Here it is. Humans of Earth are living in such magnificent times on their homeworld. There is a great opportunity ahead. Although the world community is being threatened by pandemics, climate change, a broken economy, and all that, the possibilities are endless. It’s up to people of the world to make the switch towards green sustainable growth and expansion as of now. There is a terrific effort in many nations to put an end to cataclysmic pollution, carbon emissions, global warming, and environmental changes. People are waking up and arising into a new age in the alien universe. Nothing will ever be the same again. Scientists are working day and night to find new solutions to real problems in the world. Most of these are related to industrial contamination, plastic disposal, and carbon outflow. Greenhouse gases like methane are being pumped into the atmosphere by animal agriculture, transportation systems, power plants, and factories around the globe. Greenhouse gases contribute to climate change increasingly. If the international community doesn’t act upon the serious perils now, it may be too late. The planet is going through mass extinctions, pandemics, a global downfall that will transmute the history like never before. Human beings have been inspired by otherworldly forces to go completely green in every way of life to restore the planet and protect all life. This may be the gateway to the greenest, most sustainable, and harmonious society in galactic federations. Although the planet is in grave danger, there is the green light calling people to change and innovate a new civilization, unlike the past. The old ways of living and doing business are coming to an end to clear the path to the ultimate green economy, trade, and productions. A lot of people are being exhilarated to become creative and inventive to start building a totally new future that’s powered by nature’s renewable green growth and resources. Nature already provides all that human beings need to survive for every field of business. People need to do their research and invest in the right methods of production that are beneficial for the environment. In a sense, well-designed productive forests can supply the demand and even transform the world’s cities as carbon-absorbent and sustainable paradises. Many carbon-based and destructive industries are eradicating the planet and pumping the most greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. All industries will be obliged to switch to complete green and carbon-neutral growth and improvement rather than continuing toxic and harmful fabrications. The whole world is being uplifted each day because people realized they must do whatever it takes to reverse climate change, clean-up the ecosystems, oceans and start living ecologically. New green deals and a global vegan and carbon-negative economic system will alter the shape of the planet and direct it into a constructive course. Consuming the planet’s limited and fragile resources, causing mass extinctions, deforestation, and contributing to climate change and pollution isn’t the best approach for any society to progress sustainably. After only a couple of decades or so, the disasters will be unstoppable and most will be environmental and climate-related. The natural system of life encircling Planet Earth feeds the global economy and whole human population but there will be mass food, water shortages, and scarcity that will devastate force this unsustainable system to collapse only in a few decades. Some scientists and researchers warn the public that 2050 may be the real end times. 2020 is just the beginning, the pandemic itself has taught a great lesson to mankind about how unsustainable and detrimental the financial and industrial structure are. It all depends on individuals to make the green switch towards environmental, climate-friendly lifestyle and consumption and corporations then the whole economy will only follow after.
These are very exciting times on Planet Earth, the internet has connected the human population as one community and people will have to unite to overcome the disasters and change the world for the better from now on. Humanity is still weak and divided compared to other orderly and systematic associations and societies in the universe. Humans live freely to do whatever they want whenever they want. Although there is poverty in the world, a lot of people still live very plentiful lives filled with entertainment. Most of the technological devices are designed to entertain people instead of teaching and guiding them. This may be doomed to change since there are increasing instability and paramount issues concerning the citizens of the world. Everybody is responsible for the well-being of themselves, their families also the planet they live on. Everything affects the whole remarkably and people don’t realize that. Some developed nations pollute the rivers, oceans, and the air more than others, and this is only getting worse. No matter how rich the planet you live on is, it will eventually deplete to leave an uninhabitable, deserted landscape. The entire planet may turn into a desert or it can be like the Amazon and only human beings determine any outcomes. There are angelic powers overseeing planets with intelligent lifeforms like the Earth but they can’t stop planetary destruction and environmental degradation. A lot of people are being warned, guided, inspired by the angelic beings assigned to human society and all life on Earth. These angelic forces are trying to incite many people to act upon the real problems of humanity at this time. They aren’t able to get involved in human affairs physically, considering the fact that this is the physical realm. Human beings are spiritual beings that come to Earth for specific tasks and missions. Other things won’t matter as much once you find your life’s assignment. Each person can change the world and the human race for the better. In these times, you’ll need the power of plants, trees, seeds, and renewable materials to complete the business. Humans are part of nature and they can utilize nature’s sustainable components to nurture human society and a lot of industries are required to be regulated and modified for the global green growth and economy. The planet has been exhausted severely by industrial and technological expenditures. This can’t go on any further. Planet Earth is a very rare and unique planet comprising countless biological, living organisms also an exceptional fauna of life unlike most other planets in the universe. Theoretically, it has the power and capacity to breathe life back to dying, depleting civilizations, and planetary systems. Thus, it has to be preserved and safeguarded under all circumstances. There is a subtle alien invasion enforced upon Planet Earth and human society. Most people didn’t know about this, some researchers found out what’s been occurring behind the scenes. Humans have evolved as a destructive force over their environment however they have terrific potential and they live in a marvelous, rich world. People believed that industrial and technological growth and expansion was the best thing for civilization to progress, yet that’s not true. Sustainability and renewability must be the criterion for society to proceed, otherwise, the planet’s will deteriorate and become mostly uninhabitable. There have been a great number of alien abductions and most of them never returned. This is proof that the beings coming from space aren’t here to help humanity nor save the world, they’re mostly here to take advantage of a weak and divided species. They refer to humans as specimens similar to how humans perceive animals. Humans have exploited many types of animals brutally and aliens want to enthrall mankind as subspecies to complete tasks and as a resource. The entire world community must find new ways to restore and cleanse the planet that’s in grave danger. Scientists warn about coming catastrophes and negative events are aggravating. Humanity is entering a new era in evolution unlike anything in the past. This is the new age in an alien universe and Planet Earth is wanted by many alien races because this is a wonderful living sphere in contrast to the universe chock full of barren worlds. Luckily, some people and researchers are working so hard to change the planet, reverse climate change, and somehow build a more sustainable society. There is a new awareness arising in human society with life-changing movements like veganism, environmental protection, reforestation, green tech, renewable energies, animal rights, and so on. A lot of people are dedicated to fixing the broken system that’s not planned to benefit the environment and the planet. Perhaps, a united vegan world that’s committed to ecological, green innovation, and freedom of all species can revamp the economic and industrial system to benefit all living beings and the beautiful planet we’re part of. Living and working sustainably begins with each person and their mindset. People vacuum information from their surroundings. Though, you can receive a great deal of new information from the internet, books, videos, articles, courses, etc. these days. People of the world are supposed to know that they have only one planet they can live on and other planets even if they’re terraformed won’t be like the Earth. Each person has a new assignment and that’s learning new concepts to live in tune with nature rather than destroying and infecting all life. Unfortunately, the most intelligent species of Earth has evolved to be the most destructive and divided. All nations and people are connected to each other at varying degrees. People are fungi beings that emerged from forests so they’re actually forest people. Most of the productions rely on forests and materials derived from plants, forests, trees, and other types of flora.
New green innovation uprising to rejuvenate Planet Earth wit limitless green growth that can feed and nourish humankind in every way possible through perpetual output. Any person can utilize nature’s life-generating methods of production wherever they reside. You don’t need much space to cultivate life and become self-sufficient. Some people planted large forests in deserted landscapes and they noticed all kinds of life forms coming back to these places to increase the recycling biodiversity. Plants and trees are the most regenerative organisms and they can transform any landscape into productive and sustainable. Humans have detached themselves from the natural cycle of life but a lot of people are feeling the need to go back to their roots. If the planet depletes because of global warming, desertification, scarcities, extinctions, deforestation, and toxic contamination, all nations will fall, nobody will be able to make it. No matter who you are, how rich or powerful you are, you need resources to maintain your presence. Most money made stays in numerical, digital accounts forever and society never benefits from it. Global green growth and expansion similar to the Amazon rainforest can lead human society in the right direction to advance and prosper. In this new world, all plastics, toxic industries, destructive habits, harmful agriculture methods, greenhouse gases, and all things that destroy, pollute, and deplete the world’s resources, biodiversity, and environment must be surrendered. Some industries may be converted to extremely sustainable and green with some effort and investment. This is why limitless innovation is crucial for human civilization’s progress in the future. Economic degrowth is necessary for global green and vegan uprise in development and business. Humanity has new competitors that already established themselves clandestinely around the world. They’re way more focused, consistent, and uniform than human beings that are confused, aggressive, and self-destructive. Sightings have been increasing each day, they’re gaining more power and influence every day. Nothing will ever be the same again. It’s almost impossible to break free if aliens gain full control of the planet’s administration. In a sense, even Planet Earth can be re-terraformed to become extremely self-sufficient, green, sustainable, and renewable so humans can have the chance to compete and eject deceptive extraterrestrial occupancy. Plants, trees, and seeds of nature will always help to transform the world and communities with plant-based, green growth, and energy production. People will need more energy, most advanced societies may be completely plant-based in every field. Solar panels mimic plants that generate their energy through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the most dynamic and rewarding process that supports life on Earth. The process may be similar to other planets. More technologies, manufacturing, productions, energy generation systems will simulate photosynthesis and nature for the whole civilization to become a global, plant-based power plant. Terraformed worlds will connect each other by biosphere ships traveling instantly. There is a possibility that there are trillions of alien worlds that can be terraformed eventually, many new species will emerge and humanity will be able to revitalize the entire universe through the means of terraformation. Yet, the Planet Earth is always first, it’s the most special and glorious in nature. Humans are indeed fungi, they’re intelligent plants, they can refresh the whole globe in such a short time and enrich each continent with perennials. There are green technologies in development to absorb the excess CO2 congested in the atmosphere. People need cars to get around and do business but cars could be redesigned as carbon-absorbent, traveling biospheres that bring life to every place of the world. There is research being done about fungi construction methods and fungi can be grown as buildings in the near future. Eco-rich technologies, constructions, designs, businesses will be everywhere soon. Humans are awakening, there is new information flowing into the human psyche for them to start doing the right things and constantly innovate the most amazing, sustainable, productive times ahead. Everything is now, what you can dream of can be invented now by many people. Vegan, green and plants are the keywords for eternally terraforming innovation and breakthroughs.
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