REVIVAL OF THE UNIVERSE HAS BEGUN !!

 We live in such magnificent and precarious times on Earth. Everything is getting weird, it looks like the world is collapsing. If the world and its financial system collapse, it can bear new opportunities for the human race that’s confused and divided. There is hope for the greatest revival of a new universe on the horizon beginning from the Earth. The Earth is by far the most amazing planet in the entire cosmic creation. There are trillions of alien worlds that contain intelligent lifeforms but only a very few of them are green and abundant like the Earth. Humans sit on a prize unlike nothing else that ever existed. No societies have ever terraformed many new worlds into Earth-like eco-rich celestial bodies. The planets that are colonized by technological associations are still infertile compared to this world. The Earth comprises glorious biodiversity and natural resources in its ecosystems. Unfortunately, the industrial era has driven the planet into mass extinctions and utmost cataclysms. The largest tropical rainforest the Amazon is being burned down for the sake of animal agriculture. Forests are the most diverse and productive biomes and humans must protect and augment them in every region of the world. Coral reefs are the forests of the oceans and they’ve been bleaching as a result of warming waters. The Earth community has reached a point in history where they have to save the planet with all that they got in less than a decade or two or experience the terrible ramifications. Nothing will ever be like the good old days, people have been damaging the life-balance of the planet for industrial expenditures. There is a covert alien presence upon Planet Earth that’s been studying and observing every aspect of human society for decades. People have been waiting for aliens and e.t’s to show up with gifts but they initiated their own secret agendas. Humans are living in a totally different world than the past, there are many alien races that established themselves here on Earth. They don’t want people to know what’s going on so everything has been kept classified and clandestine in manner. Planet Earth is definitely one of the most dazzling jewels in the universe, planets like this are extremely rare. There is going to be a great level of competition between humans and the alien races for the resources of the world that are endangered. They need humans as a working-class so they can farm the whole world exponentially. Humans must awaken and unify as a global society to stop the destruction of the Earth and protect all life and natural wealth that exists here. Time is running out, scientists declared that there may be less than two decades to reverse climate change and other disastrous events before they’re permanent. The alien universe is already here upon Planet Earth trying to take advantage of a weakening human population. Aliens will never help or save the world by any means. It’s up to people to make the shift towards sustainability and planetary protection. If people of Earth don’t reclaim their planet and do whatever it takes to stop the destruction, pollution, degradation, and depletion, alien beings will overtake humanity and turn them into subspecies to be exploited rigidly. The hierarchical system they abide in would be immensely overwhelming to any human being. This is the era of Independence Day, humans must redeem their freedom and restore their planet as soon as possible. People are waking up to what’s going on, you must see everything clearly. Living in fear, confusion, and anxiety won’t help during these tough times. Most developed nations have been polluting the biosphere and overusing limited resources more than other nations. Being overly developed or having advanced technology won’t save the world nor humanity. Human beings are supposed to be the gardeners and saviors of Planet Earth also the universe because this planet consists of life-generating sources unlike most other barren planetary systems in the universe. 


 The Terraformation and colonization of Mars are beginning with the emergence of the alien universe where the aliens are establishing themselves, gaining more power and influence here. Mars is an akin sphere to extraterrestrial worlds and terraforming Mars successfully will open the gates to universal terraforming of many new celestial bodies. Humans have been created in God’s from but they’ve been the most destructive force upon a magnificent planet wanted by others. Green, vegan, environmental, reforestation, permaculture, sustainable movements have been expanding faster than any other campaign around the world. People are realizing that everything they eat, consume, and buy affect the environment and contribute to climate change and contamination. It starts with individuals to make the change so corporations and nations can follow. It’s not about making money, having a career, having more and bigger things anymore. Things have changed, people are being called to act upon real problems of the world. Mother Nature will punish the growing population if they don’t do the right things that will protect and enrich the ecosystems rather than harming them. Veganism does reduce people’s environmental impact and carbon discharge. It’s one of the best things anybody can do for the environment and the animals for a start. Most of the brightest and smartest people of the past were vegans and promote veganism periodically. A lot of people noticed that single-use plastics are harmful to animals, oceans, and their surroundings so they bring their own bags to grocery stores and stay away from products packaged in plastics. There are many alternatives to single-use plastics, some nations are banning them. Animal agriculture is one of the worst polluters and it kills billions of animals per year. More and more people are adapting to sustainable and cruelty-free diets and habits. Reforestation projects are critical since people have been hoarding toilet paper and other paper products that contribute to deforestation around the world. There are many alternatives as in plant-based, hemp, bamboo to paper products that are beneficial for the environment and large forests. Shortly, the entire human population and all productions will be compelled to readjust and replace all of the destructive systems and tendencies into an eco-friendly mechanism to halt the increasing ecological issues. New green deals should be mandated in a short time for the planet to recover from ecological disasters and global warming before it winds up impossible. Humans have new competitors all over the world, millions of people have been abducted to be used as a resource or to genetically engineer an alien-human hybrid race to overrule mankind. Humans haven’t been the saviors of one of the most beautiful and resourceful planets entitled as the biological paradise in this region of the cosmos. People don’t know how the universe works as of yet but they will find out soon and things will get tougher and more strenuous. People of the world should conserve their self-sufficiency and improve their renewable, sustainable productions and energy generation. Otherwise, the deceptive forces will topple the world’s governing infrastructure to begin farming the Earth by converting the human population into mindless working-class. It’s almost impossible to break free from extraterrestrial domination, many indigenous societies have overshadowed this way. Anybody can start a very self-sufficient and ecological lifestyle to exemplify the masses that are bewildered during the pandemic. Lockdowns have been a relief for the planet, air pollution levels have dropped significantly during the worldwide lockdown. There may be more strict procedures if viruses and other natural disasters that are caused by animal agriculture, factory farming, pollution, etc. intensify. Many viruses spreading apart as an epidemic and pandemic have emerged from meat shops, factory farms, and places where animals kept in congested cages. Going vegan alone would be one of the best things a person can do for all life and the ecosphere people are embodied in. Perhaps, a united vegan command can lead the world community in the right direction, save the animals, preserve forests and protect ecosystems instead of destroying and devouring it all in a few decades. 

 People used to be forest people in the past. Amazon is a manmade tropical food forest seeded and cultivated natively by people to feed themselves and reside in. People are needed to revert to their native ways of living to stop harming the planet they live on. The carbon economy is obviously detrimental for the planet in every way possible, for that, the globe has been heating. Pandemic has demonstrated a great lesson for humankind to act upon the destruction of the planet. It’s obvious the aliens and ufo’s that people have encountered in the last decades aren’t using oil or animals as fuel. They developed technologies and systems to travel in space that are completely carbon-free and more advanced than what people wield today. People are supposed to learn from these beings that come here and work on new ways to sustain themselves and employ transportation methods plus energy generation via renewable resources. It’s apparent that human beings are still primitive in most conditions but they have the utmost potential to save and preserve their homeworld and even terraform new worlds in the future. This may conceive a very advanced and glorious civilization unlike anything ever been detected. There are rumors that some nations have developed ufo-like, high-speed spacecraft that can travel to other planets rapidly. Some countries had secretive black projects to colonize space, Mars, moon, and forge technologies for interplanetary travel and many other schemes. There is a possibility that the moon and Mars already have space stations and personnel in underground facilities. Building a space station shouldn’t be too difficult with an extraordinary budget but terraforming new planets require a collective effort and competent procedures. Some of the UFOs visible in the sky can be manmade so humans can reach other worlds and star systems easily. Planet Earth contains a tremendous amount of biological and organic resources that can be utilized to rejuvenate depleted and dying planetary systems similar to Mars, some may include intelligent lifeforms. I’m sure that aliens would love their deserted homeworlds to be terraformed as Earth-like and they’d offer whatever in return. Encountering beings more intelligent and technological than humans may be dangerous since they have their own agendas and some are here for planetary acquisition. Humans beings are perfectly designed to overcome the problems and any alien threat by refreshing their homeworld as one of the most sustainable and green in the universe. Losing most of the natural wealth and productions would be the end of mankind, humans would end up dependent on space groups for basic necessities and materials to survive. The planet’s sustainable productions must be cultivated to restore the environment also upgrade the human population’s self-reliance and support. Climate change may be halted by geoengineering the Earth’s ecosystems as carbon-absorbent and oxygen-producing structures. Most of the oxygen about 70% is produced by algae and cyanobacteria in marine environments, the rest is provided by terrestrial plants. Water is crucial for terraforming any planet like Mars, there is evidence that Mars has a lot of water in its poles and underground reserves. More water can be transported with large rockets. Hopefully, spacecraft technology will progress so larger vessels can be utilized to begin terraformation of other wandering spheres in space. One of the most viable life-generating concepts is the diversity of seeds that the Earth embraces in its habitats and forests. The Amazon contains so many tree and plant species that can adapt to other temperate zones and soils through bioengineering and evolution. We can somehow transform the Earth into a global rainforest producing food and materials needed for all industries and manufacturing. We definitely live in a paradise but it’s in grave danger at this time. Humans must change all of their concepts of life and business to become greener beings in tune with nature. Once more and more people switch to vegan and green lifestyles with little carbon offset and toxicity, this will evoke a terraform effect around the world with ultimate vegan-green growth because people will plant more of essential seeds. The Earth is a blueprint of the heavenly realm in physical form but it’s up to humans to maintain it. The Earth has the mechanisms to regenerate itself without human interference. Forests and biodiverse habitats always expand if they aren’t dismantled. A complete green economy would only evolve and thrive into eternity because it would be fueled by most renewable and sustainable assets derived from encompassing nature. 

 One of the most efficient ways to produce food and other natural products is agroforestry. Agroforestry is a land-use management system in which trees or shrubs are grown around or among crops. This diversification of the farming system initiates an agroecological succession, like that in natural ecosystems, and so starts a chain of events that enhance the functionality and sustainability of the farming system. Trees also produce a wide range of useful and marketable products from fruits/nuts, medicines, wood products, etc. This intentional combination of agriculture and forestry has multiple benefits, such as greatly enhanced yields from staple food crops, enhanced farmer livelihoods from income generation, increased biodiversity, improved soil structure and health, reduced erosion, and carbon sequestration. Agroforestry practices are highly beneficial in the tropics, especially in subsistence smallholdings in sub-Saharan Africa, and have been found to be beneficial in Europe and the United States. Agroforestry shares principles with intercropping but can also involve much more complex multi-strata agroforests containing hundreds of species. Agroforestry can also utilize nitrogen-fixing plants such as legumes to restore soil nitrogen fertility. The nitrogen-fixing plants can be planted either sequentially or simultaneously. More agroforestry methods can be applied in all nations to stop desertification, erosion, and sequester the excess carbon most nations emit through industrial means. Humans made use of agroforestry in the past to create large forests like the Amazon. Agroforestry is a great example that humans rely on forests and plants to survive. Even most industries still use materials and compounds originated from forests but logging and overusing forests isn’t going to make human society more advanced. We must utilize productive resources with efficient designs like the agroforestry and permaculture. In the future, the largest deserts will be converted to green, productive lands to feed the growing population. There were talks of covering entire deserts with solar panels to energize the cities nearby. Though, it would be better to apply reforestation, agroforestry, and green technologies to power and supply the population. Humans must remember that they were forest people in the past. The industrial revolution has occurred not long ago. Before that, it was always plants, trees and other types of plantation were producing all of the needs of the society. There is a great necessity to re-terraform the Earth to be able to terminate climate change and catastrophic pollution. Farming approaches like the agroforestry and permaculture will help tremendously during this time. There are still many parts of the world that are underdeveloped industrially and they can be transformed with renewable, sustainable technologies, power generation, and reforestation projects so the entire world can reverse cataclysmic events hereafter. Most developed nations alone won’t be able to stop the destruction of the Earth, they contribute to environmental degradation more than others. If people adopt sustainable, green lifestyles for them to live without harming the environment, overpopulation won’t be a major issue. The more ants an ant colony has, it’s easier for them to gather the food and necessary goods for the survival of the colony. It would be a lot easier to cleanse the oceans, polluted areas, and reforest the whole world with more people that live and work with ecological mindsets. A new age in the alien universe has already begun without human consent. Things will get tougher and more exciting as of now. Everyone will be involved in all of the action upon Planet Earth because everything affects the whole of the universe. Scientists and entrepreneurs are confident that planets like Mars can be terraformed. Mars is lacking a magnetic field but an artificial one can be assembled in a short time and there are water and rare metal deposits for colonies to obtain. There are many abductees around the world who’ve been transported to alien worlds for various procedures and they observed Mars-like environments. Unfortunately, most of the planets in the universe are barren and deserted like Mars but the Earth can rejuvenate them with effective operations. Even the Earth wasn’t always fertile as it is now. Although it’s depleting extremely fast cause of global warming, desertification, and extreme consumption. If the Earth community embraces a very sustainable and renewable growth and development instead of causing mass havoc and instability, it can emerge as one of the most advanced and progressive in the cosmic creation. From now on, everything counts more than the past, each idea, each activity will either refresh the planetary self-support system or harm it. Nothing will be like the past where it was better to have more, consume and use more to grow and expand economically and industrially. Plants, trees, and other organisms will always help no matter where anyone is in the world or in other planetary systems. There are signs that other habitable planets are divergent natural environments that have similarities to Earth. No planet detected to be as habitable as the Earth as of yet. Earth may be the selected and specially seeded to be the genetic resource hub in this part of the galaxy called Milky Way. Milky Way is vast and it may be thriving with intelligent life and some of them would want this living sphere as their own. The newest assignment of the entire human population is to protect and safeguard the planet, civilization, and all of the significant resources that are critical for humans to endure for thousands of years. No nation should be allowed to deplete the world’s fragile and limited resource pool. Photosynthesis is the key process for life to continue and extend. Humans should make use of photosynthesis more in the future and abandon all of the destructive and polluting manufacturing methods. We live in a time where there are plant-based, biodegradable alternatives to plastics and people still choose to pollute the world. If companies are imposed by the consumers on making the switch for environmentally-friendly packaging and productions, they will favor the newer substitutes and innovation. Ultimate green-grown must be enforced by each nation of the world to clean-up and refresh the economic and societal systems that are old and detrimental to all life and nature. Each person can bestow global vegan and green growth and innovation by choosing ecological and cruelty-free products and services. The markets are competitive so all companies will do all they can to strive in a green economy powered by most eco-friendly and perpetual outgrowth generated by mindful people. 





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