United Vegan World Will Become A Very Advanced and Sustainable Civilization Faster Than All Alien Races To Stop The Planetary Alien Invasion =D
United Vegan World Will Become A Very Advanced and Sustainable Civilization Faster Than All Alien Races To Stop The Planetary Alien Invasion =D
You heard the time is now. The planet that we live on called ‘the Earth’ is in crisis. There are several emergencies imperiling the human population gravely. Nothing will ever be the same again. The aliens have been here on Earth quite a while and they’ve established themselves secretly. The entire world must be warned about what’s been occurring around the world, everything is heated up. The alien invasion is well underway worldwide. Their presence is gaining more power and influence each day. This is a very big threat to mankind and their future. Planet Earth is a very beautiful and rich world wanted by many alien races and they already interfered with human affairs. Several alien races and groups called collectives have been competing with each other over territory, coveted resources, domination, and control around the world for decades. This has been kept a secret for too long, nobody knew what was really going on. The Earth has entered a new age in the universe and humans are required to protect and preserve their world and their society before it winds up impossible. The alien threat is the biggest menace in history. The reason behind this, humans have been extremely destructive for a planet that’s been observed and planned to be taken over because the Earth contains very rare and unique biological and mineral resources unlike most of the planets in the universe. The planet has been depleting extremely fast as a result of industrialization, overpopulation, climate change, pollution, deforestation, and overconsumption. All that feeds the human society must be readjusted and regulated to stop the depletion, global warming, environmental decline that will cause mass food, water, material scarcity globally. The pandemic has demonstrated an atrocious lesson that humans have been destroying the planet and all life to a greater extent. There will be many more calamities during this new age and aliens will only take advantage of the weakening, confused, belligerent human race. Aliens already constructed many hidden bases in remote locations of the world to track, monitor, and control human society. Technological and industrial growth and expansion to feed and supply the growing population have been a very destructive era in human development although it provided many technologies, devices, global communication that aliens can utilize to dominate the human population easily. If the alien invasion succeeds to take over the planet covertly, all that people love as their freedom, rights and things they enjoy and worked for will be obsolete. The entertainment businesses and all other displays of amusements and joy including music, shopping, personal belongings, and plus the unnecessary commodities will be banned by the alien command. Aliens have created an alien-human hybrid race indistinguishable from ordinary human beings to eventually mind control and exploit the masses through global communication, doctrine, authority, and commerce. This is the most dangerous event that can happen to any society in the universe. Aliens are here for no good, they’re only trying to gain control of a planet that’s being destroyed and depleted by its reckless native inhabitants.
Veganism has been inspired by friendly alien races that watch the Earth and all the alien activity from afar. It’s the best movement, dietary change, and mindset for the environment, for sentient beings, and for the planet in general. A vegan world will constantly innovate, evolve, upgrade itself until it’s by far most advanced in the universe because it has the properties and the magnificent ability to terraform new worlds as Earth-like. The Prime Creator watches over everything, he seeded the Earth with a tremendous amount of biodiversity and abundance. That’s why the aliens are here, this planet has been destroyed by its indigenous inhabitants called humans. Humans have been genetically altered by aliens in the past for them to become smarter, more inventive, and skillful throughout the ages. Homo sapiens are a type of beings in between aliens, primates, Neanderthals. Aliens wanted to utilize humans as workers to extract necessary minerals for their own gain in the past. They were never fully successful to dominate the human societies previously. Aliens aren’t able to breathe Earth’s atmosphere nor stay on Earth’s environment for a long time. Microbial and bacterial lifeforms affect all alien beings severely, they can contaminate their ships and wipe out the entire crew. For this reason, they needed a new type of being in between human and alien that’s called hybrids. They want to completely administer human society so they created a new species by genetically engineering humans and their embryos. This new species is already walking among the human world and they can live, breathe and do anything here on Earth. New alien species look exactly like humans but they are only here to carry out the alien agenda for world acquisition. The alien invasion everyone was afraid of has been occurring behind the scenes. They’ve been gaining power and influence each day over the course of decades. The Earth is a very desired system comprising enormous amounts of biological, mineral assets including the workforce called humans. They’ve overtaken many indigenous societies and started farming their planets mercilessly. Colonization has taken place in many regions of the world, it’s being transpiring to the human population now. This is by far the most dangerous threat to humankind. The second threat is the environmental destruction in sync with climate change that will eradicate most of the freshwater, food, and other productions needed by the human population to survive and live comfortably. The planet has entered a new era of either recover and protect it all with collective action or lose it all under alien invasions and total annihilation. Planting trees alone won’t reverse climate change nor save the world but it can be a good beginning to recover collapsing ecosystems. Planet Earth rich resources have been plundered and ravaged by the growing population and many industries to a greater extent and this generated the predicament of climate change, plastic, and other pollution plus many other negative events. Earth is designed to renew and regenerate itself through nature, biological organisms, and plant kingdom. If human society continues this reckless industrial consumption, it will lose its self-sufficiency and will end up very vulnerable to alien beings that are already all around the world monitoring each action and weakness of the populace. A vegan world can encompass the entire planet for it to reach great sustainability and renewability also unite human society to follow the right direction into prospects. Pandemic has taught a lesson to the world about how destructive and cruel human productions and misuse are. The planet and all its resources have been depleting extremely fast and there will be nothing left only after a few decades then all nations will fall into a pit of agony. Aliens will be in charge of everything and they will regardlessly farm and exploit human beings like they’ve done to other planets in the past. The reality of the universe isn’t much different than the Earth. They have greater technology and scientific achievements but their desires and motives aren’t much different than other beings. They have the mental capabilities to mind control and influence any human being from the Earth with little effort. In fact, a lot of people in power and influence have already been persuaded by the aliens that come here to take advantage of humanity. The entire world should prepare to resist the alien invasion before it’s completed. You must be smarter and more effective than before.
Veganism can literally save the world in a short time if the entire world population starts doing the rights things to save the environment, animals and stop the pollution. Eventually, all technologies will convert to ultimately renewable and sustainable because the tech industry uses a very high amount of resources that are finite to this planet. Tech pollution is extending each day because people discard their year-old devices once the new ones come out. By the time, all mineral deposits will deplete leaving mountains of junk tech piles rusting away. Each nation is supposed to unite under one name. Disputes, differences, misunderstanding, the rivalry between nations only divide the human population and makes it more powerless under the alien occupation observing everything all over the world. People can only unify under a united super green civilization encircling Planet Earth then moon and Mars once they’re terraformed and colonized by a super green force. Each person should adopt an extremely sustainable, green, ecological lifestyle powered by renewables to be able to compete with the deceptive alien forces and their hybrids around the world. You must be able to surpass and outmatch them at every chance so they wouldn’t be able to exploit nor capitalize on human weaknesses. Luckily there are terrific movements and projects to stop the real problems of the world rather than inciting more conflicts, prejudice, dissociation. A lot of entrepreneurs, scientists, and companies are trying to find solutions to replace plastics. There are prototypes that are plant-based that will hit the global markets soon. Plastics aren’t vegan because they kill so many land and marine animals, birds, and force species to go extinct. Plastic patch in the oceans is broadening as the newest continent floating over the oceans. A lot of animals eat up plastics by mistaking them with food. If plastics were edible and plant-based, animals wouldn’t die and they would decompose in a few months. Some plastics never decompose at all and they’re a very big threat to all species. Vegan plant-based innovation will formulate many new products to halt contamination and animal cruelty. Factory farms and farm animals produce a tremendous amount of methane adding up to already high CO2 levels in the atmosphere that’s warming the planet higher than the previous years. There are many extraterrestrial groups that want this planet as their newest farm by turning humans into mindless workers similar to what people have done to farm animals mercilessly. There may be a very green and sustainable planet on the horizon free from any type of disasters and inequality if the whole world population changes their habits, diets, consumption for the betterment of the environment and ecosystems humans are integral. Humans unknowingly live very unnatural lives compared to the ancient past when there was no global warming caused by industrialization. Nature is warning humanity with viruses and adversities that if humans don’t protect nature and its natural resources, there will be more extinctions that can wipe most of the human population in a short time. Pandemic has emerged from a meat shop and there will be more bacterial infections spreading apart the globe to endanger the lives of more people. If the planetary balance is completely broken, it will be impossible to reverse climate change, there will be mass food, water shortages, and scarcities. The industrial era has to end as soon as possible to clear the path to extremely green, environmentally-friendly, carbon-free productions mimicking nature’s viable systems. Going vegan, carbon-neutral, and adopting a mode of life with little pollution will relieve your surroundings of contaminants and reduce your negative impact over the ecosystem you’re biologically attached to. People must realize everything they do affects the whole natural system enveloping dynamic creation. Thus, it’s up to people and their choices to recover the planet and its natural resources for the times to come, otherwise, humans will fall into traps set by the aliens or go extinct in a few decades. Nature has the mechanisms to annihilate destructive nations like it did in the ancient past. Many large empires have been wiped out by plagues because they weren’t sustainable, peaceful nor ecological. The recent mass extinction can eradicate most of the population if people don’t rectify the whole economy.
Humans beings have the utmost potential to emerge as a deeply consolidated, free, green, self-sustaining society in the universe if they can make it through these difficult times via the reversal of global warming, deforestation, industrial depletion, and other types of afflictions like the cataclysmic pollution. Each nation is connected to each other in every way although they have differences. Nations should cooperate to start executing the right tasks and projects that will readjust the world into its imperishably solid-state in development. Solid-state batteries are the new thing and there will be many more breakthroughs and inventions incited by the power of plants and nature’s renewable infrastructure. Nature has all the mechanisms that humans can simulate to feed themselves and power all industries without depleting or ravaging the biosphere. One thing a lot of people didn’t know about is the most advanced civilizations in the universe can be completely plant-based and green. Their technologies, buildings, ships, transportation, productions are all energized by their natural environment’s intrinsic regeneration. This is the only way to propel into the future of excellence without diminishing their precise reserves. Scientists are supposed to research and experiment more on nature’s natural systems that are completely recyclable and inexhaustible to be able to reshape the destructive civilization. A new age of evolution and eternal innovation has begun. This is a totally new era of civilization in an alien universe, there are many alien races around the world intending to use the human race for their own schemes to farm and exploit Planet Earth and all its resources including the human population. Humans must cease all that they do because the planet is depleting extremely fast. There will be nothing left in a few decades, the catastrophes have been weakening the entire world. Human society should unite as one super green force to overcome all of the problems also resist the alien invasion. Each human being from Planet Earth has the greatest potential to become a superpower invigorated by super green sources that are completely biodegradable, carbon-negative, and perpetual in nature. Hopefully, human society will invent new ways and productions to shift as the greenest, pollution-free civilization in the universe. It wasn’t easy for extraterrestrials to become extremely sustainable, they’ve been through the toughest times that humans didn’t experience yet. Most of the planets are immensely barren and contain little resources compared to Earth, the life has been relatively easy for most people living here. All alien races need food, supplies, energy, materials, and vice versa. That’s because some people developed advanced technologies, it doesn’t mean everything will be amazing thereafter. The more technology a society manufactures and consumes, the more they require limited and fragile deposits and reserves that will get exhausted over the course of time adding up to carbon congestion in the atmosphere. The Earth has been created to be one of the most sustainable in the universe, humans are sitting on a prize, unlike other planetary systems. There may be some rare metal deposits on Mars and other planetoids. Terraforming convenient spheres will require an enormous amount of resources and labor while the Earth is going through extinction. One thing you can do is to re-terraform the Earth as an aspheric Amazon food forest to feed and house the growing population. Trees and plants are the life-giving organisms that were conferred upon humanness for them to sow the seeds to transform the world as the greenest and most prolific civilization rather than destroying it all. Mother Earth will wipe out most of the human population with natural disasters and plagues if people don’t take care of the planet and its biodiversity with every action. The Industrial and consumer era are coming to an end, nothing will ever be the same. You can’t go back to your old habits and destructive behaviors, you need to learn and grow up the best way to live by utilizing nature’s regenerative plethora of life. Humans are designed to be the plants’ people that embrace seeds, animals, and all life forms to enrich the ecospheres.
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