Plant-Based Technologies and Projects Can Re-Terraform The Planet As Very Advanced, Sustainable and Green =D
Plant-Based Technologies and Projects Can Re-Terraform The Planet As Very Advanced, Sustainable and Green =D
Greetings, a lot of people are afraid of the future. The planet is burning down. Nobody knows what to do about it anymore. Some nations were undertaking vital green projects and plant-based movements but they didn’t consummate as surmised. Now the planet is going through natural disasters that are intensifying each year. The entire human population is responsible for this, you can’t blame leaders or companies for all the damage. Everyone has been consuming and polluting the planet in some way or another. Even food choices and consumer products affect the environment and the planet’s balance in general. More and more people have been consuming limited and fragile resources derived from nature with the expansion of industrialization and trade. We definitely need to find radical solutions to the real problems of the world. All conflicts, competition, reckless behaviors must cease before all nations get devastated by imminent cataclysmic events. Droughts in one region generate other issues in other regions of many continents. Humans are a global society, everything is connected to each other in every way possible. The dry sub-Sahara region has been producing the largest hurricanes ever recorded. You can track each natural disaster to a particular zone that’s imbalanced. This is the reason all policies and campaigns have to be conducted worldwide. Plant-based movements have been the most influential and effective of our time. Veganism has saved so many animals, it’s also one of the best things to do for the environment and the planet. Plant-based diets, lifestyles still generate waste but a lot less than carnivorous ones. Pollution levels of the world have been ever-increasing and climate change has been producing more intensified disasters and instability. Drier places will get more dried out or get flooded so it’s best to leave them. Migration may be one of the biggest problems if climate change and environmental degradation happen to be more calamitous than now. Satellites have photographed the largest lakes and they’re shrinking in size. Freshwater reservoirs, mineral deposits, forests, and all-natural resources are diminishing at an increasing rate. Plant-based products are better for the environment because they’re made of renewable materials from nature. Eco-friendliness requires a lot more dedication and effort than plundering it all to make profits. Everything has to become somehow environment and earth-friendly in most ways. There are so many products in the global markets and most of them aren’t needed. Almost all products are packaged in plastics that are thrown out right away. It’s apparent that nothing that human society has produced is sustainable and that must change to restore the planet. Since nature is mostly made of plant life, plant-based can be more sustainable than other labels. We must think about our impact on natural resources that humans rely on to survive. Destroying the planet and exhausting the necessary reserves in a few decades will provoke a poverty-stricken world unlike anything in the past. There is still a little time to protect the planet and preserve natural and mineral deposits that will supply human society for thousands of years. Nothing is ever going to be completely renewable. Renewable energies and technologies degrade over time leaving toxic waste. Most of the things aren’t ever recycled, even the materials that are recyclable. Human civilization has been consuming, using, wasting more and more because of capitalism and population growth. Having a lot of things is only good for short-term happiness, it will never fulfill anyone for the long-term. Minimalism is better for the human body-mind-soul trinity. Everyone will be obliged to have and use less than before to be able to refresh the planet and rescue all living beings. Nature is ultimately self-generating without human interference. Humans are still part of nature and they can live in harmony with its life-balance. Capitalism has been destructive for the planet therefore plant-based and green economic systems can be more Earth-friendly and gentle to all sentient beings. If more species go extinct, the next ones will be the humans. A virus has spread all over the world in such a short time threatening the lives of billions of people. Humans are very vulnerable to plagues and other disasters. Very large ancient empires have been wiped out by dint of plagues, floods, earthquakes, diseases, famines, droughts, so on. Modern capitalism society has prevailed the Earth unlike the past and it’s getting stricken by the damage they’ve caused over their natural lands. Humans have only one world and it’s possibly one of the most beautiful and lively in the universe.
Nature is the most intelligent entity covering the surface of the Earth. It works perfectly and it’s self-regenerative. Perhaps, in the future with great dedication and research, new technologies and breakthroughs can be made with plant-based materials without harming the environment. Plant-based innovation has been very popular and plant-based products started dominating the store shelves and the global market. People want natural things and products for them to use. Anything eco-friendly sells more than its counterparts. People want to do good for the world but they don’t know how to. That’s where the innovation comes in. There are many bright individuals in the world now, more than in the past. Although the planet is overpopulated, humans have a better chance to create a more sustainable future for themselves and other beings. Green movements have been revolutionary all over the world. Best ideas, gadgets, and products circulate across the world at high speed. Plant-based and green innovation will be circularized for them to prevail and make a difference. Great change is needed for the survival of human civilization. Old habits, customs, diets, productions, way of living must be abandoned to give the opportunity for more effective ones. A lot of people asserted that they went vegan, plant-based, waste-free, minimalist, more ecological, and so on during the last decade and that’s a good move on the right path. The planet has been depleting and getting more polluted each year. This will continue unless all nations withdraw from destructive industries and follow the ecological journey. The economy will be alright, a lot of companies and authorities are worried about the economy too much that they can’t take action about the real issues of our time. A green, plant-based, environment-safe economy will benefit the whole living system. Billions of animals are being slaughtered each year and it’s the number one cause of deforestation in the Amazon and other parts of the world. Wildfires may be ignited by the meat industry itself to clear land for farming. In order to become an advanced and sustainable society, destructive, cruel industries are supposed to be renounced. There isn’t much time to recover the planet that’s in grave danger. Continuing like a locust swarm will make things a lot worse. Everyone can adopt a green, plant-based lifestyle for their household and reduce their carbon and waste discharge. Seaweed can be propagated and farmed in coastal areas where it’s not possible to plant trees and go carbon-neutral. Most of the carbon dioxide is still being inhaled by the sea plants and cyanobacteria. It’s not just trees, green landscapes, and forests that do the work. Sea levels will gradually rise and coastal areas will sink so it’s a good idea to grow and farm seaweed as a food source and as a way to mitigate climate change. Types of seaweed are tasty and very versatile. They have so many uses in many industries. Algae will be a great resource in the future, it’s multi-purpose and it can even power bioreactors that can absorb a large amount of CO2. Climate change is one of the biggest threats but there’s much more than that. Forest coverage is shrinking each year. Pollution is a very big threat to the health of all living beings. Plastic patch in oceans is still growing exponentially. There will be more plastics in the oceans than fish and microplastics are contaminating the food and water sources of the globe. Estimation indicates that most people consume a spoonful of plastics every week and this will cause more health problems for every human being regardless of their age and condition. Plastics, not just single-use ones shall be banned worldwide. Whoever invented modern plastics did a remarkable job, anyhow plastics are very dangerous for the environment. Compostable plastics can be composted only in industrial facilities, and tons of them end up in landfills. Biodegradable and compostable plastics can’t be degraded by consumers. They undermine the environment as other plastics if they’re collected and degraded in industrial facilities. Hopefully, plastics will be banned and cleaned up from the oceans and the face of the Earth. Plant-based materials tend to be compostable and biodegradable but not all of them are fitting to garden composting as of yet.
Plant-based vegan innovation and productions can be the new future of humanity if they’re embraced and utilized effectively. Perhaps, everything will be made in coordination with nature’s self-regeneration without harming any living beings. Bamboo paper is one of the best alternatives to traditional paper and tissues. Bamboo can be grown quicker in large volumes sustainably to replace wood, paper, construction materials, and much more. It’s probably one of the most multifaceted and multi-use plants that can do pretty much anything with accurate manufacturing. We can’t worry about the past mistakes of human society anymore, climate change and other calamities are affecting the entire world gravely. We must look and proceed forward to innovate and create a better, more sustainable, green future for mankind and all living species. Planet Earth contains a great deal of biodiversity and it must be protected, each species support natural growth in some way or another. Animals never really destroy the environment and exhaust natural resources, humans should do the same. It’s incredible to see that the most intelligent species destroy their only homeworld. This is a very dangerous route for any civilization to evolve and advance. Sustainably grown plant-based materials can supply all industries and they emit fewer greenhouse gases than fossil fuel-based fabrications. The meat industry is very harmful to the planet and sentient beings, it’s barbaric for any society to feed themselves with living, breathing animals that feel pain. Fossil fuels are polluting the planet at an increasing rate. Monoculture farming methods are spoiling the fertile soils in a few years. Economic growth and expansion are consuming the resources that must be preserved for future use because humans will live on this planet for thousands of years. Destroying and draining all that exists on a blue-green planet will force humans to go extinct in less than a hundred years. Technology won’t save the planet if there is nothing left to make stuff and feed people. Humanity should go back to their roots and start planting more rather than consuming industrial products. Sustainability must be the number one goal for all nations and each person. Artificial photosynthesis can produce fuels and energy by mimicking photosynthetic organisms and leaves. There are more research and experiments being done on artificial energy production emulating photosynthesis which sustains the life on Earth. The best way is to utilize nature’s regenerative energy and corporeal productions without harming them. There will be more green cities and green industries developed in this new age to pursue sustainability in every field. Plant-based and vegan products and services already hit the markets as a new field of business and creativity. They’re the most ecological, environmentally-friendly sectors that will purely flourish and thrive. Recycled plastics can be turned into fuel. Biofuels are made of plants and they can power gas cars without the need for fossil fuels. Biofuels emit less co2 than petroleum. Some green buildings generate their power from waste and this is phenomenal. Waste and recycled plastics can be transmuted to fuels and energy to reduce oil-based emissions. The car is back to the future was powered with trash and left-overs and this can be a reality soon. Perhaps, landfills contain a tremendous amount of energy. Food waste can be composted easily, composting is great for the environment and free compost can fertilize plants and farms. Algae which is one of the oldest types of plants originating on Earth can do many things and probably more through new discoveries. Biofuels can be made from algae with sustainable productions absorbing carbon dioxide. Algae grow a lot faster than corn which is used to make ethanol. Algae can be harvested in about a few weeks, no soil needed to grow it. It can be a food source for people and animals both, many things can be made with it. It’s similar to seaweed which has many uses as well. They’re both water plants and all-purpose. They both soak in CO2 to turn it into energy and all plants do the same. Fossil fuels are basically algae and other plants trapped in the ground for a long time. Biofuels from algae can be processed very fast. We will need more plant-based technologies and energy produced from algae and plants to power the developing civilization permanently. Plant-based technologies and productions can designate human civilization as an advanced, sustainable, and green society in the universe filled with intelligent life. Most technological alien races depleted their planet’s natural environment for them to seek essentials elsewhere in space. This is one of the worst things that can happen to any society in the cosmic creation. Humans are bestowed with a very beautiful and rich world that can sustain them into eternity but it’s in grave danger. Sustainable, plant-based manufacturing and energy generation can be formulated as carbon-neutral or negative with efficient designs. Solar energy is efficient to power cities, industries, and transportation systems, plant-based can do the same and even more. They’re identical to each other, solar panels resemble plant leaves. Green technologies already launched a new green age that will evolve and progress over the course of time. More companies are investing in plant-based, vegan, green inventions, and engineering. Creativity will never cease in the green innovative age of renewable ingenuity. Humans will have to rely on plants more to nourish themselves without exhausting or harming ecological life-balance. Time is working against us, everyone is feeling the negative effects of climate change, pollution, catastrophic events, and ecosystem degradation. One person can plant vast forests to sustain a great level of biodiversity. Forest gardening is becoming very popular in many places in the world. A lot of people want to increase their self-sufficiency by planting and growing all they need. Forest gardening can be performed inside the existing forests as well. Soils in and near the forests are more fertile for gardening and permaculture farming. Not everyone has to be inventive or innovative to contribute to the green age and halt the harmful effects of climate change. Plants are the oldest organisms on Earth and they can do pretty much anything if they’re grown sustainably. There are many inventions like a bio-curtain inoculated with algae that can filter co2 and turn into oxygen when it’s attached over the buildings. This is another example of algae doing great work. Cities and industrial zones emit the most greenhouse gases compared to small cities and towns. People have been evacuating large cities due to the pandemic, pollution, increasing prices, traffic, unemployment, and other issues. Moving to smaller cities and starting self-sustaining eco-villages will be crucial for a lot of people. The Earth must be recovered before people start colonizing Mars. Without Earth, no planet will offer the essentials for humans to exist. Colonies on Mars would fail without supplies transported from Earth. The planet is still an abundant sphere compared to countless barren worlds in the universe. Its biodiversity doesn’t exist elsewhere so everything that exists on Earth must be secured before they go extinct. Climate changes have wiped out many species in the ancient past and it can eliminate humans too. Bio-engineering is a new field to alter species for them to survive new environments like Mars and in space. Terraforming would be impossible if the Earth is dying rapidly. We need more projects to do critical tasks all over the world to protect the environment, clean-up the marine and terrestrial ecosystems.
Eco-innovation is another critical topic that must be studied and implemented efficiently. The ecosystems around big cities and industrial zones are dying very fast. Humans are consuming the planet with uprise. Constructions should be carbon-negative and ecologically protective as well. Cities can be reforested and remodeled as arising green cities filled with green buildings, green businesses that are vegan and cruelty-free. We need animals in nature to sustain the equilibrium that supports us in return. All animals and creatures are part of a living system, therefore human habitations can be converted to symbiotic, biophilic utopias rather than current dystopias. If society moves on like this, the planet will be uninhabitable misery. It’s been designed to be a biological, abundant paradise enduring into the future. Cities can be transformed with renewable energies, reforestation, vegan businesses, gardens, green technologies, electric transportation systems. It’s not too difficult to achieve this now, renewable energies are dominating the market. People realized their impact on the environment, everything people do affect the entire globe. Going green is great but consumption is supposed to decrease significantly. The capitalist economic system is literally destructive. A resource-based economy is more viable and there are certain models for that. Something called the Venus project implements a resource-based economic system for any type of community to endure without impairing or exhausting the environment. People need stuff, services, food, water, and more but they don’t need to destroy the planet for that. A lot of people figured out that there are various alien races around the world observing humanity meticulously. They depleted their planet’s resources over the course of time for the sake of technological advancements and overuse. They had to search for essentials elsewhere in space or acquire them through very strict trade deals. That’s the reason they came to Earth, it contains tons of biological, mineral, and exotic resources and organisms that don’t exist elsewhere. The same thing is happening to the human race now. Through economic and industrial growth and expansion, they’re squandering the natural wealth of their only homeworld. The other planets will never be like the Earth, it’s so magnificent that everything and all life here have to be safeguarded as soon as possible. Humans are in the midst of the 6th mass extinction event, forests are burning down, water reservoirs are getting contaminated and drying out each year. Aliens will never help the human population nor save the world, they’ll easily gain control of the society once the planet is deprived of essentials for people to survive. Humans will be farmed as a resource like they exploit farm animals. The future is very concerning for humanity, they have to take collective action to reverse the damage they’ve caused. Money won’t matter in the future when the planet doesn’t produce much anything. Nature consists of renewable resources if it’s not plundered by recklessness and overuse. It’s up to each person to restore their only homeworld and secure their future. Companies, corporations will be reluctant, they can’t invest in schemes to regenerate and protect the planet and human population. Conscious and mindful individuals can find and amass all other earnest ones to plan and carry out critical projects. The more people are working on a unique goal, the more powerful they will be. Millions of people can plant, billions of trees, planting trees may not save the world though. We need more ingenious approaches to tackle climate change, restore the environment, protect ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources plus much more. Vegans have been saving millions of animals by not eating them. Animals are sentient beings that belong to nature or to be companions to humans. Thousands of animals can clean and fertilize natural landscapes in a short time. Plenty of farmers release many animals to eat the weeds, bugs, and refresh the farmland after the harvest. Animals naturally restore the environment when they roam freely. Seed balls consist of plant or tree seeds covered in organic compost. They can be dropped from airplanes to increase forest coverage without walking around, digging to implant seeds. Some power plants are stationing algae farms for them to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Algae grow faster than other plants and trees, it can absorb tons of Co2 in any place and can be harvested to produce biofuels, feedstock, etc. Bio-engineering is a newly developing field of our time, we will see more discoveries attempting to solve the real issues of our time. Plants can do anything and we must utilize them in all industries sustainably to emerge as a renewable and green civilization. Vegan foods, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and other plant-based edibles are more nutritious and tasty than dead animal carcasses. Most of the renowned inventors and scientists were vegans in the past, it’s apparent that plants can actively power the human brain to induce consistent innovation. Ideas aren’t enough, anyone can think and dream of many things. We need critical resolution before cataclysms wind up irreversible. Biophilia can electrify urban areas, turn them into ecological paradises. We need ultimately carbon-absorbing cities and industries to supply the needs of the human population. Nobody, no company need that much profit, benefits, or revenue while the planet is in jeopardy. Green recovery should be the absolute objective for all nations and businesses to be able to assure their future and self-reliance. A large number of people are trying to do whatever it takes to become independent without a job or income. Investing in permaculture homesteading and even in plant-based startups can make you self-sufficient and in harmony with nature. Vegan meat alternatives have been extremely successful in the market. This is proof anything can be made vegan easily. Plants contain more than enough protein without the need for meat, eggs, dairy. Even the energy facilities and factories are called plants because plants are the main source of all productions. Humans should harness the power of plant-based abundance in every place in the world. Oil-based, polluting, depleting industries will be obsolete once plant-based alternatives replace them adequately. Oil is the most valuable resource of human civilization, almost the entire civilization has been powered by oil. It’s basically plants and algae confined in the ground for millions of years. Algae include a high amount of oil that’s identical to diesel. All industries will be mandated to go green and plant-based to increase their sustainability and decrease their carbon emissions. Plants make up all of nature and they feed all life on Earth. The planet will be greener and cleaner if the global population switches to a natural, eco-friendly lifestyle. The industries harming the animals and the environment can easily switch to plant-based and invest in long-lasting yield patterns. A green, photosynthetic organism as simple as algae can do miracles so think about all of plant life’s abilities. The creator has granted everything to human beings to sustain their existence and eventually revive forsaken spheres like Mars. If Planet Earth is completely secured, nature will leap onto space and disperse its life-generating organisms and flora. As a matter of fact, all kinds of foods are seeds derived from plants and trees. Seeds are the most regenerative power sources. Many types of seeds have been transported to different regions to grow exotic fruits, nuts, vegetables for new colonies over the course of time. Plants are adaptable and they can acclimate to disparate climates and soils.
It’s urgent to find new solutions to the real problems of the world. Everyone can be innovative for the ultimate urgency which is the planet’s self-endurance. Nobody will make anything out of a planet that’s toxic, dissipated, and uninhabitable. The wealthy will be the first ones to fall into the pit. Perhaps, people will start eating bugs and insects to survive. Plants can provide almost everything to society but expanding infecundity will inflict the population to eat whatever they can find to survive the day. Most of the planet is still fertile except the dry regions. Destruction of large forests will turn fertile, green zones into a savannah. Temperatures will constantly rise, you can already feel its harmful effects now. A few degrees of temperature uprise can devastate even the most abundant landscapes. The planet has to be cooled down with global action now. The economy and other endeavors are meaningless in a perilous world. Plant-based projects, products, and procedures can help human society leap forward into the green age of sustainability if they can recover now. Insignificant efforts, enterprises are things of the past. Humanity must unite as a super-green force to reclaim their livable planet and all life. Mimicking nature in all fields of business and productions may save human society and the planet altogether. Nature is the most intelligent entity enclosing the Earth, humans are new species compared to nature and other creatures. Reckless, over exploitive industries, must be regulated and readjusted all over the world for them to consider the environment’s needs. Plant-based productions are better for the environment if they’re performed correctly. A lot of people left big cities after the pandemic and wildfires to start a more natural, self-reliant lifestyle. Of course, you need people to do business anywhere, however, you can still make things and sell online or at farmers’ markets. Farmers’ markets are growing faster in and out of cities for people who like natural products and services. There are plant-based, vegan alternatives to anything now, they will always thrive since a lot of people are waking up. Natural disasters, pandemic, global instability have aroused the entire population. Tons of companies are trying to go green, researching about plant-based procedures to amend their current output. Sustainability will always rely on plants and nature’s renewable resources. Of course, misusing, destroying them will turn the planet into an uninhabitable pitfall. 2020 launched the new age in the alien universe of either save the world now or go extinct. Tons of alien races want this beautiful, copious sphere as their newest resource center. Energy generation should mimic nature’s renewability without emitting a tremendous amount of greenhouse gases. Any type of plant will be helpful to generate energy, food, materials, substances. Power generation, cars, and trucks emit the most greenhouse gases, they must be converted to renewable technologies to completely clear up emissions. Hydrogen fuel cell cars will hit the roads shortly and they have little emissions compared to gas-burning cars and trucks. Everything is energy in some way or another. Humans are the only species that alter their environment to sustain themselves. All other species exist in harmony with nature. Excessive profiting and consumption ought to be abdicated to restore the environment worldwide. Plagues, natural disasters have wiped out the largest ancient empires because they were destructive to their ambiance. Technology will never save humanity, it’s just a tool to make things happen. Perhaps, all technologies will be plant-based in the future so they can operate in harmony with the natural world. Metal boxes that do miraculous things will be useless after some time, people will be called to go back to their roots and build a very ecological civilization likely free from any technologies and industrialization. Algae has the power to provide energy to buildings, cars, factories, farms, houses, and much more. Plants in general are the greatest resource of Planet Earth. There is no need to slaughter animals as a food source to survive. Animal agriculture is one of the biggest causes of deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions. Existing industries can switch to plant-based and vegan smoothly to become eco-friendly and cruel-free. Carbon-negativity has to be the norm as of now to be able to tackle climate change. Green movements and plant-based revolutions have been taking over the world during this decade. They will always prevail because they’re the most sustainable and harmless means to progress. Becoming an advanced society will require people to abandon their detrimental tendencies, customs, and habits. Famous cities are seeing a bunch of green buildings, ecological projects, vegan products, and businesses popping out everywhere.
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