
 Hello there, there is a great opportunity laying ahead of humanity that’s going through mass extinction events, turmoil, pandemics, and a planet that’s imperiled. There are a lot of affairs that have been retained absolutely classified but many researchers and whistleblowers have discovered the real situation and revealed the secrecy. We live on a totally disparate epoch unlike any other period in history. So many people are still not aware of what’s been going on but they’ll learn soon. Once more and more people discern what’s been kept hidden from them and find out what can be done, things will start to roll out with consolidated action. Nothing will ever be the same again, the planet is changing faster than what people are used to envisioning. If humans change their behavior, diet, customs, habits, and unnecessary tendencies into regenerative, plant-based systems to live and produce abundantly employing nature's self-generating concepts with no exhaustion, they can become a very advanced, self-sustaining, live-giving society unlike many others in the cosmos. Life exists everywhere in all forms but Planet Earth has the biological plethora that can revive dying systems also power human civilization into eternity. Don't think to reach other worlds will present Earth-like biome that's very rich with resources and biodiversity. People have to recognize what kind of a prize they live on and it's wanted by many other species coming from space. There is great danger ahead though great opportunity if the entire world acts now before it's overdue. Supernatural phenomena including disasters have been aggravating to warn people that it's time to do something about saving yourself, your family, and the whole human population as well as the natural balance of the world. Nature contains countless seeds in its forests and habitats and it regenerates itself and expands by dispersing its seeds exponentially. Hence more people around the world can utilize the seeds collected from nature, forests, jungles, and garden centers to implant them in their surroundings to build the greenest living ecosystem around them. Even indoor farming has been very popular since there is an increasing need for foods grown locally and it's difficult to acquire large land to start cultivating crops. Monoculture method of farming, gardening, and plantations have been immensely harmful to the soil and environment since nature is definitely a vital permaculture organism encircling the entire planet. There is a tremendous amount of evidence that some alien groups have intervene in human affairs to gain access to essential resources and control mechanisms of our civilization. The aim of this extraordinary phenomenon is that humans have been extremely destructive to their planet, environment, to each other, and to all living beings that exist on Earth. There are many space groups and organizations that want this rich, rare, unique planetary system for their own purposes and benefits. There is environmental degradation, depletion, climate change, conflicts, and instability plus there is an alien invasion occurring behind the scenes kept completely secret from the public. They don't want their intentions to be known by the human population then it would be difficult for them to gain control of a weakening and conflicted humanity. People and even other beings coming from space are still part of nature that exists in their homeworlds. They may look different, peculiar, scary but their intentions and motives are similar to human beings that want more of the stuff granting them survival, comfort, richness, growth, and prosperity. This is what most of the societies desire in the universe but most of them depleted their homeworlds' resources and natural environment for the sake of technological advancement and development. Therefore the path to industrial, technological growth and expansion is extremely destructive and dangerous for any race in the universe including humans. Technology will never provide the life-giving sources that nature innately generates and extreme industrialization, overuse, and mass manufacturing of countless junk products and tech gadgets will exhaust the planet's natural resources into extinction. Human society is already going through mass extinction events that are wiping out large forests, many species forming biodiversity and threatening the fragile ecosystems that are immensely significant for the survival of all species and human beings.


 Yes, we do have the seeds. Our planet accommodates us the essential seeds to reinstate our survival instance again and again anywhere possible. There is scientific research to pursue bioengineering seeds and other lifeforms for them to adapt to other planets’ conditions. This will clear the way to terraforming other systems in the near future. Seeds are the source of life that compose nature for it to provide for its creatures. Seeds expand forests and living habitats, they enable humans to start farms, gardens, orchards, and all kinds of landscape projects. A seed is an embryonic plant enclosed in a protective outer covering. The formation of the seed is part of the process of reproduction in seed plants. Seeds are the product of the ripened ovule, after fertilization by pollen and some growth within the mother plant. The embryo is developed from the zygote and the seed coat from the integuments of the ovule. Seed production in natural plant populations varies widely from year to year in response to weather variables, insects and diseases, and internal cycles within the plants themselves. Over a 20-year period, for example, forests composed of loblolly pine and shortleaf pine produced from 0 to nearly 5 million sound pine seeds per hectare. Over this period, there were six bumper, five poor, and nine good seed crops, when evaluated for the production of adequate seedlings for natural forest reproduction. Then comes the germination, germination is the process by which an organism grows from a seed or similar structure. The most common example of germination is the sprouting of a seedling from a seed of an angiosperm or gymnosperm. Germination also includes the growth of a spore, such as the spores of Fungus, ferns, bacteria, and the growth of the pollen tube from the pollen grain of seed plants. This process creates the life-giving organisms to give nourishment to the entire natural infrastructure that humans are integrated into anatomically. If we can utilize this natural system for the benefit of all humans beings and the whole living organism called Earth, we’ll be able to stop the destruction, depletion, instability that are caused by human activity. There are always many methods to make use of nature and its regenerative resources to supply the needs of the human population. The human civilization is definitely constrained to veer its economic, social, and legislative structure to a non-destructive course since the industrial era has been squandering the planet’s non-renewable components. It’s clear that no divine power, leader, or no alien beings will come to save the world prospectively. Humans have to consider the consequences of their use and application for industrialized productions in all sectors. In order to mitigate climate change and other types of environmental degeneracy, the entire human population must act simultaneously to revert the damage and emissions altogether. Most of the creatures rely upon forests to survive and they’re part of the organic framework. They contribute to the growth instead of pillaging it all. Now is the only time to make the change otherwise the effects will be irreversible no matter what. Each person can utilize a variety of seeds to rejuvenate their cities, neighborhoods, and their homes, each plant can make a difference. Natural productions are way more sustainable than industrial plunder and devastation. A lot of people are forced to move out of big cities now as a result of pandemics that threaten the overpopulated areas of the world. There will be more pandemics and disasters in the near future so it’s best to move inland where you can rebuild your life by constructing a self-sustaining homestead and community. There are some green community projects that are near the big cities of the world for people to start a new life where the food is grown organically, all buildings are powered by renewable energies, waste, and garbage management are about recycling and composting. These types of small and medium-sized green, ecological towns and communities will be more common all around the world since many people are realizing the effects of their footprint, diet, habits, and purchases. After all, human beings are supposed to be in tune with nature and their surroundings for their own survival and anticipated security. Manufacturing and economic augmentation will never secure any person’s or nation’s future since the economy is a destructive force in its essence. People are fungi beings that live off the organic elements produced by ripened organic lifeforms. Fungi have been evolving on Earth for millions of years and it connects large forests with underground networks. Humans are designed to be the regenerative force that enhances the biosphere they live on. Unfortunately, the intelligent beings native to this world have become the locust swarm devouring the planet and all its diverse lifeforms alive aggressively. The path to ever-growing economic, industrial, and technological productions and consumption is what a primitive society with no understanding of how life and progress work would do. It’s probable that ancient and advanced societies in the universe would avoid destroying their only homeworld for the sake of economic, technological, mass-manufactured amplification and gain. This may be the worst course taken by human society and it must deviate as soon as possible since there are pandemics, natural disasters and even nearing cataclysms that may severely compromise the civilization. 

                                                            GOING GREEN

 Going green or plant-based isn’t just about investing in renewables, purchasing more fresh produce, or starting your vegetable garden in your backyard. It’s a lot more than that. We need to evaluate the motives of our society since it’s ended up being a corrosive horde altering its plane of existence grievously. Going green begins at an individual level, you can’t expect for corporations or administrations to change all of the market lines to curb the climate change, vice versa. If individuals find new ways to more ecological and green, the corporations that supply the demand will follow the trends. Trends are actually fabricated by people then the masses repeat vogue. Going green, vegan and plant-based have hit the mainstream and more people realize that their choices and lifestyles deeply disturb the climate, the oceans, and other habitats. Think about how much trash a household piles up each year. All of this multiplied by millions even billions will be dumped to landfills or oceans which will be annexed to enlarging plastics patch in oceans and contamination on land, water, and air. Products or technology will never solve the problems imperiling the whole civilization, there are other practices we can all engage in like going fully green in every sector and waste-free. Waste is you can tell from its meaning unnecessary for any society. Nobody needs endless products packaged in plastics that are used once or twice and never decompose. This is a ridiculous type of economic and social system that people have invented to move forward as a working, creative society. Going comprehensively green, renewable, sustainable in all fields and sectors that service to the human population can leap the civilization into its next stage in development. Since human beings are part of nature, they have to consider nature’s balance and durability as a permanent goal. At this scale of overuse and devastation, human civilization won’t last long even if they developed an advanced level of technology and infrastructure. The elements that bolster the living world that we abide on must be perpetuated rather than capitalizing on them through an ever sucking drain. If the largest forests die off, there won’t be anything to support the human population nor the natural system they live off. It’s time to revise the economic system that supports the survival of all nations since there aren’t many eco-friendly and carbon-neutral nations or regions yet. Going vegan affects the environment you live in and even the vast forests far away from you since the meat industry is responsible for the burning of large forested lands all over the world. The increase in demand for meat products will cause more forests to be burned down in order to open land for cattle ranching. If you want to save the Amazon or other forests, you should stop financing animal-cruelty and deforestation altogether by going vegan. Going green is a wonderful journey you can embark on individually or with your loved ones. There are always new things to improve and get rid of to establish yourself and your family as a green household. Try to recycle your residue or experiment going waste-free. Living a minimalist lifestyle would be easier to succeed in going green. The planet really needs more and more people to embrace a green, plant-based, and ecological lifestyle and creativity as in entrepreneurship. The ecological, vegan, and plant-based businesses are thriving more than ever before. Some of them topped the wall street at a record timeframe. 

                                             SAVING FORESTS and BIODIVERSITY

 People need to understand that their diet preference, the products they buy, their choices at the stores contribute to deforestation unwittingly. Since the largest forest in the world is still burning down, we need to take action also change our destructive habits to restore the forests. Tropical rainforests house the most extreme biodiversity of Earth higher than other zones. The human population is supposed to protect and preserve large forests by changing their habits and diets rather than wasting and consuming more of the foods, products, and other types of merchandise demolishing them all. People can collect rare seeds from large forests like the Amazon and propagate them in greenhouses or convenient spaces mimicking the characteristics of their native lands. Saving forests may be a big part of saving the planet that’s endangered as well. Restoring and protecting all forests will conserve the biodiversity also improve the climate conditions of these areas. Climate change is caused by the growing population’s impact so a worldwide change is critical to reverse the warming temperatures. Planting new forests will stabilize the climate significantly but we must put an end to destructive industries like the meat and dairy plus start augmenting nature’s living forests and habitats for the benefit of the whole. Humans are required to consider that they aren’t top of the food chain, they’re a component in a living environment and its biodiversity as a type of species. No intelligent beings would burn down the largest and most abundant forests to make more dead animal pieces for profits and appetite. All creatures make up the equilibrium of the animated world. If one or more species go extinct cause of deforestation or other reasons, this will undermine the structure springing a chain reaction of an extinction crisis. Some say it may be already too late to stop the damage done to forests, oceans, biological diversity. There are certain projects and charities that attempt to stop the tragic events but they’re not able to completely invert the downfall. People with the extension of the internet are becoming a global mind with greater awareness and unity but they must learn the fact that all they do, buy, and consume damage the forests, oceans, animals, and the resources needed for the future. Once forests downgrade in size to wind up incapable to absorb the excess CO2 and exhale oxygen, climate change, and natural disasters will intensify consequently. The mass extinction event is already underway and it seems like it’s accelerating each day. We have to somehow safeguard all forested lands and cultivate new ones in arid regions. Most of the population is supposed to go vegan and invent a plant-based perspective plan to generate an ecological and carbon-neutral world community that’s in tune with its surroundings and creatures. To recover existing forests and planting new ones that can feed and sustain the growing population is crucial for a developing civilization like humans. There are countless edible plants, herbs also fruit, nut trees that produce food of a high variety. Designing food forests and permaculture farms became very popular recently since more people are trying to grow their own foods and make the products they need and sell as a side job during lockdown and pandemic. This pandemic has awakened the human population to commence a more self-sufficient, green, healthy, and sustainable lifestyle by shifting their preferences and work ethics. Scientists warn the public that only after a decade the deforestation and warming climate will be irreversible then mass food, water shortages, and turbulence will arise. We could solve most of the problems of our civilization by switching to fully plant-based productions and consumer conduct. Planting new forests or even cultivating your own food forest and permaculture homestead is definitely one of the best things you can do in your life. The Amazon rainforest contains innumerable diversity of plant, tree, and animal species. We could accumulate the exotic, rare, and unique plants and trees to create new botanical gardens also implant the ones that are edible and food-producing to grow new exotic foods that can be sold in grocery stores and farmers’ markets. Since largest forests like the Amazon are in jeopardy, we could propagate and transplant its life-generating, productive elements to places that are barren for reforestation projects. Some plant species are able to adapt to a wide range of climate and soil patterns or they can be bioengineered to acclimate to new conditions for them to start flourishing. If you plant a large garden or a moderate forest, it will increase in size even when it’s left unattended. This is how nature works, it will expand and blossom without human interference so humans should collect and plant more of the essential seeds gathered from any world in the world especially from forests thriving with great diversity. Once the green habitat is established, the animals and other creatures will move in to shape a self-generative core. 


 This cycle we’re going through seems like a misfortune but it’s introducing unknown opportunities and the chance to formulate a more free, creative, and self-governing mindset to achieve more. Each person must rely on themselves to build a self-sustaining way of life without expecting higher powers to provide or arrange it all. Each human being has the power and capacity to be creative and innovative to invent their own future that’s progressive. Waiting for someone else to do it all for you is a very wrong outlook. You can get good sleep by staying away from junk food, alcohol, drugs, and caffeine then wake up early each day to get a hold of your creative mind. All of the things you see, buy, and consume to survive are all made by some people. You can make it better even on your own. The only thing you’ll need is yourself and renewable resources gathered from nature or from any place you can find them to mold them into shape for good use. All stuff is designed by people to supply the demand of the human population. The problem is the stuff people mass manufacture and ship worldwide aren’t mostly made of renewable and clean materials. This pollutes and degenerates the environment where the natural resources and biodiversity exist. Renewability and sustainability can be based on green elements derived from the ecosphere that all living beings share. There are minerals and fossil fuels that aren’t renewable resources. Most of you know that fossil fuels turn into greenhouse gases amassed in the atmosphere forcing the planet to warm up each year. Therefore, we are supposed to invent and invest in renewable energies more so we can get rid of the polluter industries. All products, energy sources, and commerce are tailored to cater to the growing human population worldwide. Unfortunately, this commercial system has driven the environment and climate to its current state. For this reason, we are compelled to invent a more advanced and regenerative economic and societal order that can revert the environmental decline and climate change. Humans can utilize plants and natural compounds as the most renewable resources in every field and sector that supply human society. Animals and mammals never plunder the resources of the world causing mass deterioration and depletion around them. Living like animals would be primitive for humans but we can apply biomimicry into our production lines and city designs to produce a carbon-neutral and green civilization around the world. Instead of developing more technologies, factories, junk products, and gadgets, each human being can harness the power of natural elements, plants, and other replenishable ingredients to create the most self-reliant household and survival possible. Nothing is sustainable in human society almost anywhere in the world. The carbon-neutral countries are mostly underdeveloped but we can still restore the planet from an individual level through the cultivation of nature’s fastest renewing power sources that will upgrade the human civilization. There is great competition for jobs, for stuff, for positions, for power, for supplies, and for almost everything in life. People must realize that competing for the same things over and over to gather and consume more is a primitive type of civilization. Each individual can be placed to regenerate their surroundings for the benefit of the whole. Don’t underestimate the power of nature and its self-enriching resources. They’re the life-giving fountains of Planet Earth. There are people who planted vast forests single-handedly to create a very rich ecosystem for their own gain as well as other creatures’. The economic system is changing after the pandemic and you can make the choice to live more efficiently by cultivating the products you need for daily use. Every product can be made plant-based no matter what it is. There are plastics that are molded of plant-based materials arriving at the markets soon. In order to demonstrate a global green phase of plethora and growth, people should adopt a fully plant-based, cruelty-free, and mindful mindset towards animals, the environment, and the planet in general. When people make the shift, corporations, and businesses that provide the products and services will amend their methods of production and manufacturing. Even one person can change the world no matter who they are or where they’re located. There were vegans who were great inventors, leaders, and innovators in the past like Nikola Tesla and many others. Going vegan literally unlocks your DNA and brain potential to its unexplored limits. There are myriads of seeds, plants that people around the world can utilize to alter their ambiance as the greenest and most abundant ever existed with absolute cooperation. Nature is a harmonious living organism and people should go back to their roots by enhancing nature around them. We can make the critical shift as the greenest phase by initiating a united vegan seed bombardment rather than conflicting and contending with each other. Humans can become a very advanced, sustainable, self-sustaining, and undivided civilization that can outperform the alien races that show up in the skies. Human beings have been perfectly designed by the creator and a magnificent planet called Planet Earth has been gifted to them to evolve and blossom with complete green boost and advancements into eternity.


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