This is it !! Planet Earth is changing extremely fast. There are glorious movements that can transform the world like never before. There will be a magnificent future for all humankind beginning now. Despite the fact that the Earth is struggling through mass extinction events, forest fires, pandemic, and climate change, there is still a great opportunity for humans to switch as a very green, sustainable, and ecological society. There is an immense need for most of the population to adjust their habits, diets, and consumption that are exhausting the beautiful planet and its living habitats. The change can be easy when more people learn about the things that can save the world and adopt these into their lifestyles to rescue billions of animals, the environment, and climate that is in crisis. Human civilization has entered a new era in evolution, it’s supposed to adapt to changes and modify to backtrack the high levels of contamination and damage. This new era can be very opportunistic for the whole or disastrous. Humans have altered the environment they’re part of to make products and fuel the economy rapidly without anticipating the consequences. Each person is being punished with a pandemic, lockdowns, and mandatory regulations because each person is liable for their impact over the ambiance they’re embedded into physically and biologically. Human society has evolved industrially and commercially during the recent decades but they ignored the impact on climate and ecosystems. Perhaps, the ever-growing economy, commerce, technological products, industrial productions aren’t the only way for a civilization to progress into the prospects. There are many other courses to evolve, develop, and even prosper as a global society without overusing and devastating the planet and its natural environment that humans rely on to survive. Making more and having more of the same things that are improved bits by bits each year has catastrophic effects over natural resources and the ecosphere that’s supposed to be clean for the years to come. There is a new future for humankind up ahead if the entire world adopts a new mindset of restoring the planet with their habits, choices, and effort. It’s actually not too difficult to reshape the society and all products as environmentally-friendly, green and biodegradable. There are a lot of companies and startups inventing many products, services plus finding new ways to contribute to the green and plant-based prospect. People are realizing their impact and making the shift towards a more clean, green, and carbon-free prospect with their trash, plastics, carbon output. Civilization can mature as completely carbon-neutral, plastics and carbon pollution-free, regenerative, restorative if more and more people learn how to change their way of life for the betterment of the whole instead of consuming and trashing all that is produced. So many companies and businesses are understanding that everything they do affects the whole living system that people are only part of, not superior. The economy as the greenest, most sustainable and renewable will always improve and generate better lives that aren’t only about exhausting natural resources and generating pollution.
The vegan, plant-based, green startups and entrepreneurship are growing faster than any other field and venture. Some people think reforestation projects may revive dying forests, drying ecosystems but it’s not enough to mitigate the effect of global warming and contamination. Planting trees is still one of the best things anyone can do, it connects human beings back to nature where they originate from. People have detached from nature and the living habitats around them and immersed in tech gadgets, internet, commodities, junk food, tv, shopping, and things that give them short time happiness. They’re slowly appreciating the life-giving and relaxing sources of nature and green regeneration. For this reason, the best way to be happy and fulfilled is through cultivating nature’s renewable resources to feed and enhance your life and your surroundings. Planet Earth may be one of the greenest worlds in the universe since most of the planets detected resemble lifeless, deserted spheres wandering in space. Therefore, all of the life existing here must be protected from extinction before it’s too late. Humans have been forcing many species to go extinct and they’re in another mass extinction event at this time. The reason may be overpopulation because more people require more products, more resources, and supplies made from nature’s limited and fragile organisms and deposits. After the industrial revolution until now, the exhaustion over the forests, natural supplies have driven the planet into an unstable state. Most of the industries that people rely on like the car industry, power, coal plants, animal agriculture, and many others pump tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere each and every day. It’s like Planet Earth is becoming more like Mars and many venturers want to colonize and terraform Mars. There won’t be any terraforming nor much undertaking if the Earth is completely devastated and drained in a few decades. For this reason, protection of the environment and reversal of climate change, all kinds of pollution and depletion must be the first endeavor that most of the population goes after. If one person can change the world, think about what billions of people can do by making the green switch towards the future. Veganism is the best mindset for the environment and living beings. A person can reduce their carbon output remarkably by going vegan alone. It’s best to drive an electric car to generate less carbon individually as well. Eventually, the entire world will be obliged to change their carbon-producing habits, drive electric or nitrogen cars or bike, walk everywhere, eat and make foods that are cruelty-free and vegan for the environment and ecosystems, abandon plastics and other pollutants. The evolution in people’s minds is occurring at this time because people realized the world is in grave danger after the pandemic and lockdown procedures. A lot of people started gardening and growing their vegetables and food during the lockdown. Tree planting projects and companies are spreading apart the world faster than before. The Amazon is still burning down to clear land for cattle ranching and soy farming to feed livestock. Rainforests are the lungs of the world and they must be preserved at all costs. There won’t be anything to sequester the excess carbon in the atmosphere and the planet is heating increasingly. Billions of cars on the roads produce relative amounts of greenhouse gases to animal agriculture and factory farms. These two industries and some others like oil and gas are the most destructive and most polluters in history. It depends on citizens of the world to make the change, no company would like to use its profits and influence over the populace. People with their radical choices, dietary changes, awareness, and efforts can solve the biggest problems of the world since everything depends on people, what they make, consume and buy. Hence, electric cars will be more common, there are other totally green, emission-free car designs are in development that will hit the roads. People love green, vegan, and plant-based products and technologies and will invest in them more and more. The prices in renewable energies, electric cars will drop while mass-manufacturing of them is augmenting to supply the demand. The industrialization has been very destructive and emitted very high levels of carbon creating global warming and other catastrophic events but industrial production will convert to absolutely green, renewable, and carbon-neutral or negative sooner or later. All businesses and companies are making products to supply the needs of an ever-growing population and people have the power to change the economy to a sustainable model for their own future and planet’s health.
There is an estimate suggesting to plant trillions of trees in less than two decades to absorb all of the excess carbon and store it in forests. Many people are pondering on how to reverse climate change in the first place besides other types of pollution like the plastics in oceans must be cleaned up with global exertion. New electric cars and renewable energy companies are being developed as world-changing startups that many people will love to invest and work for. There is a possibility that the Earth can emerge as a very advanced, green, and sustainable civilization by adopting a united vegan and renewable future. This will prompt the economy and human society in the right direction. Nature provides a tremendous amount of renewable resources for human society to make all kinds of products, generate energy, and supply all needs of human beings. For this reason, unsustainable industries that despoil and devour natural resources leaving desolate lands must be abandoned, shut down or regulated as soon as possible. The future will be absolutely green and renewable also emission-free. More people are buying electric cars than ever before. Solar companies are thriving in every market around the world. Anyone can turn their homes and backyards into green gardens that grow food and at least reduce their carbon emissions. Permaculture gardening, farming, and homesteading are some of the best ways to become self-sufficient in a world threatened with pandemics, an unstable economy, and unemployment. No matter what it is, green, vegan, and renewable will always win and project a new vision for humanity that’s destined to become a great, cooperative, free civilization. A lot of people believe that humans are primitive, cruel, and futile beings to become an advanced civilization but that’s not true. The Earth is a remarkable planet containing an abundance of biodiversity and natural resources. If all of these are utilized feasibly without overuse and depletion, human society will have all of the things it needs and more to progress into the future. For instance, trees are very productive large plant species, they can absorb carbon dioxide, exhale oxygen, produce food, wood, habitats for many creatures, stabilize the climate, clean the water, provide shade and so much more. This is only one class of species that the Earth contains a great diversity of. There are people who planted vast forests transforming barren landscapes into lively paradises that they can live in and even make money from. A green world economy will finally ripen human civilization as an advanced and sustainable living system, unlike the past. Destroying the planet and pumping oodles of gases into the biosphere was never the way to mature as a global community. People are the same all around the world, there are significant differences in languages, customs, values, and habits but people live mostly the same and want, need the same things to survive. From all the fast-food chains and junk food in stores, you can tell this is a primitive but hopefully promising society living on a very beautiful and abundant world that must be protected and preserved at all costs. Once the green economy, new green deals are in full effect, all food stores will have to switch to green and plant-based for the environment and animals also to reduce their carbon and plastics output. Humanity should target to emerge as one of the most advanced civilizations in the universe and discard all of the destructive behaviors, tendencies, wars, and polluting industries in the shortest time possible to relieve the Earth. There are billions of animals entrapped to be slaughtered to be packaged as food items and feed the growing population whereas there is an abundance of plants, veggies, nuts that can deliver all of the nutrients including protein for human health and survival. The green world begins in the mindset of individuals and their way of life. If people can’t make the switch, the climate change and coming natural disasters may wipe out most of the population or trigger mass food, water shortages, and more viruses and pandemics. Veganism is definitely the beginning of a new age also a very green, sustainable economy for the entire world. Everyone will benefit from any innovative ideas that will drive the changing business world to a greener and less contaminated tomorrow. Everyone is working for the future, the bills and expenses and how you pay for them are your future but we must think about the transformation globally. You can become self-sufficient if you invest in the green transition day by day. Money is a product value so think about if you can make all of the products that you ever need. Wouldn’t that be amazing for you and others that can learn from it? You may still need money for certain expenses however living as green and vegan as possible will make you more self-reliant, aware, healthy also reduce your expenditures. There are people who cut their power bill in half or less by installing solar panels on their roofs, some harvest and store rainwater for later use. Going green is about extreme efficiency in every field of life, business, innovation, education. Veganism may ignite your mind to start living the best way possible that nobody knew about before. We live on such a magnificent planet that’s getting excited about colonizing and terraforming other planets like Mars. The journey to space may begin with terraformation ventures because the Earth is still a very abundant planet that can revive new worlds turning them into Earth-like.
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