Hi there. In the act of a pandemic and a global lockdown that sabotaged so many people’s lives, freedom, and the economic system propelling the world affairs, humans are subjected to consider their impact on the planet personally. Some people annunciated with jitters that this may be the inception of end times that oracles and clairvoyants of the past have warned us about in their relics. Now it’s obvious that we entered a strangely disparate era of either cataclysmic or opportunistic for mankind that’s responsible for breaking the life-balance of their homeworld. This adversity has been only caused by the intelligent beings of Earth which is a very beautiful diversiform planet consisting of countless species and an abundant setting. Unfortunately, human beings after the industrial revolution until now has driven the planet and its natural riches to a devastating state where climate change and other disasters have intensified. There are many beings that watch over the planet and the human civilization concerned about the future of humanity and the magnificent planet they live on. Even the largest in the world called the Amazon has been burning down to clear up land for cattle ranching. Some forested areas are being burned down to clear land for agriculture as well. There are methods called forest farming without cutting or burning trees that are efficient ways of growing all kinds of crops and trees since forests help its organisms thrive in every way possible. It’s obvious that the human race has become very destructive to its environment that it relies upon to survive and make the essential products needed by the global population. A lot of people are upset about seeing large forests burning and many animal species are dying and losing their homes. In reality, there are many natural approaches to grow any type of food without killing animals and destroying forests. The ignorance and disinformation have hit the roof all around the world. People work very hard to make and sell products and products to make the ends meet despite there are many ways to live self-sufficiently without destroying or polluting the world for the sake of economic growth and expansion. The economic system that people are shackled into is one of the most destructively unfeasible systems that will eventually deplete the natural resources and turn the planet into an uninhabitable place for the whole population. You must now ponder upon how we can fix this problem and reverse the damage and pollution you’ve produced during the last few decades increasingly. This isn’t the way an advanced society would function to feed its population and manufacture vital products. Now all industries, nations, and pollution levels are required to be regulated to modify them as feasible for the prospect. Otherwise, what’s nearing will devastate of all humanity each and every day and you would have the chance to get out of the madness you’ve created collectively. The economic system is definitely outdated and you must reckon the damage it’s generating over the ecosystems and the natural resources that are alarmingly depleting. You’ll need the planet’s natural resources, minerals, habitats, ecosystems, forests if you want to emerge as an advanced society in the future. If you destroy it all only in a few decades, nobody, no God, no alien beings will be able to help you in any way possible. It’s all up to the human race encircling Planet Earth to take action against the destructive industries, overpopulation, deforestation, climate change, pollution, plastics, mass extinctions, and so forth before it’s too late to act. All of the destructive industries, polluted cities and products that overuse and pollute the environment must be shut down or altered for the better as soon as possible. You cannot watch the world going extinct in front of eyes, this will provoke mass food and water shortages, more conflicts in the near future. Each person is responsible for the environment and its ecosystem they’re embedded. You cannot wait for higher powers or some rich people to do all the work for you, you ought to clean up the planet that’s given to you as your homeworld which is a very rare and unique planet in the universe.
There are many alien groups and organizations monitoring Planet Earth and its affairs for a long time. The friendly aliens never come here because it’s not safe for them since there are many intervening groups and organizations that attempt to gain control of the human population as a workforce. This is a very dangerous phenomenon for the future of mankind, the alien agenda isn’t for the good of humans in no way. Planet Earth is such a rich and abundant system wanted by many alien races and some of them have been here to carry out their malevolent plans for decades without the regard of the public. You must be aware of and resist the alien presence around the world. They’ve already persuaded many people in power and influence to execute their world acquisition strategy that will only turn humans into a working-class with no right or freedom in the future. Some people believe some beings from space will come here, offer technology, teachings, guide, and help humankind to evolve and fix the problems of the world. In fact, what has been occurring is totally the opposite of what people assume and hope for. Therefore humankind is destined to unite as a global force to save and restore the planet also stop the alien interference that’s designed to manipulate and gain control of the masses. The planet is definitely is in grave danger and the cataclysms will only intensify each passing day. Planting trees can change the environment and ecosystems for the better, it may be one of the best things people can do at this time. There are so many beneficial trees that produce foods, regulate the climate, turn CO2 into oxygen, provide housing for the rich biodiversity. Rather than destroying the world and plundering the resources to make more artificial products that will be used once or twice then end up in landfills, we can constitute a new type of civilization that’s very regenerative and self-sustaining on its own without damaging or overusing the planet’s natural riches and minerals. All of these are required to be conserved for future use if humans anticipate them to subsist for thousands of years. No corporation or no nation should be allowed to drain the limited and fragile elements, materials derived from the environment, and forests for the sake of economic growth and expansion. Industrial and economic progress has been extremely detrimental and it has only made people literally overpopulate the planet to a point where it’s not sustainable anymore. Nothing, no industry will ever be fully sustainable so all of the productions and commercial systems are supposed to be rectified for them to not be exhausting. Humans are a newly developing society in the universe that lives on a planet wanted by others. If people continue the destructive behavior, the aliens that come here will always take advantage and eventually gain full control of the society clandestinely to turn humans into subspecies to be farmed and utilized brutally. You can already feel and see the effects of this in your society where natural disasters, viruses are easily ravaging throughout the globe because civilization isn’t viable by any means. Humans have been a very warlike, conflicted, and destructive species to each other, to their world, and to all living species around them. A great abundance of fruits, vegetables, and other types of organic crops have been lavished to the human species but they still choose to eat sentient beings, slaughter them in billions also burn forests and despoil the lands to make products and consume ruthlessly. This is a very primitive and barbaric kind of society that ruins a magnificent, rich, and lively planet thriving with biodiversity and vital habitats. Scientists discovered many Earth-like planets but most of them are barren or lifeless compared to Planet Earth comprising a tremendous amount of living species and a high level of abundance.
Would planting 500 trillion trees save the world and eventually terraform Mars? Planting trees is absolutely one of the best things a person can do. Can only planting trees save the world or terraform Mars? Saving the world depends on many aspects of life. Human civilization and industrialization have been eroding the planet and its natural environment day by day. Planting so many trees may restore forests, deserted lands, and form a greener space for people and other creatures to live but we have to put an end to human-caused adversities like climate change, degradation, deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions and so forth. Human beings should stop being the locust swarm devouring the planet alive. They should focus on real issues of the world and take collective action about them. Some scientists enounced that there are only 10 years to reverse climate change and other catastrophic events before they’re impossible to invert their impact. The future can be bright if the entire human race unites for a unique game plan that’s intelligently devised to somehow secure the planet’s imperiled ecological and corporeal future. Now is the only time to act upon this happening and each person around the world can make the change for the positive by either planting trees, going plant-based, investing in renewable energies, inventing a greener, and more viable prospect for the generations to come. Everything is made for people and people can conceive the best possible outcome if they actually know how to. For this reason, any effort to find new ways, forge new ventures and projects that are critically effective and life-saving for the whole world will be paramount. A lot of people are moving out of the cities to start a more natural and self-reliant homestead and lifestyle in tune with nature. Although living naturally is still difficult, it’s better for nature and human health. People who live in big cities pay huge amounts just for housing. Anyone can easily build a large garden, permaculture farm, or food forest in an affordable property not too far from cities to market their products and organically grown foods. Trees are the most life-giving and resourceful organisms of the physical realm. There are many people who had similar to life after death experience where they flew to heaven-like dimension and witnessed a very lush and buoyant scenery. Moreover, there were so many trees and plants of ample diversity akin to Earth and more. This may be the sign that trees and plants are ultra dimensional, very generative entities that can rejuvenate their surroundings if they have the chance. Unfortunately, humans have been logging trees and forests to a greater extent also incinerating large jungles to clear land for cattle ranching and soy plantation. Trees can turn barren landscapes into fertile if they’re bolstered by people instead of cut and raze to acquire wood and open land for meat and dairy enterprises. Humans are beings that are designed to be symbiotic with nature, living habitats, and forests. If you look at it, most of the products and industries that people hustle about are certainly superfluous, toxic, and pollutant. Now that the planet is going through mass extinctions and many cataclysmic events, people around the world are being called to readjust their values, habits, and the productions that they rely upon. All of the destructive and depleting industries, factories, and corporations are doomed to shut down or customized for them to become very green, sustainable, and eco-friendly plus plastics and fossil fuel-free. Trees can eventually form young and robust forests that provide a dwelling for endangered biological diversity, stabilize climate, sequester carbon, and even produce the foods and products people need to survive and make things with. Most of the products manufactured are harvested from forests or farms with trees and plants producing the essential materials. Thus the economic growth and expansion depend on trees, plants, and elemental goods that are used in almost everything. Indeed individuals can build a very self-sufficient lifestyle if they can cultivate the resources needed for them to survive and live off. The planet is in danger and we can rejuvenate its environment, prevent climate change and other debacles from magnifying by utilizing the seeds collected from nature. Seeds are the source of life upon the Earth and people are predestined to employ them more often to transform their surroundings into a livable biosphere where green communities powered by renewables are prevalent. Fossil-fuels are discharging the most greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and they’re basically the number one polluters combined with the transportation sector worldwide. Some cities are going car-free after the lockdown that compelled people to realize their impact on climate and the environment. Going car-free is one of the best things anyone can do to reduce their carbon outtake and live a healthier and more dynamic lifestyle. Most of the cities around the world are perfectly bikeable and they promote people to go car-free. The electric car industry is booming and expectedly there will be more electric cars and trucks on the roads with zero emissions. Most of the products that people use and consume each day can be made plant-based and that’s the future that we must pursue. Innovation never ends and nature provides all the things all creatures need so plastic and oil-based products will be obsolete sooner or later. Humans have to shift from a consumer species to a restorer species. Forests can stop runaway global heating, encourage rainfall, guarantee clean water, reduce air pollution, and provide livelihoods for local people and reserves for rare wildlife. Politicians are waking up to the potential of natural climate solutions, reforestation, and other ecological restoration to capture carbon and tackle the climate crisis. Such solutions could provide 37% of the greenhouse gas mitigation required to provide a good chance of stabilizing global heating below the critical 2C threshold. Some nations have plans to reforest hectares of lands for restoration and to lessen the effects of global warming. But it isn’t as simple as just grabbing seeds and saplings and sticking them in the ground. Non-native plantations can cause problems for biodiversity, local livelihoods, or both. Grand pledges aren’t always met. Technology such as tree-planting by drones is often hailed as a game-changer, but it can be hit-and-miss. Everybody thinks that smarter technology is going to save us. A significant amount of the materials required to be mined for that smarter technology are under the last remaining old-growth forests. Rather humans need to be connected to trees and forests. It’s the disconnection between people and trees that drives deforestation. Mangroves are a wonder-tree for local and global ecosystem services; they protect human communities from coastal floods but also filter river flows out to sea and prevent soil washing into the ocean and destroying coral reefs. They are also crucial nurseries for juvenile fish. Most importantly, perhaps, studies suggest they can sequester four times more carbon than rainforest. Reforestation and tree planting projects can alleviate poverty and uplift many communities. Non-native monocultures are killers for biodiversity so it’s best to always incorporate native species in new ventures. Covid-19 has delivered unusual environmental benefits: cleaner air, lower carbon emissions, a respite for wildlife. Here is the opportunity for whether people can capitalize on this moment. The more trees in a symbiotic relationship with each other and other organisms, the more they’ll bloom and reproduce to spread apart and this is how forests are born. People can plant food forests and plant gardens that are beneficial for them because they are the most productive experiments to engage in. Symbiosis with nature and its perennials is the key to building a very livable, fertile, and generative civilization that people can live harmoniously instead of competing and confronting each other. Going vegan alone helped many people persist difficulties, financial disorder, addiction, and other problems. It’s clear that living and inventing plant-based can be life-saving for people.
We’re entering an era of terraforming other planets including the Earth itself whereas people believe that’s geoengineering. Yes, geoengineering is the term for altering the climate of our planet. Climate engineering or climate intervention commonly referred to as geoengineering, is the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth's climate system, usually with the aim of mitigating the adverse effects of global warming. The most prominent subcategory of climate engineering is solar radiation management. Solar radiation management attempts to offset the effects of greenhouse gases by causing the Earth to absorb less solar radiation. Some methods of greenhouse gas removal, such as ocean iron fertilization, are forms of climate engineering. Ocean iron fertilization has been investigated in small-scale research trials. These experiments have proven controversial. Some environmental organizations have been reluctant to endorse solar radiation management, but are often more supportive of some carbon dioxide removal projects, such as afforestation and peatland restoration. There are a few companies including NASA with great endeavors and programs to send people to Mars and eventually terraform a new Earth-like, livable planet. Planet Earth is first because it’s threatened by the growing industrial needs of the human population that is excessively exhausting the limited and dainty supplies. Geoengineering may mitigate the climate change and effects of global warming but it’s not totally capable for them to desist. Mars was probably a fertile sphere with a thicker atmosphere and large bodies of water in the ancient past but it lost its vivacity for a certain reason. The Earth evolved as a very fecund marble where humans emerged with increasing intelligence and skills. After research, it suggests that Earth is one of the few planets in this galaxy that can terraform new planets that orbit the solar system and afar. Space telescopes have detected many Earth-like worlds that may or may not contain intelligent life but most of them are probably barren worlds. There have been many ufo sightings and alien encounters that kept hidden from the public and there are probably several alien races that come to Earth because their planets are either depleted or never had the diversity of life that the Earth includes abundantly. Therefore some alien races and groups have entered the Earth’s atmosphere to intervene in human affairs for decades since humans have been destructive and warlike in their disposition and behavior. This is a very big threat for the planet that’s bestowed upon the human race and it’s probably wanted by many extraterrestrial races that are here for quite some time to carry out their secret agendas. The environmental degradation, climate change, and the alien threat altogether can wipe out the human race in such a short time and we know of the evidence of mass extinctions of the past. After many years of research and encounters, it’s apparent that no alien races have come here to help humanity nor save the world by any means. They created an alien-human hybrid race to gain control of mankind and turn them into subspecies to be used, controlled, and exploited into eternity. For this reason, people all around the world must raise awareness and do whatever it takes to restore their world and protect it from alien interference that’s in coordinance with the rich, powerful, and administrative elites. These beings have the utmost mind control capabilities that humans cannot hinder yet. We live on one of the most beautiful and rich worlds that’s coveted by others and they’re here also some look indistinguishably like humans. Our planet has the properties and organisms that can revive and terraform the dying, depleted, or infertile spheres nearby. The terraformation of Mars is on the horizon and many companies are endeavoring to establish colonies and livable domes that are self-sustaining. The conversation with alien beings and hybrids indicates that aliens come from arid, depleted, and deserted terrenes and most live on ships seeking more resources for them to expand. Their planetary acquisition plan hasn’t faced any resistance yet, most people and their associates believe that they’re here for the advancement and upgrade of the human population. Humans innately have great potential to emerge as a very sustainable, regenerative, and cooperative civilization that can save Planet Earth, build a very green world powered by renewables. Although aliens are advanced technologically, they don’t have the resources or the ability to regenerate their homeworlds nor terraform other worlds. Instead, they search for rich and thriving worlds like the Earth to build dominion upon for them to farm and exploit brutally. These space forces are called the collectives and they’re very dangerous for the future of humankind. They’ve already taken over several planetary systems and subjugated their native inhabitants as a workforce with no freedom or rights whatsoever. People of the world are doomed to stop this madness that’s encompassing the human population and gaining power each and every day. The richest, most influential people also the biggest tech and commercial companies have acquired their technological advancements to engineer their tech products and services through exchange programs with these alien beings. Most of these technologies are designed to manipulate and control the masses and there are body and brain implants in development to turn human beings into mindless personnel. This is one of the reasons that there are such turmoil and instability around the world. Humans if they unite as one super force can overcome all of the problems, disasters, and the malevolent alien order initiated to coerce the human race. Going vegan, planting trees, investing in green, sustainable projects and businesses can be the great beginning to become a very united and self-sustaining society that will progress with the help of renewable resources and plant-based products. Nature provides humans and other organisms all the things for them to survive and evolve. Unfortunately, the aliens and their mind-controlled comrades will do everything to enslave humanity to extract all of the resources, minerals including humans since biological components of human beings and animals are very valuable in space trade and for many uses. This is the only time to restore the planet in danger and move forward as a very sustainable civilization that will protect and enrich its living environment rather than ravaging it all on their path on behalf of economic and monetary gain that won’t last long once the planet is depleted. Forests are the most resourceful properties of our diverse system and they must be safeguarded instead of being burned down to clear land for the meat industry. There are many people who cultivated very self-enriching permaculture farms and homesteads and this is proof that planting, gardening, and working with plants can rejuvenate the environment also supply most of the essentials for humans to survive. There is an eco-research implying that planting 500 trillion trees of diverse species relevant to each region natively can reverse climate change, make the world greenest, provide a tremendous amount of foods and supplies for communities and the new seedlings derived from these trees and other plants can be transported to Mars to build a very green, self-sustaining, enriched arcade for many colonies to live. Certain trees and plant species are able to be bioengineered by scientists for them to survive in alien worlds or deserted planets like Mars. This means that even many alien worlds can be terraformed by the human species claiming them one of the most advanced civilizations in the universe since no alien races displayed any assets or mechanisms for terraforming. Thus, no alien societies that come here possess the life-generating organisms, compounds, and the resources that the Earth contains profusely. And this is exactly what they want to be in control of with envy. Humans are still at a developing stage as an intelligent civilization but they embrace more potential than the beings that come here or hybridized to look like humans. Each person can alter their surroundings to transform their lives into very self-sufficient, prolific, and ecological free from plastics, carbon emissions, waste, chemicals, and so forth. Living as natural as possible starts with cultivating the life-giving plants, trees, and the great diversity of species the Earth contains. Let’s plant trillions of trees, employ the green, renewable natural resources all over the planet plus on Mars to begin the terraformation process of the universe in order to surpass all alien races and thwart their malevolent world acquisition prospectus =D
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