrich biodiversity that augments nature’s renewable cycle. Humans will live on this planet for thousands of years, there is no need to deplete and destroy the planet in a few decades. It’s apparent most biodiverse and productive forests can be grown anywhere if people engage in them. They can be implemented where people reside in and around the world’s cities. Large cities and most industrial areas are the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases, they cause most pollution and contamination. Humans should build small green, eco-friendly cities and villages for them to produce the least amount of pollution and waste. Anything can be made plant-based and biodegradable so there is never a need to dump single-use plastics all over the world. In these modern times, power generation can be converted to absolutely renewable and environmentally-friendly with lesser investment and effort. A lot of people are leaving the largest cities because they’re more chaotic, expensive, and filthy than small, green, thriving small cities and villages. Some people move to rural areas and start self-sufficient homesteads and farms with permaculture designs. No matter where you are, even if you’re far away from people, you can live comfortably if you cultivate nature’s practicable production mechanisms. All industries will be obliged to switch to fully renewable and pollution-free by mimicking sustainable green growth. Excess carbon can be sequestered into soil and plant life if people can plant new Amazon-like forests of abundance and diversity in every place excessively. Whenever we see a green, vegan, ecological product, or business, we support it right away. It’s utterly gratifying to bolster eco-friendly, vegan, cruelty-free products and businesses. It’s more satisfying to contribute to planetary protection and conservancy including all forests, animals, oceans, and species. One of the best things you can do to restore the world is cultivating the greenest, biodiverse jungles with abundance and beauty. You can grow all you need for free, seeds can be collected or saved from anywhere. Any type of plants and trees can be implanted into existing woodlands and forests as in the agroforestry approach to green growth and production. Some people have great success with forest farming in most forested areas of the world where there is little sunlight shimmering through tree canopies. Many species don’t require much sunlight or fertilizers. Soils in woodsy areas are suitable for no-till planting and farming. Forests regenerate and nurture themselves, leaves fall, animals eat the weeds and compost. This is a continual cycle promoting more productive growth and expansion without any human interference. Nature has been growing and evolving by itself for millions of years before humans have appeared. All species assist the natural living environment in every region of the planet except humans. Humans were very naturally living beings in the past then the modern man has emerged and colonized the globe. Advancements are good for people but not for the environment. Hopefully, all technologies can be adjusted to become environmentally-safe with the help of green movements and innovation. 

 The increase of diversity in contrary to monoculture will produce more abundantly and improve the soil continuously. The largest tropical rainforest the Amazon is the greatest example of biodiversity and fertility. It was planted by people over the course of many years and humans should start duplicating this magnificent living system enclosing half of South America. A lot of nations are attempting to plant millions of trees but they mostly plant the same types of trees over and over. Reforestation as in agroforestry and permaculture is the best method for increasing productivity and yield. Humans can transform the entire world into a heavenly garden to live harmoniously and comfortably. Self-sufficiency is critical to overcoming the coming cataclysms since the planet has been impaired seriously by industrial civilization. A natural civilization that protects and utilizes nature and forests’ renewable concepts to supply their needs will be able to endure. The unsustainable nations and places will end up uninhabitable in less than a hundred years and this will affect the entire world. Colonizing space or Mars won’t solve all of the problems nor counter scarcity and catastrophic events that may devastate most of the planet in a short time. People of the world should get ready like ‘the day after tomorrow’ scenario. It seems like ‘the independence day’ has been occurring behind the scenes and it’s been kept secret from the public. This pandemic may be the beginning of an age of ever-increasing upheaval and convulsion unlike nothing of the past. The largest empires have been wiped out by plagues, floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, and the like. The civilization has evolved as a global empire but that doesn’t mean it’s safeguarded from anticipated disastrous events, climate change, and dearth. There are prophecies to warn humanity about coming planetary changes and alien invasions that may weaken and overtake the human population. A lot of prognosticators have predicted the time of debacle during the 2000s and many of these events are transpiring more and more. According to scientists, there isn’t much time to avert climate and environmental changes. The planet is already destabilized at the hand of human society and industrial expenditures. Most of the products and aspirations are unnecessary and most industries are totally unsustainable, they only generate increasing pollution. The carbon economy that made many corporations extremely rich and powerful must be renewed to a green and pollution-free economy before it’s too late. Everything depends on the natural environment and its resources. All corporations and industries use natural resources to sustain their operations. In the near future, money, economy, wealth, and all other numerical accounts won’t matter because natural resources will deplete and there will be extreme shortfalls. The planet and the natural environment have limits to sustain production and consumption. The global population has almost reached 8 billion which may be way over the boundaries for a self-sustaining civilization. A big part of the population is living in poverty but they still harm the environment. Only a global green, carbon-negative economy can restore the planet and prompt society in the right direction for the times to come. Every part of the world affects the whole living system. For instance, the rising demand for meat has caused Amazon fires and deforestation in many regions of the world. A plant-based, vegan, and eco-friendly society would protect its forests, animals, and all life that exists here. A protective, environmentally-safe and completely green economy should be compulsory and it’s supposed to be enforced by all nations to blossom into the future as a cooperative and progressive civilization. Human society has been developing very fast but they didn’t appraise the impact on the planet and its fragile assets. Diversity is required to be implemented in every field of business, community, and ecological projects. The more diverse nature and the ecosphere are, the more productive and regenerative they will grow. 

 Plants and trees are the most supportive organisms of our world, probably many other worlds. They can produce anything, anywhere. Even the colonies and astronauts in space rely on plants to feed themselves. You may not be able to find toilet paper in space but you can garner leaves of plants grown with aquaponics or aeroponics methods to do the task. Hoarding and wasting paper products cause deforestation but using leaves and tissue made from stalk for cleaning and other applications would be environmentally-friendly. Paper can be made from the papyrus plant without cutting down trees as well. There are so many environmentally-safe alternatives to paper products and even plastics. There won’t be any forests if people cut and burn them at this rate, the planet will also turn into a plastic pile if people can’t substitute plastics with plant-based or biodegradable alternatives. A lot of types of packaging can be made with bamboo and bamboo is one of the fastest-growing plants. Hence, the renewability of all industrial products and materials will be significant to revert environmental depletion and global warming. Renewable resources produce less carbon and most of them can sequester carbon as well. Photosynthesis is the foundation of life on Earth, people can apply photosynthesis into all productions easily. Nobody would lose anything out of switching to photosynthetic renewability and sustainability as of now. Some people believe going green or discarding certain products and services would break the economy but that’s not accurate. In a depleted world, there won’t be any economy, rich people, any business and corporation nor any industries. Everyone even the richest and most powerful people of the past will struggle to survive each and every day, many will fuss about why society didn’t shift to green and environmentally-friendly a few decades ago. The money made, the profits will be ineffective once the planet is entirely despoiled. Then, let’s do whatever it takes to save the planet and invest in the greenest, cleanest, self-enriching, biodiverse civilization powered by green growth and renewables to begin terraforming new green worlds now. The clock is ticking faster. Nature’s green growth is definitely the most versatile, imperishable treasure that can reinvigorate and energize every facet of human civilization. In the future, all of the world’s cities and commerce will be forced to utilize the multifariousness of plant life in order to maintain the population. All cities will be sheltered under the canopy of prolific forest systems interconnected to each other worldwide. The whole world will turn into a spheric Amazon-like vivid outgrowth reaching to other planets like Mars. Earth’s nature wants to expand to many other planets and revive them with a plethora of flora and fauna coexisting gracefully. Human civilization may be destined to create new Earth-like worlds by protecting and enhancing natural productions.



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