Would Going Vegan Salvage The World & Mars Since The Amazon Is Burning and There Is An Alien Invasion? =D
We may be living in tough times on Earth. Well, life was always tough, it hits you hard but you gotta get going. Besides the largest rainforest of our world is still being burnt down by the meat industry itself. We have to do something about this, it’s obvious that our beautiful world and the human population are both in jeopardy. Salvaging the Amazon, all forests also the planet altogether is humanity’s newest mission at this time. Other things don’t matter anymore. The good old days where you found a job, worked, went shopping, went out, make dinner, listen to music, and enjoyed yourself may be over. We all live in a totally different world that’s degrading each and every day either by deforestation, pollution, industrial destruction, conflicts, inequality, viruses, and so on. They’re anticipating that the viruses like the Coronavirus will mutate and spread in a 2nd wave to threaten the lives and financials of hordes of people. Small businesses are shutting down, tons of people are rioting, the unemployment rate is skyrocketing and the Amazon is still on fire. These are the signs of end times or something else is happening behind the scenes. A lot of significant events related to humans’ future, freedom, and prosperity have been kept hidden from the public as part of a new change of system. Luckily, some researchers and attentive individuals discovered what was happening behind the scenes and they tried to unravel the mystery. The human society has been manipulated and mismanaged for thousands of years. Differences, cultures, religions, customs, ethnicities, and all discrepancies have incited battles, oppositions, warlike attitude between nations and all people. This is a whole big world thriving with biodiversity so there are many distinct features that all organisms retain. Humans are very similar in their intentions, behavior, and tendencies all over the globe. Now there is a higher calling for the entire world population to gather under a unique purpose to redeem the world and human race that are both in crises. Pandemic and the lockdown have demonstrated the reality of the civilization that’s weakening and divided. The planet is still undergoing mass extinctions, forest fires like in the Amazon, instability, higher unemployment, broken economy, and so forth. People are realizing that the system was never made to fulfill the human body-mind-soul trinity. All are planned to keep the power, riches, control under the hands of a few selected individuals. There is so much more that people don’t know about. TV, tech gadgets, internet, most jobs, economic, and education system are all perfectly designed to beguile the masses and keep them weakest, poorest, and less informed. There are such tragedies like the Amazon fires that are ignited by the meat industry itself to clear more land for cattle ranching and soy farming. Forests are the most resourceful habitats of our planet and the biodiversity they include is crucial for the life-balance of Planet Earth. Each person should start thinking of everything globally because each crisis and event deeply affects the entire globe.
The researchers also found out that there was a very subtle alien invasion enforced upon humanity increasingly. It wasn’t conducted like in the movies, it kept as a secret, as clandestine as possible so it would be easier for these beings from space to take over the planet and control the human population. There is an alien-human hybrid breed genetically engineered by these deceptive alien groups to overrule the humankind to farm and exploit the society and all of the planet’s resources. There are two adversities taking place at the same time, one is the secret alien invasion, the second is the environmental destruction. These are both related to each other. Aliens have intervened in human affairs to gain control of a warlike, divided, and destructive species so they could save the planet and all of its natural riches for their own benefit. All of the resources that our planet contains are very rare and unique in space, therefore there are many alien races that have come here to carry out their own agendas. They persuaded many people in power, commerce, and administration also in religious institutions. They will replace the world’s control mechanisms with the new generations of hybrids that look exactly like humans but in correlation with the alien beings that created and integrated them into human society. This is how alien take over worlds like our planet. They’ve already conquered some worlds and subdued their native inhabitants as a workforce. The next target is the human race. Most people believe aliens will come here to save the world, grant technology, offer peace and harmony but the reality of the situation is contradictory to what most people assume and hope for. Especially after the industrial revolution, humans have plundered the resources and devastated the environment at a greater extent. All of this attracted the attention of even extraterrestrials that seek new worlds to harvest and take advantage of. If people of the world stop destroying and overusing the planet’s natural environment that’s critical for the survival of all species including humans, they may have a chance to thwart an alien invasion now and in the future. Otherwise, the consequences will be brutal, humanity will lose all of its freedom, rights, and natural wealth allotted to them. Each person will end up as part of a workforce to be utilized with the brain, body implants, or other alien technologies. This will be the demise of humanity, the human population may be depopulated to less than a billion since there aren’t enough resources for an ever-growing population and their excessive needs. The aliens and their associates want all of the world’s natural, mineral supplies and deposits for themselves and to trade them in space. All of the natural wealth Planet Earth has is extremely rare and valuable in space. For this reason, there are several alien races competing with each other to gain control of particular nations and regions around the world. You can recognize the aftereffect of this circumstance at present. Even the people with power, influence, and commercial leverage didn’t know the true intentions of the aliens in the first place. They’ve all been either mind-controlled or convinced to believe that aliens are here for the good of human beings contrary to what the true alien world acquisition plan mastered through hybridization and subjection of many native species of alien worlds. Aliens consider themselves and the hybrids superior to human beings since humans have been a very destructive, divided, and primitive race worldwide. They’re trying to take over the world and turn humans into a labor force for them to protect the resources wanted by many alien races and make use of this planet for their own interests. People will lose all that they’ve loved and cared for until now if the alien order is fully established around the world. This is one of the most dangerous events that can come upon to any society in the universe.
Times have changed, this is a totally new era of development for human society. All of the projects and programs to recover the planet, the environment, save billions of animals from slaughter, and somehow reverse climate change should be introduced in every place of the world. Each person is liable for their own consumption and lifestyle and everything that you do matters. There have been brilliant people who changed the world with their inventive minds and most of them were vegans. It’s apparent that propagating and consuming plants and their edibles is the best thing a person can do for their body and mind. Going vegan, saving animals, environment, and working with plants also plant-based products is the new beginning for humanity since all other industries are either cruel, destructive, pollutant or toxic for ecosystems, human body, and for the fauna that humans are counted in. Everything a person does, all they consume, and make either pollute and impair the ecosphere they’re in or regenerate the natural flora around them. Therefore humans beings are called to return back to their nature of regenerative survival unlike industrial and economic destruction and inequality. Once human beings prove themselves to be the saviors of Planet Earth and repair the damage they’ve done also unite as a cooperative and ecological society, the aliens will have to leave. Alien override of our newly developing civilization would be the end of humanity and it would be extremely difficult to break off. This has happened to many native and weak races in the universe and they’ve been here to execute the same procedures that worked elsewhere. What is the best way for humans to leave all differences behind and focus on the issues that matter also join forces to finally recover and protect all forests and living habitats? The answer may be to switch to a fully green, plant-based mindset for people to live cruelty-free without eradicating the natural resources that are critical for the future since humans will live on this planet for thousands of years. No industry should be authorized to pollute or ravage forests or any part of nature for the sake of economic growth or benefit of a few people in charge. Going fully green and plant-based will make all destructive and polluter businesses and industries completely obsolete. It all depends on the human population to change the world with their choices, habits, and consuming desires. There are some companies and non-profit organizations that plant trees and teach communities how to grow food and propagate plants for them to become self-sufficient and self-reliant. Anyone can collect the essential seeds or even grow any type of tree and plant from cuttings. Cut a branch of a tree that you want to propagate and scrape the bottom part then plant it in soil or a pot for it to start growing with roots to full size in months or a year or so. Growing vegetables is easier than trees because they grow faster and you can obtain the seeds from the vegetables you eat. All of them contain seeds in them, just plant them in soil and they’ll sprout in a short time then add fertilizer or compost every few weeks. Nature has the methods to regrow and reproduce itself with the diversity of Plantae and other microorganisms that help them. Humans are supposed to be part of this rather than constructing big cities, factories, buildings that downgrade the climate, and all creation. Going vegan is the best way to start a cruelty-free, green, natural, and healthy journey that will free so many animals and help the natural environment substantially. When more and more people switch to a green, vegan and fully plant-based lifestyle, cities, and products that people rely on to survive will transform into naturally booming landscapes and healthy harvest. We must do something to salvage the world and everyone is in it this time. Humans are a collective consciousness embodied on Earth and every bit of knowledge and awareness will spread apart rapidly. Healthy lifestyles, the love for nature, animals, and green growth will definitely mingle the human population to do the right things that will salvage the planet and its elegant biodiversity. The planet is filled with self-generating resources for people to cherish and proliferate for their own survival and prosperity. Life is never about developing or obtaining more technology and gadgets that will eventually deplete the world’s limited and fragile deposits. Renewable resources are completely organic, vegan, plant-based, and compostable. The plastics that pollute the oceans, rivers, and landfills exponentially can be made plant-based and there are some plastic alternatives arriving in the markets soon.
Rainforests like Amazon are vital for the planet’s climate and the cycle of life. It’s still being burned down by the cattle ranchers. Forests contain the most biodiversity and multiplicity of animal, insect, and plant species in their habitats. There are very rare and unique fruit trees, plants, vertebrate as well as other edible plant varieties that can be readapted to other regions for people to reap on. Large forests and the largest rainforests are the biological treasures of our world and most of the organic crops that people consume each day are mostly garnered from them. If you go back to the origins of most plants, trees, and edibles, you recognize their connection to large forests in the past. All forests and rainforests have been expanding until now. Humans are the most destructive locust swarm upon the Earth and the aggrandizing forests of the past are being ravaged for the increasing demand for meat, dairy, and animal products. Unfortunately, meat, dairy, and other animal products have entered the human diet in the past and humans have become the dominant species of the world. The population has been growing faster than before after the industrial revolution since essential products have been mass-manufactured for easy access to the public. With this convenience, the cruel, detrimental, and toxic products soared in popularity. No intelligent beings would destroy their only homeworld, kill billions of sentient creatures, burn forests, wreak havoc and pollute the lands, air, and oceans aggressively. Yet, this is still the norm of our civilization but the downfall is already coming to be irreversible in a decade or so. People must think everything from a personal level since all that a person does daily either harms or improves the natural system that has been evolving for millions of years. Now, most of the world population should change their diet, habits, addictions for the betterment of the planet that’s burning down and being ruined by the industrial needs of the populace. The pandemic revealed how one particular industry that kills billions of animals can devastate the masses, the global economy, and the health of the entire world population. For this reason, going vegan, fully plant-based, and starting a green lifestyle is crucial for the future of the planet we live on. There is also a great amount of evidence that there are many alien races that were very concerned about the environment we ruin recklessly. They entered the atmosphere to carry out their planetary acquisition procedure since humans were never a benign species to each other and to the health of their ecosystem they were born in. Ignorance around the world is what drives the destruction, pollution, and other harmful factors of human society. Sadly, the nations around the world bolstered the destructive and cruel industries for economic growth and the job market. Nobody thought about the negative effects of economic growth and expansion that’s the number 1 cause of environmental degradation. After a few decades, there won’t be any resources to keep the economy going and the world will get hit by intensifying disasters, resource depletion, the impact of global warming. There will be mass food, water shortages, and extreme instability that will provoke more conflicts and scarcity that will probably dismantle the most developed nations first since they were the ones that overused the environment and produced the maximum pollution in the first place. Climate change is related to industrial manufacturing and their greenhouse gas emissions. There are billions of cars on the roads that drive the economy but cars and power plants are the highest emitters of greenhouses gases that are congested in the atmosphere. Planting millions, billions of trees won’t be able to reverse the climate change since the greenhouse gas levels are way higher than what forests or trees can absorb and sequester. Hence, it’s best to put an end to the industrial era once and for all so we can tackle the climate change, environmental deterioration, plastic, and air pollution, inequality, and other issues that are threatening the prospects of human society relentlessly. Yes, the industrial era has provided all the goods, technology, and the comfort of housing and many products but it also turned the human race into a locust swarm devouring the planet alive. People are supposed to be plant species that live harmoniously in tune with nature and all its riches. Instead of protesting and rioting for something that the governments cannot solve, each person can do what they can to do the things that will be an example for the rest so all others can repeat after in order to clean up the planet facing extinction.
Switching to a vegan diet alone can save an animal’s life, 1,100 gallons of water, 45 pounds of grain, 20 lbs CO², 30 ft² forested lands a day. Livestock accounts for 14.5% of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions. Cattle rearing generates more greenhouse emissions than the transportation sector. 20% of the Amazon has been cut down and burnt since 1970 for livestock grazing and feed. Agriculture, primarily meat and dairy account for 70% of freshwater consumption. Animal agriculture is the largest human-caused contributor to the destruction of the environment. Raising animals for food uses 45% of Earth’s total land. 1-2 acres of rainforest are cleared every second causing habitat loss and extinction. 55% of the water consumed in the US is for animal agriculture. Factory farms produce more than 50% of all food animals in the US. 60% of corn and 47% of soybeans grown go to feed livestock. More than 150 billion animals are slaughtered every year for food. Livestock produces 116,000 lbs of waste per second. Animal agriculture is responsible for 51% of greenhouse gas emissions. Veganism, new green deals, and other green, plant-based endeavors can save the planet. Methane produced by animal agriculture is 20 times more powerful at trapping heat in the Earth’s atmosphere than carbon dioxide. The meat, dairy, egg industries produce 65% of worldwide nitrous oxide which is 300 times more powerful at trapping heat in the Earth’s atmosphere than carbon dioxide. The meat diets create 7 times the greenhouse emissions of the diets of vegans. 1 calorie from animal protein requires 11 times as much fossil fuel as one calorie of plant protein. It takes more than 2,400 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of meat. 1 pound of wheat takes 25 gallons. You’d save more water by not eating one pound of meat than you would by not taking a shower for 6 months. Animals raised for food create 89,000 pounds of excrement per second, none of which benefits from waste-treatment facilities like human excrement does. This situation creates massive amounts of groundwater pollution. Chicken, hog, and cattle excrement has polluted 35,000 miles of rivers in 22 states. If one person exchanges eating meat for a vegan diet, they’ll reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1.5 tons per year. These are the real numbers and they’ve been growing each and every day. You can tell the vegan diet is the best for the environment, clean water sources, and sentient animals that meant to be friends with humans.
Since the pollution levels hit the roof worldwide, human beings ought to change their dietary habits also invest in an electric car as well. Deforestation is another disaster caused by the increasing demand for meat products. Essentially, human teeth structure is of an herbivore but plants and trees produce seasonally so humans somehow became addicted to meat and animal products in the past. There is no need for destruction since permaculture, food forests, large vegetable farms and orchards can supply the needs of the whole population abundantly. People shouldn’t wait for legislative action to save the environment and animals since they can make the change themselves with their own habits, efforts, and endeavor. If the whole population realizes that they can change the world easily with cooperation and unity, there won’t be any downfall ever again. Nature and its generative resources will provide all the things for people to live and thrive when they can employ these self-generating seeds, compounds for their own survival and well-being of ecosystems. Going vegan can unite the world and salvage it efficiently without the obligation for someone else to do it. Although the system is broken and not designed for human beings to live competently, we can improve this system by reforming our lifestyles and start living naturally. From all the negative effects humans precipitate all over the creation of the world, you can discern why many alien races have started an invasion upon the human race secretly. This is one thing most of the population never knew about even though ufos and anomalies have been common in every place of the globe. The clandestine alien invasion is a global phenomenon and you can tell Planet Earth and its natural resources are wanted by many alien races in the universe and some of them have initiated their agendas subtly with the help of some people in power, influence, and commerce. There are alien-hybrid beings living in society and advising certain officials in a lot of organizations, especially in government, military, and commerce. These beings have been genetically created to overrule mankind to farm and utilize the human race for the benefit of their alien overlords since humans have been destroying the resources that are very rare, unique, and valuable in space. Most of the planets even the ones that formed intelligent life are very barren, deserted, desolate landscapes, unlike Planet Earth which is a very rich, fertile, and biodiverse sphere that was favored upon humanity for it to protect and enrich its living systems rather than causing mass havoc and devastation. It’s apparent that the planet is overpopulated and this cannot go on any further. Going vegan, living, and inventing green products and businesses will better the ecosystems that provide the materials needed for humans to make the essential merchandise. However these movements and planting trees may not save the world but our planet is being invaded by several alien races competing with each other for territory, influence, power over the coveted biological assets that are scarce in the universe. Our planet comprises of the life-generating biological organisms and natural environment abundantly and they want all of these as their own and human race as their newest workforce. Human beings will lose all of their freedom and rights also the things they worked for and loved for too long under any extraterrestrial rule over. You can already feel and experience the oppressive fallout projected by the alien mind control programs. They have lists of things to do to deprive and suppress the masses so it will be easier for them to exploit each human being now and in the future. They basically want robot-like personnel with no individual thought or liberty. The brain and body implants are in development to complete the alien agenda to convert most of the population into mindless workers then depopulate the rest since the needs of the society are devastating the natural resources. This will be the end of humankind once and for all. It’s almost impossible to break out of extraterrestrial enslavement and there are many movies made about this subject because it’s a totally real phenomenon. The people who were persuaded by these deceptive alien beings didn’t know their true intentions and plans. All have been kept secret for too long but some researchers uncovered the real alien plan to subjugate humanity as a workforce to extract all of the resources of Planet Earth which is a very rich and lively planet unlike most others in the universe. Planets like this are very rare so they’re desiderated by countless extraterrestrial races, organizations, and space pirates in the universe and several of them have covertly been here for a while. They infiltrated many institutions and convinced elites and officials to work for them to begin the new order to take over the planet and coerce mankind. The time is running out each and every day. The planet’s environment and climate are both unstable, the resources are depleting extremely fast to supply the increasing demand of the ever-growing population. Industrial needs and productions have been overly cataclysmic, the world’s biggest cities are too crowded and emit the most greenhouse gases discharging from billions of cars on the roads. Scientists disclose that the human population has a decade or two the most before climate change and other catastrophes wind up totally irremediable. The alien invasion will take advantage of the weaknesses, disagreements, and conflicts of all nations. There is evidence that millions of people have been abducted and most never returned. Human and animal body parts, plasma, organs, other biological compounds are very valuable in space so they will take away more animals and people once the alien oppression is fully established. You must understand you aren’t just resisting against oppression, there is a more intelligent, uniform, and deceptive force upon the world that will do whatever it takes to obtain this planetary system as their own. There is less than a decade for humanity to unite and restore their planet into its pristine state and expel the malevolent alien forces also build a social and economic system that is greenest, most sustainable, renewable and equal for the whole before it’s too late =)
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