Who Are The Aliens? Why Are They Here? Terraforming A Vegan Alien World =D Skip to main content

Who Are The Aliens? Why Are They Here? Terraforming A Vegan Alien World =D

         Who Are The Aliens? Why Are They Here? Terraforming A Vegan Alien World =D 

 Greetings from the vegan intelligence speaking to you now. There are a lot of facts that have been kept as occult from human society worldwide. There is a very apparent happening that the aliens have been in the world quite a while but they wanted and kept their presence hidden from humans. We’ll talk about who these beings are, what they are here, and what they want in this discourse. Since a lot of things are classified, there is a need for some people to disclose the ultimate facts and mysterious events like the extraterrestrial presence around the world. I’ll try to explain as simple and as clear as possible though I don’t know everything about this prodigy. Everyone knows something about the aliens but nobody knows if they’re really here yet or what they truly search for. Obviously, we live in an alien universe with countless intelligent species. Space telescopes already detected so many Earth-like planets and systems that some may contain intelligent life because they orbit the habitable zone around their suns. An intelligent society that’s ancient should be able to engineer advanced technology and faster than lightspeed spaceships to travel in the cosmos. From all the ufo sightings and encounters during the last few decades, it’s evident that some of these beings reached the solar system. They first observed and studied human society for a while before starting their agenda to gain control of the planet secretly. There are piles of evidence to confirm that aliens abducted millions of people worldwide and most never returned. They perceive the human race as resources like body parts, organs, plasma, and a working-class to carry out their planetary acquisition plan. Many experiments have been conducted over the abductees to create an alien-human hybrid race to replace the control mechanisms of the world in order to utilize the human population for the benefit of their new alien overlords. These groups of aliens look different than each other and each group consists of a few divergent races of aliens gathered from other systems. Nothing about the aliens in the past until now has been positive. Humans have been extremely destructive for the planet and its living organisms, therefore, some alien beings entered the atmosphere to stop the madness and seize human civilization clandestinely. They’ve been integrating the hybrid race that looks exactly like humans into the society to eventually overrule the human population. There are various alien groups that compete with each other over resources, territory, domination, and so on. From all the data collected about the aliens and abductions, you can tell these are space pirates seeking new worlds and new resources to exploit. They either come from depleted planets or wander in space searching rich worlds like the Earth. Planet Earth has a magnitude of natural supplies and great biodiversity that can be utilized for space trades, cloning, and other uses. Humans entered a new era in the universe where there are many alien races and groups coming to Earth to gain control and gain access to the resources wanted by others. This is a very dangerous phenomenon and humans around the world must be informed of what’s been going on for decades. They kept all of these events classified and completely hidden from the public because they don’t want people to know the real alien agenda and intentions. Most of the beings that perform the abductions are types of grays that work for their own hierarchical association. These groups are called collectives that seek to overtake newly developing societies with clandestine procedures. From all the information about the alien agenda, it’s conspicuous that aliens aren’t here to save the world or humanity by any means. They’re trying to take advantage of a primitive and destructive society overusing and despoiling its homeworld, its fragile and limited natural resources including the biodiversity of many unique and rare species. 

 Humans have been at war with each other over meaningless differences and arguments for thousands of years. There was little effort to restore the planet’s environment and species that are in danger after the surge of the human population and industrial demand. This forced the planet into cataclysms like climate change, environmental degradation, and mass extinction events. Even humans are being jeopardized by viruses at this time. The most destructive force upon the world called the human race has been devastating a rich planet wanted by other space beings and they intervened into human affairs covertly to carry out their agendas. That’s why there have been so many ufo sightings, encounters in the recent past, and many movies, documentaries, and books about aliens and alien take over have been produced to subtly notify the world population about the alien presence. Aliens may not be too cruel or malicious from their own perspective but they violated all of the freedom and human rights mercilessly during the abductions and experiments done on millions of people. Our planet is degenerating each and every day to supply the needs of an ever-growing population becoming a larger and more consuming locust swarm upon Planet Earth. The meat and car industries also power plants emit the most greenhouse gases contributing to climate change intensely. From all the reports and information gathered about the extraterrestrials that come to Earth, no alien races or groups care about human society’s abilities, tendencies, accomplishments, vice versa. They’re only here to somehow take over the planet and turn the human population to a workforce to extract the essential resources to ship off space or utilize for their own gain and purposes. Some abductees have traveled to other worlds and noticed very barren, deserted, and infertile landscapes, unlike Earth’s green, rich and lively ecosphere. By reason, it seems like they want our abundant planet as their own but they can’t do all the work to extract the minerals and reserves. Therefore they want to replace high positions in commerce, administration, and religion with the next generation of alien hybrids that are indistinguishable from humans so they can control the human race as a labor force that will comply with the new alien order. The research shows that aliens have done this to other worlds and subjugate the native inhabitants as a workforce with no rights or freedom. Now they’re here to do the same to humanity and this is probably the most dangerous event that’s been kept secret for too long. Humans are remarkable species with the utmost potential to emerge as an advanced and eco-friendly society although they’ve been devastating the planet and its ecosystems ferociously in the last few decades. The nuclear power of several nations attracted the attention of some alien races because nuclear destruction can be the end of humans and a beautiful, rich world like the Earth. The aliens look different than each other but most of them look like humanoid creatures evolved in various natural environments so they’re still the act of nature in divergent planetary systems. Their motives aren’t much distinct from what humans want out of life. Colonization of space has been performed by many alien races in ways similar to some nations colonizing specific territories of the world. Now they’re here to colonize the Earth with alien-human hybrids that look human but alien in mind. These beings are in the same shape as humans and they travel in and out of spaceships and hidden alien bases around the world. Aliens want total domination and control of this world and humans as their subservient working-class. They will replace people in power with hybrids that will take charge of the human society. This has been done in other worlds and the native e.t civilizations have been covertly conquered. People of the world must be informed about this very dangerous and insidious event that’s initiated to transform human society into enslaved personnel. Humans can save their planet and restore its environment to its greenest and most sustainable phase with collective action before it’s too late. Aliens will never help but they will try to mind control and deceive the masses to make it look like they’re here for the betterment of the society and the world. Body and brain implants are some of the most dangerous devices and they’re in development to carry out the alien agenda. Nobody should comply with any type of implants to track them 24/7. Humans definitely require a revolution to overthrow the malevolent and deceitful occupancy upon the human world. Although humans have been destructive for the planet, there are great movements like veganism, plant-based, reforestation, green technologies, renewable energies breakthroughs to revert the damage and pollution industrialization has engendered. People are required to protect and defend their freedom and rights also do whatever it takes to regenerate the environment and natural resources that are in grave danger. The biodiversity has been increasingly endangered by deforestation, forest fires, and climate change. The ocean plastic patch is enlarging each day. The lockdown was a relief in nature for a short period of times but the pollution levels will increase after everything is back to work. Each person has the ability to alter their lifestyles for the clean-up of their surroundings and greening of the world. Work, make money, and consume the type of civilization is coming to an end, the industrial era is expiring. People never need that many products for them to survive or live comfortably, most of these junk products are produced in countries like China that produce the highest pollution and depletion over the ecosystems. Any type of destructive, cruel, and exhausting industry must be either shut down or modified with new green deals in every nation and place of the world. There are people who built self-reliant homesteads with permaculture gardening and productions and they need little or no products. Most of their needs are satisfied by the plants, trees, and gardens that they grow in their properties. Each tree you plant will absorb the excess CO2 out of the atmosphere and exhale oxygen to make the world a cleaner place. Trees also produce foods and other materials to make essential goods that can be sold or used in your daily life. Going green and fully plant-based in your entire life will be an example for others to do the same and it can generate a terraform effect upon the planet. All animals are friends and they’re part of the ecosystems housing the great biodiversity of species of Planet Earth. Our planet and all its resources are wanted by several alien races that operate in pirate-like manners and they’ve been here for decades. A lot of people in power, commerce, and religion have been persuaded by them to complete the global domination plan that will make these malicious beings new overlords of our world. People will lose everything they loved and cared for if this extraordinary happening. Their looks are disparate. Some look like grays with big heads and eyes, some look reptilian, some are Nordics, some are hybrids between human and alien. There are numerous species that are upon the Earth and they all want the same thing. Their looks don’t matter. They’re only here to somehow gain control of the human population and extract all of the rich resources of our world until nothing’s left then move on to the next. This will be the end of humanity, they will start depopulation right away since humans are overusing the essential resources wanted by these beings. 

 Humanity is being called by the angelic dimension overlooking the planet and they warn about coming catastrophes also the deceptive alien forces here now. Humans have been created by the creator to be the saviors and caretakers of this beautiful planet seeded as the biological storehouse in this part of the universe. Of course, aliens want all of the biological and mineral resources for their own benefit. Humans have been altering the environment, atmosphere, and consuming the planet at an increasing rate. Each person is liable for their own actions but there is a greater exigency to take collective action to restore and shield the planet and human civilization losing their freedom as well as the natural wealth granted to them. The hybrid alien beings are already among society integrated into many large cities around the globe. They will surreptitiously attempt to gain control of human civilization to extract the biological and natural wealth for their own benefit and expansion. Nothing positive ever came forth from these several alien races in competition with each other to seize the assets they chase after. From the data collected over the years, these beings are some types of space pirates that depleted their planets or never had much life in their homeworlds so they were forced to seek required essences elsewhere. Each faction consists of a few alien races obtained from other worlds that were conquered subtly. Planet Earth is designated as one of the greatest biological prize containing a tremendous amount of living organisms and a rich natural environment unlike most other barren worlds in the universe. They will never back off from their plans and they didn’t encounter any resistance yet. Most people certainly believe that aliens are here to help, teach, guide humans, they’re highly spiritual, will grant technology, and show how things are in the universe. On the other hand, no alien beings that come here ever demonstrated any of these traits or virtues as of yet and possibly never will. You can’t expect spirituality, good manners, communication, teachings, and guidance from space syndicates that are only after required resources and dominance. Unfortunately, the reality of the universe isn’t what people speculate and hope for. Things have changed, now each person lives in the alien universe that’s extremely competitive, harsh, and tricky. No human beings are accustomed to this new environment that’s probably very challenging to keep up with. Humans were never the saviors of the planet otherwise everything would be a lot better now but the Earth, forests, resources are degrading and depleting extremely fast, climate change and pollution levels are intensifying. The best thing to do at this time is for the entire world population to ponder on finding new strategies to launch a global clean-up with new methods of sustainable productions and renewables. The old ways of living are coming to an end, all nations are destined to abandon warlike behavior, arguments, disputes, and conflicts hereafter in order to focus on the real problems of the world also the alien invasion that’s extending each day. Many movies and tv shows have been filmed to simply prepare and warn the public about what’s occurring in the background. The military has a new branch called space force that’s designed to stop the alien occupancy and abductions that were prevailing globally. Aliens will never stop with their objectives and they all want this world as their newest resource hub to eventually save for themselves by enslaving mankind. Planet Earth is a very rare and unique gem created by God to be the biological and organic storehouse to be able to revive and regenerate certain dying and depleted systems in its vicinity of space. Of course, this would take great effort and endeavor but terraforming and colonization of other worlds are beginning with Mars and hopefully some other suitable spheres nearby the solar system. 

 There are probably countless barren, depleting, and drained alien worlds out there in space and some of them shouldn’t be too far. Since the Earth contains almost all of the organisms, plant life, and the diversity that can rejuvenate new systems with terraforming ventures. The first attempt will be Mars which is the closest arid planet that may be apt for the terraformation process. There are rocket companies and space agencies that will take astronauts, people, and companies there but the terraformation will be the most difficult enterprise humans will undertake. There are several alien races and groups that have established bases in remote locations of the world to monitor and track the human population. They have their hybrids living in society to complete critical tasks and get accustomed to living on Earth. In a sense, they’re colonizing our homeworlds secretly for their own benefit and manipulation because humans have been destroying a beautiful and rich world wanted by others. People all around the world must resist the alien invasion that’s been carried out for decades. Once people realize what’s been enforced upon them, they’ll find out who the real enemy is. People of the world have incredible potential to emerge as a very united, free, and progressive civilization in the universe but they will have to protect their homeworld, all of its environment, climate, resources, and shield all of these from alien intrusion. There will be larger and more powerful empires and collectives to approach the solar system once they discover that there’s a magnificent planet called the Earth comprising extreme life-generating organisms and assets. Space and the cosmos are very competitive and harsh domains that humans would get overwhelmed by the normal aspects of the trade, uniformity, and hierarchical systems. It’s best to keep the human civilization as sustainable and as self-sustaining as possible without interfering with intelligent organizations coming from space that will only take advantage of human weakness, confusion, and disunity. All nations are destined to unite as one cooperative and competent federation that will do whatever it takes to protect and preserve the endangered environment, changing climate and reverse all of the negative effects caused by over industrialization and overpopulation. The planet and human society are both in grave danger and time are running out each day. Scientists warn that pollution levels may get worse after the lockdowns because factories, cars, and industries that emit the most greenhouse gases will be in full operation again. All industries and productions are doomed to switch to fully plant-based and ecological as soon as possible to mitigate the effects of climate change and environmental degradation. The aliens will never save the world or humanity but they will take advantage of every negative event and weakness humans provoke. It’s up to human beings all around the world to change all their habits, behaviors, customs, and lifestyles to be beneficial for the planet, animals, and the environment rather than being destructive. The corporations that provide the products and the services will always supply the demand and become green and eco-friendly when consumers themselves make the change. Each product, each type of food people consume, each single-use plastics alter the ecosystems profoundly so people are doomed to awaken to their impact upon the world they live on before it’s overtaken by deceptive space beings and their human-looking hybrids. Now is the only time to save the world and everything each person does will make a difference for the whole. Planet Earth is one of the few planets that’s gifted with the natural assets capable of regenerate dying, depleted, deserted planetary systems, and possible alien worlds. New species may emerge during this progress. Human civilization may become one of the most advanced societies that can terraform many new Earth-like systems in the proximity. Most alien worlds are extremely infertile or completely depleted to oblige native societies of these systems to seek the resources and essentials elsewhere in space. Some of these beings are already here trying to take over the world clandestinely, they don’t want people to know what they’re up to otherwise all nations revolt against any alien presence around the world and in the solar system. There are advanced technologies and spaceships that were engineered through exchange programs with aliens and humans are presumed to upgrade their military, advanced technologies, productions, and the economic system for them to convert to very sustainable also to compete with the tricky alien forces that come here now and in the future. They constantly monitor, study, and track the human population and use human weakness, stupidity, dissensions, and conflicts to their own advantage. People need to understand that this is a totally new era of emergence in the alien universe, nothing will ever be the same again. 


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