The world is changing extremely fast each day and everyone knows that the planet has hit a threshold of either salvage it with all we can or suffer the consequences. Human civilization is still in its developing stage so people didn’t know that industrial growth and expansion would alter the environment and the climate severely. Climate change, pandemics, pollution, and other disastrous evens have been threatening all life on Earth at an increasing rate. It’s obvious that economic, industrial, and technological augmentations aren’t good for the planet and its living environment. Humans have been plundering resources of each continent like a virus spreading above and beyond. Yes, humans need all kinds of resources and materials to survive and live comfortably but most industries have evolved as extremely destructive and polluting over the years. The meat industry is being one of the most contaminated, cruel, and disease-driven of them all. Most of the products people need and use every day can be made with plant-based materials without cruelty and less pollution. Even the toilet paper that was in very high demand during the lockdown can be made by plants rather than cutting forests down. Meat and paper productions are some of the most harmful to large forests that are more endangered than ever before. The largest rainforest the Amazon has been burning down to clear land for cattle ranching and soy farming to feed the cattle. The pandemic virus that devastated the entire world only in a few months has emerged from a meat market in the most industrialized nation in the world enclosing the highest number of factories. This is a palpable sign indicating that over industrialization of any kind, meat and other cruel and desolating industries causes more harm than good for the planet and humankind. Largest forests are blazing, billions of sentient animals are slaughtered to satisfy the diets of the ever-growing human population that’s becoming the destructive locust swarm ever occurred in history bound for devouring the planet alive until nothing’s left. Humans should focus on real issues instead of worrying about economic growth and expansion that are more detrimental than beneficial. The climate is warming each day and the environment is being altered to a degree of no return. Largest forests that are the lungs of the world involving extreme biodiversity, unlike any other place, are facing extinction in the next decades. Apparently, human society is supposed to do something to stop this madness otherwise they’ll go extinct. Nature usually wins every time, it will hit the population with disasters and viruses that were never seen or experienced before since the climate is changing at speed.
There are movements like veganism, reforestation, green living, plant-based lifestyles, animal rights, sustainable productions, new innovation to carbon-neutral and save the environment, and so forth. These dynamic activities and improvements are moving human society forward like never before. There was never a moment in history where people wanted to rescue animals, the environment, and invent new ways to live greener and more sustainable. The ecosystems and climate are changing faster than the past where it was okay to do anything without harming the Earth as much. In this new era, everything that people do, consume, and make to live will either restore the climate and ecosystems or damage them to a greater extent. There are more people in the world that are aware of the impact humans cause over the planet and its sentient beings. Destroying all life that exists here, killing billions of animals, and pumping cubics of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere isn’t the logical thing a civilization would do. The economic and societal systems are both broken. People are part of nature and they must do all to protect their surroundings even to make the products that they need to survive and live adequately. Going fully green and plant-based may solve most or probably all of the problems that a progressive society has in the universe. So many people experience drastic changes after going vegan and choosing to fuel themselves with plants. Gardening has become popular during the lockdown and a lot of people started growing their own foods also started planting more trees and seeds around them. This is what people need to do in order to save themselves from extinction and somehow reverse climate change and other calamities. Driving hours in traffic to go to a job or business that will only contribute more to animal-cruelty, climate change and environmental degradation is a thing of the past. People must realize there are better ways to live and work. Once people all around the world switch their habits, diets, and lifestyles, corporations that make the products and provide the services will switch their productions to plant-based, vegan, carbon-neutral, and very sustainable methods. It all depends on consumers and people of the world to save and restore the planet at this time. Perhaps, ideas and concepts like veganism and switch to complete plant-based etc. were inspired by intelligent civilizations like the aliens that watch and monitor human society from afar. They knew something wasn’t right here and they mentally stimulated certain individuals to invent veganism and other innovative brain conceptions. Everything begins in the brain and some people have inspired a better future for humanity and most were vegans. Amazing inventors like Nikola Tesla and others have specified the means of living cruelty-free and consuming plants as a dietary choice. They may not be able to be as successful as they have been if they were consuming animals and animal products since these types of foods contain more fats, cholesterol, and low vibration that clog veins and curtail the intelligence of human beings. Switching to a vegan lifestyle, investing, and working with renewable resources derived from plants and nature are the smartest ways to progress in life rather than following a flock that’s getting more destructive and contributing to climate change each day.
Some people who have been abducted by aliens shared their encounters and they noticed a lush and green environment also so many plants grown with methods similar to hydroponics even in spaceships. This is proof aliens know that growing all kinds of plants and cultivating a very sustainable environment with the help of diversity of plants, trees, and gardens is one of the best ways for any society to proceed into advanced prospects. Therefore, human society has been consuming animal and their products increasingly especially after the industrial revolution. The industrialization has made mass-manufacturing any type of food and products easier than before and people demanded more animal products for some reason. They were brainwashed to believe that meat, dairy, and all animal products contained more protein, calcium, iron, et cetera but plants, vegetables, legumes, nuts actually contain more than enough protein, vitamins, and minerals than any animal products. Meat may contain a little more protein and iron but it’s dead animals that have been slaughtered in barbaric ways, it also contains high amounts of cholesterol and it’s a lot harder to digest and may cause all kinds of health problems. Meat and dairy have been a big part of the human diet because most humans didn’t know how to farm crops and they started hunting or raising animals for food. Unfortunately, most crops are seasonal and it takes a while for them to sprout but they can be harvested in large quantities with the right methods. Some nations located in the right temperate zones became more agricultural than cold or hot nations who couldn’t produce crops needed. This is a thing of the past, any types of crops, trees and plants can be cultivated anywhere inside greenhouses or native species can be propagated from seeds. In this age, there is no need for cruel food productions and factory farms to feed the growing population. Animal agriculture has been breeding many viruses that spread as epidemic or pandemic to devastate and take many human lives. It’s one of the biggest contributors to climate change as well as polluters out of all industries. It’s painful to call it an industry or business when it’s one of the cruelest, most barbaric thing ever existed in human history. There are obviously many alien races that watch and monitor human society and some may be fully vegan and plant-based as well. An advanced society in the universe would abandon the uncivilized and savage methods of business and production thousands of years ago. For this reason, humans are doomed to find new ways to stop the pollution levels that are increasing each day also rescue the billions of animals that will be slaughtered to be packaged as food items. No matter what kind of business it is and who owns it, they can invest in newer, cruelty-free, environmentally-friendly, and green business systems without breaking the bank. It still depends on consumers to make the choice for any corporation to convert to completely green with their purchases. No business or corporation would want to risk losing it all to keep the old ways of doing business. People are awakening every day, there is a lot of information circling online, on social media, and other platforms. There are millions of activists all around the world trying to raise awareness about animal rights, the environment, climate change, and so on. Some of them risk their lives to save the animals, ecosystems, and the planet we share together. Once a human society has elevated their awareness plus the knowledge to a higher point by start doing the right things to save their planet, all life and nature they’re part of, they will have the chance to become an advanced, self-sustaining and cooperative civilization in the universe.
Recent analysis suggests there may be around 36 intelligent alien civilizations in milky ways and some are neighboring our solar system. From all the ufo incidents, some of them have allegedly entered our atmosphere to observe and study human civilization. There have been many aliens abductions over the course of a few decades and there are still ufo sightings and abduction events happening worldwide. Millions of people have been abducted and experimented on for secret alien agendas. Some friendly alien races that watch from afar may have inspired the human race to go vegan, restore the environment and the planet in grave danger. The abduction phenomenon demonstrates that millions of people have been through cruel experiments then their memories have been erased. Unfortunately, not all alien races that come to Planet Earth are vegan nor friendly. A friendly or benevolent extraterrestrial society wouldn’t enter the atmosphere to carry out secretive evil agendas by any means but the reality of the situation is the opposite. It seems like no matter how advanced aliens are technologically and scientifically, they still seek the resources they want and need. They do whatever it takes to acquire these materials, resources by manipulating the native inhabitants of various worlds like the Earth. Some abductees have been taken to other planets and spotted a very barren, deserted, and infertile landscape unlike most places of Planet Earth. It may be that they want our rich, fertile, and abundant planet for their own benefit. This beautiful planet has been bestowed upon humanity by the creator but we ought to protect and preserve all of its natural resources, biodiversity, and the living environment that will support human civilization in the future. If scientists announce that there may be over 36 intelligent societies in this part of the universe, it’s obvious that some have converged into our society for their own gainful plans. Only a few people that were abducted admitted experiencing positive encounters with aliens, all others have been brutally examined and their organs have been used for enigmatic operations. An alien invasion may be undergoing for decades so the human population is supposed to take action against climate change, environmental deterioration as well as the alien invasion occurring clandestinely. There are many people living in many cities and places of the world who claim they’re alien-human hybrids integrated into society for various tasks to carry out the secret alien agenda. These people look exactly like humans but alien in mind and they travel in and out of established alien bases also live among humans all around the world. Going vegan may solve many problems of the world, it’s the best mindset to save animals, water sources, reduce the impact over ecosystems and climate altogether. Some contact with aliens indicates that various et’s have advised abductees to stop eating meat, switch to a plant-based lifestyle, and let others do the same. Eating meat is like eating your own flesh and devouring your planet alive. A barbaric diet that billions of people have adopted for the sake of protein intake, taste, and addiction is probably contributing to the destruction of the only homeworld we have. There is research to announce that most other planetary systems are extremely barren, depleted, or dying unlike Planet Earth containing a very rich set of assets to supply the needs of myriads of species including humans. Now is the time to reclaim the Earth with the growth and expansion of veganism and other movements, productions incited by plants, sustainable and renewable resources. We only have one planet to live on, terraforming other planets like Mars may be impossible or they’ll never emerge as a new Earth. Many alien groups and forces want this world as their newest resource hub by subjugating mankind to complete the necessary tasks and extraction of crucial resources that don’t exist elsewhere in space. Veganism can unite humanity, show the path to enlightenment, probably start movements and projects devoted to the reversal of climate change also environmental plus forest protection. When a person switches to a complete vegan and plant-based lifestyle, their purchases and consumption sow the seeds that will create larger and more expanded gardens, farms, food forests, and orchards assisting endangered ecosystems also sequester carbon and emit oxygen, clean water sources. This is definitely the way to a better, greener, and more sustainable, cruelty-free future that’s different than any other era. Amazing movements and projects fueled by complete renewable green resources derived from plants and trees without harming the planet will advance human civilization into its next stage in development.
The era of extreme industrialization and excessive consumption is coming to an end. This time of human history has been immensely destructive for the planet and all species. Industrial growth has provided easier access to products, more comfort, and convenience for many people but its impact over ecosystems and climate has been overly detrimental. Times have changed, it’s like Mother Earth is punishing the human population with viruses, natural disasters after 2020. Many large empires and nations of the past have gone extinct through devastating plagues and some other disastrous events. Vegan and cultivating the renewable materials of nature may be the only way out of this madness at this time. People of the world are being called by nature to go back to its roots and relinquish its destructive behavior at the beginning of an age in the alien universe where there are so many alien races, groups, and societies competing with each other over various planetary systems, territory, domination and coveted resources. There is more than enough evidence that aliens have been here quite a while. In ancient times, there was an alien appearance in human affairs many times. They never fully succeeded to take over the world as of yet but it’s apparent they’re gaining power and influence over our world secretly. If humankind finds the way to somehow salvage the only planet they have that’s more rich and magnificent than most others in this galaxy and afar. Just by going vegan alone, a human being will save thousands of animals from slaughter, reduce their impact and pollution over their surroundings, save tons of water, and support green farms, orchards that provide foods and oxygen for the human population. We must definitely work on finding new ways to reverse global warming and its effects also lower all pollution levels to their minimum. The oceans have been overfished and the plastic patch has been increasing each day. The coral reefs are in grave danger as well, most of them are bleaching because of the effects of climate change. In the near future, there will be mass food and water shortages, there will be fewer supplies for the growing population and more conflicts over basic necessities. Some scientists proclaim that there is less than two decades before climate change, pollution, depletion of natural resources, clean water, and forests to wind up completely irreversible. For this reason, the only time to save and regenerate the planet and all its organisms are now. Each person of the world is liable to protect and defend their nation and their only homeworld from coming catastrophes caused by industrial devastation. Some developed nations are still pumping very high amounts of greenhouse gases and waste into the atmosphere, into rivers and oceans right after the lockdown that gave a short period of relief for nature. Human beings are being required to change their habits and switch their mindset to a very sustainable and green way of living without waiting for certain officials and a higher power to act. Luckily, if most of the world population switch their diets, lifestyles to vegan, and fully plant-based, this will affect all productions and industries for them to become very sustainable by converting their business mechanisms entwined with plants and natural organisms.
There is a bioreactor fueled by algae in development that can absorb more carbon dioxide and produce more oxygen than an acre of forest. Aliens themselves probably have developed many technologies and systems of production powered by ultimately renewable, plant-based resources either originated from their homeworlds or from other planets like the Earth. Aliens have possibly collected samples of all kinds of organisms and plantlife from the Earth to bioengineer them as suitable to their natural systems since the Earth represents a great plethora of life and biodiversity of countless species in its natural habitats. This is exactly what they want but they need human acquiescence to farm and utilize all of the riches and minerals of Planet Earth because they can’t live here or breathe the atmosphere of our world. It seems like either aliens or vegans will claim the Earth as their own and somehow rescue this beautiful sphere to evolve into new eras of developments and expansion. There are some Earth-like worlds in the proximity of our solar system but they may not contain life or may not be as abundant as our blue-green marble in space. Vegans can emerge as a very friendly, united, and advanced society in the universe if they can overcome the challenges and catastrophic events that are ahead of humanity. Most vegan startups and enterprises become very successful and hit the markets with great profit, unlike most other struggling companies at this time. The pandemic has awakened the human population and taught them a lesson about the impact of destructive and cruel industries that people support and fund each and every day. All of the destructive and polluter industries, businesses, factories, and corporations are doomed to be regulated or shut down to stop the overly cataclysmic climate and increasing pollution worldwide. Plastic debris in oceans and landfills is already catastrophic as well. Many marine animals are dying as a consequence of the plastics in oceans, lakes, and rivers. Microplastics are contaminating drinking and tap water supplies that people use daily. Therefore, all types of single-use plastics and even other plastic commodities must be replaced with plant-based alternatives as soon as possible. There are projects to clean up the extending plastic patch in oceans but this isn’t 100% effective to solve the problem. Plant-based materials can be molded into single-use plastics and plastic containers. There are already some finished products that will hit the markets soon but all kinds of plastics are required to be replaced globally to halt the plastic problem. Anything can be made plant-based, nature provides all kinds of materials and the necessary output to make anything to be consumed or used by human society. This is definitely the future and it’s the most sustainable way for a developing society to progress into self-sustaining, green prospects. Perhaps, there are some friendly vegan and plant-based societies in the universe not far from our solar system, they may be observing our newly advancing civilization. Life-changing, biggest movements of our time like veganism, renewable technologies, energy sources, green breakthroughs may have been inspired by them to solve the problems of humanity and elevate them into their next stage of evolution in an alien universe thriving with countless extraterrestrial species. Plants and nature will always win no matter there humans or not. The abandoned places with no human involvement are turned green in a short time. You can’t wait for forests and nature to save themselves and expand to halt climate and environmental change. It’s always up to humans to come up as the saviors of all living species and Planet Earth in general before some alien beings secretly take possession of the human population to farm and exploit this natural system for their gain and purposes. Friendly alien races send messages, inspiration, and guidance from out of the solar system for their protection and privacy. Each human being can do things to save the world, the animals, and the planet’s natural system of balance. One person can make a great change and be an example for others to learn from. Going vegan is great but it’s not enough to save the world similar to planting trees alone won’t save the world. Moreover, aliens won’t save the world or humanity. From all the abduction data and research, most alien races aren’t coming here for no good. They want to gain full control of the human population, save the world for themselves through subjection and mind-control. Vegan alien allies that reside in the neighborhood of space have sent the ultimate way to save Planet Earth also advance the civilization into eternity and that will be the new beginning of complete renewability and sustainability derived from green natural resources as vegan and plant-based. We can unite as one super green society, salvage the burning forests and expel the malevolent alien presence upon here. Let’s do it now =D
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