It seems like these are end times, catastrophic events hitting the entire world back to back. We must find a way to save the world and the human race as soon as possible or things will get a lot worse. Our planet and the human race that's part of it are extremely valuable, unique and diverse to be classified as one of the best planets in the universe. We are supposed to do whatever it takes to restore the planet and maintain entire humanity before it's too late. There have been enormous forest fires, pandemics, floods and several alien races trying to gain control of the world population secretively. The human race hasn't been good saviors of this magnificent planet replete with extreme biodiversity and natural resources that most alien races nor alien worlds contain. Therefore these beings have come here to somehow take over the planet secretly for their own benefit, this is extremely dangerous for the future and evolution of mankind. This has happened countless times in the universe clandestinely and the alien orders have been immensely harsh and prohibitory to the freedom and well-being of the native inhabitants like humans. Independence Day and the Armageddon have started, nothing will be the same ever again. There will be many alien races and organizations operating in and around the Earth to gain control of humanity to turn them into subspecies farmed and exploited with extreme deception. This is a dangerous time unlike anything else ever occurred in history, now is the only time to leave all of the things that destroy and deplete the world's perishable resources and go fully green to regenerate the entire planet rapidly. No alien races that are here will save the planet nor the human race. They're only here to carry out their own secret agendas which are flawlessly determined to acquire the planet and the human race as their new servants. The entire world must cease all of the destructive productions and consumption to focus on the projects and tasks that can rejuvenate the whole and stop the depletion immediately. Destroying a glorious planet seeded and created to be the biological and genetic resource hub in this region of the universe is utterly dangerous for all living organisms including humans.
Scientists warn that we have less than a decade to refresh the civilization in order to halt climate change and other cataclysmic events that will only aggravate each year. The planet is depleting cause of the industrial and economic growth, the industrial era must be terminated to yield green movements, productions, single-use plastics bans, veganism, reforestation, green constructions, city designs, and many more regenerative projects, businesses, and enterprises. The human civilization is obliged to transform itself profoundly to outmatch all fraudulent alien races. No alien beings are superior to any human being. They abducted many people all over the world to genetically engineer an alien-hybrid breed that's indistinguishable from normal humans. They've placed them in most world cities to integrate with society so they can somehow dominate the world population for alien interests. Since the human population has been reckless and conflicted with this unique world called Earth and to each other, aliens have arrived to take control and acquire all of the world's resources that are endangered. There are millions of alien-hybrids in many of the world's cities conforming into the human population to carry out the secret alien agendas. The alien threat isn't just one particular extraterrestrial organization, there are several races in competition with each other to overrule various regions. This covert undertaking is one of the biggest perils for humankind now and in the future. Newly developing civilization can solve all of the problems and surmount the coming cataclysmic events. Even the richest or most powerful would fall under any alien order eventually. At first, they'd deceive the people in power with offerings then all of them would be replaced by these human-looking alien-hybrids. The entire world must act collectively as a hive mind to resolve the biggest issues, some are extremely classified. The beautiful Planet Earth is depleting each day for the sake of economic growth and unnecessary, for-profit products. Ever-increasing consumption has been polluting the landfills, oceans, the air, killing billions of animals and causing mass extinctions around the world. Entire humanity definitely needs a reset at this time. The people who adopt minimalist lifestyles are happier, freer and more concentrated on the things that actually matter. Making more, having more products packaged in plastics to make more money to pay the same things over and over again will certainly diminish the non-renewable resources and natural wealth. Climate change will ignite more forest fires, more environmental degradation, floods, larger hurricanes and sea levels will rise up to 100 feet to submerge all of the world's biggest coastal cities. Day after tomorrow has been transpiring progressively. Catastrophic events and conflicts between nations will make the world population more vulnerable to alien manipulations that are already here hiding in underground, underwater bases, the dark side of the moon and many other obscure places.
There was a scout asteroid dashed through the solar system observing the activity around Earth. This may be the sign that more alien races have discovered this planet with the utmost biodiversity and rare resources. More of them will enter the solar system to compete with the existing ones undercover. The reason all of their operations and agendas have been kept unrevealed is they literally want to take over Planet Earth and the human race as their newest minions. This is extremely dangerous for any developing race like humans with great potential to find solutions to urgent happenings also evolve as the magnificent green saviors of this luscious living system. It's been unknown that Planet Earth has been specially seeded with great amounts of biological diversity and natural deposits as the storehouse in this part of the galaxy. Therefore it has the ability to even terraform many depleted or dead systems with the help of its native populace. This is the reason aliens want all of this elegance for their own benefit. They either never had these assets or depleted their homeworld forcing them to wander in space to search or trade. Most of the technology people buy and use today has been granted by aliens through years of exchange programs. These technologies aren't designed to benefit the human population, it's becoming more of a control mechanism each day. Following the path to more technological achievements and productions will rapidly deplete your planet to make you dependent on foreign alien powers. This is exactly what they want and people were completely unaware of what's been contrived in the background. Too much technology will limit your freedom and suck the hard-earned money out of you. You give all your time and energy to make the money to pay for the same things increasingly, you're all becoming servants to technology, needless products, and a broken system. More technology will never save anyone or the planet. Some of it is needed but too much of anything will consume you and all of the declining resources. The planet is already unstable at this time in consequence of environmental degradation, deforestation, global warming, and mass extinctions. It's obvious that some nations are draining the planet faster than others to force it into instability. The Earth has a superlative blueprint composed of the archangels accredited to this living depository. It has to be protected and preserved by the intelligent saviors assigned here. Humans are spiritual beings and most of the intelligent life is spiritual in essence as well. The physical realm is connected to spiritual realms considering the many people who go to the other side then come back here again as a newborn baby. Some people who go through near-death experiences describe a very lush and vivid reality there. Indeed, the divine archetype is out there constantly regenerating itself glamorously. Planet Earth has conceived of a divine blueprint that we can emulate successfully. The fundamental structure is manifested in nature all around us. We can mimic nature and its continual regeneration in all businesses and industries without diminishing the equilibrium.
Going fully green, plant-based with no destructive chemicals and plastics can progress our civilization into the next stage of evolution and renewability. This is the era of terraformation, the industrial era is over. Restoring the Earth into its greenest and most sustainable state is humanity's new mission. The world is depleting each day and this is exactly what the aliens want. After the world is depleted, entire humanity will end up exposed to cruel alien rule over. There are many alien races that work with the developed nations around the world. People believe developing more technology will improve civilization, in fact, it's the total opposite. Technologically developed nations will be the first ones to fall under alien order to farm and exploit them sternly. There are very green, sustainable, less developed and carbon-neutral or negative nations around the world where there is none or little alien activity. It's obvious that aliens want the human race to drain all of their essential resources to become more dependent on them. There are millions of hybrids worldwide hiding in cities and in secret alien bases to eventually govern the weakening human society. The nations that are growing and expanding aggressively must be regulated before it's too late. They're the cause of climate change, environmental degradation, and pollutions. They will shortly drive the planet into extreme scarcity, assuming that they will take over the world. Indeed it will be the aliens and hybrids who will take over after the loss of self-sufficiency. Aliens have the ability to mind control anyone, even the rich or powerful no matter who they are. The new generation of alien hybrids is ready and well-integrated into human society secretly. You must understand this is the only time to save the planet, time is running out faster each day. The entire world must unite to stop the depletion, pollutions and other problems in order to put an end to the deceptive alien organizations that have been on Earth for quite a while. This planet has the perfect design to self-sustain itself into eternity if it's managed the right way by the humans. In the course of time, human civilization can become more advanced and sustainable than all alien races also terraform plenty of distinct planetary systems. Humanity has been exquisitely conceived by the mighty archangels overseeing the Earth for a few billions of years. The formation of planets comprising intelligent living organisms like humans or others is completed by these powerful archangels abiding in the higher expanse over Earth. Therefore humans have the capacity to become the unified saviors of Planet Earth and all living organisms. Aliens want you to deplete your world for the sake of technology, economic growth, and vice versa so they can take advantage of the impoverished human population worldwide easily. Now is the best time to reform and rehabilitate your growing civilization. All of the industries that exhaust the planet's nature must be converted to extremely sustainable speedily. To achieve maximum sustainability, renewability, and reclamation for the next thousands of years of existence upon Earth, a global shutdown may be required for the conversion into the new green world.
You should know that no alien races that are here anticipate a good future for the humanity that's newly developing but started to undermine their beautiful homeworld in such a short time. Greening of the planet is launched by numerous nations because a lot of people have been asserting the consequences of environmental deterioration, animal agriculture, deforestation, global warming and plastics, and other pollutions. All of these and more are contributing to climate change and planetary instability. Now there is a mass pandemic probably caused by wildlife consumption. There may be many more devastating catastrophic events hitting the human population back to back because almost no aspect or industry of the human race is sustainable. The planet's nature and resources are rapidly diminishing for the reason of greed and gluttony of mankind. The economic system isn't working for the benefit of the world population and the planet's well-being. Working more to pay more, having more to destroy the entire world and all living organisms isn't a great idea but people are acquainted with the life and work this way. If a very sustainable and effective new system can be devised to manage the whole world, climate change and other coming catastrophes can be revoked and a united, plant-based, green and abundant biosphere can be established in short order. This planet has the potential to flourish as the most magnificent eco-rich civilization in the universe with the cooperation of human beings. However, everything has to be regulated and rectified to smoothly proceed to the new age of maximum sustainability, renewability, reclamation and green abundance. After only 10 years of functioning the same old ways, the pollutions, environmental and resource insecurity plus the climate change will befall relentlessly ferocious and make the human population extremely defenseless to alien trickery even for the rich and powerful. Unfortunately, there is enough evidence that the universe and the alien races are immensely dangerous to the newly developing human population around the world. Although humans have been reckless and conflicted, they're inherently gifted with the uttermost promise to constitute the greenest, most self-sustaining, inexhaustible, forested, united, self-renewing and enriching civilization in the universe. It's been unknown that humanity has the potential to surpass all alien races since most of them come from dead or depleted planets with little or no resources. Technological growth drains any civilizations resources in such a short time for them to end up comply with very strict space trades and rules. The best way to progress into the future for human civilization is through highly green, imperishable, natural resource management. Thus, all aspects of human lives and productions must be readjusted to reverse the extreme pollution and destruction towards the natural world that all living organisms including humans are part of. It's apparent that the industrial era and expansion that served humanity for decades is coming to an end to abolish catastrophic events and tricky alien intercessions once and for all.
We can build a new world now while the world is shut down for a period of time. The crisis hit the planet at the right time to awaken people how serious and perilous the industrial course is driving the whole through mass extinctions and constant depletion. This is absolutely what the aliens want. It happened to them before. Once the world is depleted, going through drastic shortages, insecurity then the several alien races that work with several nations will initiate a very cruel order to exploit the entire humanity for their own benefit. The industrialization and technologies that diminish the world's natural, limited resources, and deposits must be shut down or readjusted to become extremely sustainable. Aliens that granted the technology to some nations planned their agenda way ahead. They didn't want anyone to know what they were up to. Maximum industrialization, technological advancements, and consumption will force the entire world down the drain to quickly collapse and make it easy for the aliens to conquer and coerce the whole population. There are only 10 years left until climate change and the environment are completely disastrous, this will spawn endless disasters striking back to back. Luckily, there are green, plant-based, plant trees and many save the world movements around the world. A lot of people are awakening to what's going on and launching projects, startups and new strategies to save the planet and expel the treacherous alien collectives. The extreme manufacturing of many technological and unnecessary products packaged in plastics will only pollute and deplete the entire planet dragging into scarcity, turmoil, and cruel alien orders. There is enough evidence that there are several alien collectives working with several nations for decades. They want many nations to compete and contend against each other so the world becomes more unstable and insecure each day. Aliens are the ultimate deceivers in disguise, no human being has the mental powers and mind control of these alien beings. They were the ones in the background who forced the world into pollution, conflicts, unstable climate and ecosystem with the technology they've granted. All of human rights have been violated by various alien races. Most of them are collective organizations so they consist of a few races because they've already taken over many alien worlds and turned their inhabitants into servants in a ruthless and uniform hierarchical order. Human beings would find this alien system extremely intolerable and inhumane. Therefore no human being should be part of any alien organizations now or in the future. In the future, once the world is in need of help cause of environmental, climate changes also shortages and devastations, these alien races that are all over the world for decades will launch their final plan to use and exploit all of humanity in every way possible. Even the rich and powerful will fall, all administrations of the world will fall under alien order or will be terminated. The arts, music, entertainment and all of the things that give joy and comfort to human beings will be completely abolished forever under the alien command. This is definitely the biggest threat to all of humanity no matter their ethnicity, language, and customs, this is basically the end of all of the things that you love and live for.
Opportunely, the green, vegan, plant-based and many other movements to save animals and the world are spreading apart faster than anything. Although there are environmental disasters, forest fires, global warming, and pollution worldwide, there are so many reforestation, coral reef restoration, green city and buildings, permaculture farming and green the desert projects taking off globally. We can build the greenest, most sustainable and abundant planet to feed and care for the growing world population now. The Earth is still fertile everywhere but the economic system must be changed for the better. It seems like the city and nationwide lockdowns cause of the recent pandemic have relieved the atmosphere and the environment profoundly in only a few weeks. This may be the groundwork for a new social and economic system to benefit the environment, climate, ecosystems, and the entire planet's resources. We cannot drain all of the perishable resources and destroy the world for the aliens to take over and abuse the human race forever. The similar version of the movie Independence Day has been occurring in the background without acknowledgment of the public. Aliens have been taking over for decades and the technology plus the advances they've offered were to trick many nations to deplete the world to end up needy to alien overlords. No alien beings are better or more advanced than human beings. Human DNA is the superlative blueprint that's constantly evolving for the human race to rise as the most brilliant saviors of one of the most magnificent planets in the universe called the Earth. Humans as the spiritual and physical creators will eventually reach the archangel status. Aliens are just some scavengers, must be removed as soon as possible. Overuse and production of technologies will drain the planet so most of the industries must be shut down or actively regulated before it's too late. There are only 10 years to save the planet from now on then the climate and ecosphere will be highly cataclysmic to devastate all nations. Humanity is uniting as one super green force to restore and shield this glorious system. Plant, trees and other self-generating organisms will always help now and in the future to build the self-enriching, green and fully renewable domain that humans protect and regenerate. A united super-green force is in creation that will terraform the entire world as the most self-generative and sustainably advanced, expel plus outmatch all the covert alien races. This is inevitable. The alien races that are here aren't that advanced in any way, they're just scavenger forces seeking biological resources that they find valuable in space trade and other uses. In order to save the world and build the best future for everyone, we must invent a modern social and economic structure that will be beneficial and productive for the people also the biosphere with only complete renewable resources. Earth is literally one of the most beautiful and abundant planets in the universe, the research indicates that most worlds even Earth-like ones are mostly arid. Our planet can be the best ever without any alien interference, humans must unite to recover this magnificent legacy given to us by God and archangels hereafter.
It seems like these are end times, catastrophic events hitting the entire world back to back. We must find a way to save the world and the human race as soon as possible or things will get a lot worse. Our planet and the human race that's part of it are extremely valuable, unique and diverse to be classified as one of the best planets in the universe. We are supposed to do whatever it takes to restore the planet and maintain entire humanity before it's too late. There have been enormous forest fires, pandemics, floods and several alien races trying to gain control of the world population secretively. The human race hasn't been good saviors of this magnificent planet replete with extreme biodiversity and natural resources that most alien races nor alien worlds contain. Therefore these beings have come here to somehow take over the planet secretly for their own benefit, this is extremely dangerous for the future and evolution of mankind. This has happened countless times in the universe clandestinely and the alien orders have been immensely harsh and prohibitory to the freedom and well-being of the native inhabitants like humans. Independence Day and the Armageddon have started, nothing will be the same ever again. There will be many alien races and organizations operating in and around the Earth to gain control of humanity to turn them into subspecies farmed and exploited with extreme deception. This is a dangerous time unlike anything else ever occurred in history, now is the only time to leave all of the things that destroy and deplete the world's perishable resources and go fully green to regenerate the entire planet rapidly. No alien races that are here will save the planet nor the human race. They're only here to carry out their own secret agendas which are flawlessly determined to acquire the planet and the human race as their new servants. The entire world must cease all of the destructive productions and consumption to focus on the projects and tasks that can rejuvenate the whole and stop the depletion immediately. Destroying a glorious planet seeded and created to be the biological and genetic resource hub in this region of the universe is utterly dangerous for all living organisms including humans.
Scientists warn that we have less than a decade to refresh the civilization in order to halt climate change and other cataclysmic events that will only aggravate each year. The planet is depleting cause of the industrial and economic growth, the industrial era must be terminated to yield green movements, productions, single-use plastics bans, veganism, reforestation, green constructions, city designs, and many more regenerative projects, businesses, and enterprises. The human civilization is obliged to transform itself profoundly to outmatch all fraudulent alien races. No alien beings are superior to any human being. They abducted many people all over the world to genetically engineer an alien-hybrid breed that's indistinguishable from normal humans. They've placed them in most world cities to integrate with society so they can somehow dominate the world population for alien interests. Since the human population has been reckless and conflicted with this unique world called Earth and to each other, aliens have arrived to take control and acquire all of the world's resources that are endangered. There are millions of alien-hybrids in many of the world's cities conforming into the human population to carry out the secret alien agendas. The alien threat isn't just one particular extraterrestrial organization, there are several races in competition with each other to overrule various regions. This covert undertaking is one of the biggest perils for humankind now and in the future. Newly developing civilization can solve all of the problems and surmount the coming cataclysmic events. Even the richest or most powerful would fall under any alien order eventually. At first, they'd deceive the people in power with offerings then all of them would be replaced by these human-looking alien-hybrids. The entire world must act collectively as a hive mind to resolve the biggest issues, some are extremely classified. The beautiful Planet Earth is depleting each day for the sake of economic growth and unnecessary, for-profit products. Ever-increasing consumption has been polluting the landfills, oceans, the air, killing billions of animals and causing mass extinctions around the world. Entire humanity definitely needs a reset at this time. The people who adopt minimalist lifestyles are happier, freer and more concentrated on the things that actually matter. Making more, having more products packaged in plastics to make more money to pay the same things over and over again will certainly diminish the non-renewable resources and natural wealth. Climate change will ignite more forest fires, more environmental degradation, floods, larger hurricanes and sea levels will rise up to 100 feet to submerge all of the world's biggest coastal cities. Day after tomorrow has been transpiring progressively. Catastrophic events and conflicts between nations will make the world population more vulnerable to alien manipulations that are already here hiding in underground, underwater bases, the dark side of the moon and many other obscure places.
There was a scout asteroid dashed through the solar system observing the activity around Earth. This may be the sign that more alien races have discovered this planet with the utmost biodiversity and rare resources. More of them will enter the solar system to compete with the existing ones undercover. The reason all of their operations and agendas have been kept unrevealed is they literally want to take over Planet Earth and the human race as their newest minions. This is extremely dangerous for any developing race like humans with great potential to find solutions to urgent happenings also evolve as the magnificent green saviors of this luscious living system. It's been unknown that Planet Earth has been specially seeded with great amounts of biological diversity and natural deposits as the storehouse in this part of the galaxy. Therefore it has the ability to even terraform many depleted or dead systems with the help of its native populace. This is the reason aliens want all of this elegance for their own benefit. They either never had these assets or depleted their homeworld forcing them to wander in space to search or trade. Most of the technology people buy and use today has been granted by aliens through years of exchange programs. These technologies aren't designed to benefit the human population, it's becoming more of a control mechanism each day. Following the path to more technological achievements and productions will rapidly deplete your planet to make you dependent on foreign alien powers. This is exactly what they want and people were completely unaware of what's been contrived in the background. Too much technology will limit your freedom and suck the hard-earned money out of you. You give all your time and energy to make the money to pay for the same things increasingly, you're all becoming servants to technology, needless products, and a broken system. More technology will never save anyone or the planet. Some of it is needed but too much of anything will consume you and all of the declining resources. The planet is already unstable at this time in consequence of environmental degradation, deforestation, global warming, and mass extinctions. It's obvious that some nations are draining the planet faster than others to force it into instability. The Earth has a superlative blueprint composed of the archangels accredited to this living depository. It has to be protected and preserved by the intelligent saviors assigned here. Humans are spiritual beings and most of the intelligent life is spiritual in essence as well. The physical realm is connected to spiritual realms considering the many people who go to the other side then come back here again as a newborn baby. Some people who go through near-death experiences describe a very lush and vivid reality there. Indeed, the divine archetype is out there constantly regenerating itself glamorously. Planet Earth has conceived of a divine blueprint that we can emulate successfully. The fundamental structure is manifested in nature all around us. We can mimic nature and its continual regeneration in all businesses and industries without diminishing the equilibrium.
Going fully green, plant-based with no destructive chemicals and plastics can progress our civilization into the next stage of evolution and renewability. This is the era of terraformation, the industrial era is over. Restoring the Earth into its greenest and most sustainable state is humanity's new mission. The world is depleting each day and this is exactly what the aliens want. After the world is depleted, entire humanity will end up exposed to cruel alien rule over. There are many alien races that work with the developed nations around the world. People believe developing more technology will improve civilization, in fact, it's the total opposite. Technologically developed nations will be the first ones to fall under alien order to farm and exploit them sternly. There are very green, sustainable, less developed and carbon-neutral or negative nations around the world where there is none or little alien activity. It's obvious that aliens want the human race to drain all of their essential resources to become more dependent on them. There are millions of hybrids worldwide hiding in cities and in secret alien bases to eventually govern the weakening human society. The nations that are growing and expanding aggressively must be regulated before it's too late. They're the cause of climate change, environmental degradation, and pollutions. They will shortly drive the planet into extreme scarcity, assuming that they will take over the world. Indeed it will be the aliens and hybrids who will take over after the loss of self-sufficiency. Aliens have the ability to mind control anyone, even the rich or powerful no matter who they are. The new generation of alien hybrids is ready and well-integrated into human society secretly. You must understand this is the only time to save the planet, time is running out faster each day. The entire world must unite to stop the depletion, pollutions and other problems in order to put an end to the deceptive alien organizations that have been on Earth for quite a while. This planet has the perfect design to self-sustain itself into eternity if it's managed the right way by the humans. In the course of time, human civilization can become more advanced and sustainable than all alien races also terraform plenty of distinct planetary systems. Humanity has been exquisitely conceived by the mighty archangels overseeing the Earth for a few billions of years. The formation of planets comprising intelligent living organisms like humans or others is completed by these powerful archangels abiding in the higher expanse over Earth. Therefore humans have the capacity to become the unified saviors of Planet Earth and all living organisms. Aliens want you to deplete your world for the sake of technology, economic growth, and vice versa so they can take advantage of the impoverished human population worldwide easily. Now is the best time to reform and rehabilitate your growing civilization. All of the industries that exhaust the planet's nature must be converted to extremely sustainable speedily. To achieve maximum sustainability, renewability, and reclamation for the next thousands of years of existence upon Earth, a global shutdown may be required for the conversion into the new green world.
You should know that no alien races that are here anticipate a good future for the humanity that's newly developing but started to undermine their beautiful homeworld in such a short time. Greening of the planet is launched by numerous nations because a lot of people have been asserting the consequences of environmental deterioration, animal agriculture, deforestation, global warming and plastics, and other pollutions. All of these and more are contributing to climate change and planetary instability. Now there is a mass pandemic probably caused by wildlife consumption. There may be many more devastating catastrophic events hitting the human population back to back because almost no aspect or industry of the human race is sustainable. The planet's nature and resources are rapidly diminishing for the reason of greed and gluttony of mankind. The economic system isn't working for the benefit of the world population and the planet's well-being. Working more to pay more, having more to destroy the entire world and all living organisms isn't a great idea but people are acquainted with the life and work this way. If a very sustainable and effective new system can be devised to manage the whole world, climate change and other coming catastrophes can be revoked and a united, plant-based, green and abundant biosphere can be established in short order. This planet has the potential to flourish as the most magnificent eco-rich civilization in the universe with the cooperation of human beings. However, everything has to be regulated and rectified to smoothly proceed to the new age of maximum sustainability, renewability, reclamation and green abundance. After only 10 years of functioning the same old ways, the pollutions, environmental and resource insecurity plus the climate change will befall relentlessly ferocious and make the human population extremely defenseless to alien trickery even for the rich and powerful. Unfortunately, there is enough evidence that the universe and the alien races are immensely dangerous to the newly developing human population around the world. Although humans have been reckless and conflicted, they're inherently gifted with the uttermost promise to constitute the greenest, most self-sustaining, inexhaustible, forested, united, self-renewing and enriching civilization in the universe. It's been unknown that humanity has the potential to surpass all alien races since most of them come from dead or depleted planets with little or no resources. Technological growth drains any civilizations resources in such a short time for them to end up comply with very strict space trades and rules. The best way to progress into the future for human civilization is through highly green, imperishable, natural resource management. Thus, all aspects of human lives and productions must be readjusted to reverse the extreme pollution and destruction towards the natural world that all living organisms including humans are part of. It's apparent that the industrial era and expansion that served humanity for decades is coming to an end to abolish catastrophic events and tricky alien intercessions once and for all.
We can build a new world now while the world is shut down for a period of time. The crisis hit the planet at the right time to awaken people how serious and perilous the industrial course is driving the whole through mass extinctions and constant depletion. This is absolutely what the aliens want. It happened to them before. Once the world is depleted, going through drastic shortages, insecurity then the several alien races that work with several nations will initiate a very cruel order to exploit the entire humanity for their own benefit. The industrialization and technologies that diminish the world's natural, limited resources, and deposits must be shut down or readjusted to become extremely sustainable. Aliens that granted the technology to some nations planned their agenda way ahead. They didn't want anyone to know what they were up to. Maximum industrialization, technological advancements, and consumption will force the entire world down the drain to quickly collapse and make it easy for the aliens to conquer and coerce the whole population. There are only 10 years left until climate change and the environment are completely disastrous, this will spawn endless disasters striking back to back. Luckily, there are green, plant-based, plant trees and many save the world movements around the world. A lot of people are awakening to what's going on and launching projects, startups and new strategies to save the planet and expel the treacherous alien collectives. The extreme manufacturing of many technological and unnecessary products packaged in plastics will only pollute and deplete the entire planet dragging into scarcity, turmoil, and cruel alien orders. There is enough evidence that there are several alien collectives working with several nations for decades. They want many nations to compete and contend against each other so the world becomes more unstable and insecure each day. Aliens are the ultimate deceivers in disguise, no human being has the mental powers and mind control of these alien beings. They were the ones in the background who forced the world into pollution, conflicts, unstable climate and ecosystem with the technology they've granted. All of human rights have been violated by various alien races. Most of them are collective organizations so they consist of a few races because they've already taken over many alien worlds and turned their inhabitants into servants in a ruthless and uniform hierarchical order. Human beings would find this alien system extremely intolerable and inhumane. Therefore no human being should be part of any alien organizations now or in the future. In the future, once the world is in need of help cause of environmental, climate changes also shortages and devastations, these alien races that are all over the world for decades will launch their final plan to use and exploit all of humanity in every way possible. Even the rich and powerful will fall, all administrations of the world will fall under alien order or will be terminated. The arts, music, entertainment and all of the things that give joy and comfort to human beings will be completely abolished forever under the alien command. This is definitely the biggest threat to all of humanity no matter their ethnicity, language, and customs, this is basically the end of all of the things that you love and live for.
Opportunely, the green, vegan, plant-based and many other movements to save animals and the world are spreading apart faster than anything. Although there are environmental disasters, forest fires, global warming, and pollution worldwide, there are so many reforestation, coral reef restoration, green city and buildings, permaculture farming and green the desert projects taking off globally. We can build the greenest, most sustainable and abundant planet to feed and care for the growing world population now. The Earth is still fertile everywhere but the economic system must be changed for the better. It seems like the city and nationwide lockdowns cause of the recent pandemic have relieved the atmosphere and the environment profoundly in only a few weeks. This may be the groundwork for a new social and economic system to benefit the environment, climate, ecosystems, and the entire planet's resources. We cannot drain all of the perishable resources and destroy the world for the aliens to take over and abuse the human race forever. The similar version of the movie Independence Day has been occurring in the background without acknowledgment of the public. Aliens have been taking over for decades and the technology plus the advances they've offered were to trick many nations to deplete the world to end up needy to alien overlords. No alien beings are better or more advanced than human beings. Human DNA is the superlative blueprint that's constantly evolving for the human race to rise as the most brilliant saviors of one of the most magnificent planets in the universe called the Earth. Humans as the spiritual and physical creators will eventually reach the archangel status. Aliens are just some scavengers, must be removed as soon as possible. Overuse and production of technologies will drain the planet so most of the industries must be shut down or actively regulated before it's too late. There are only 10 years to save the planet from now on then the climate and ecosphere will be highly cataclysmic to devastate all nations. Humanity is uniting as one super green force to restore and shield this glorious system. Plant, trees and other self-generating organisms will always help now and in the future to build the self-enriching, green and fully renewable domain that humans protect and regenerate. A united super-green force is in creation that will terraform the entire world as the most self-generative and sustainably advanced, expel plus outmatch all the covert alien races. This is inevitable. The alien races that are here aren't that advanced in any way, they're just scavenger forces seeking biological resources that they find valuable in space trade and other uses. In order to save the world and build the best future for everyone, we must invent a modern social and economic structure that will be beneficial and productive for the people also the biosphere with only complete renewable resources. Earth is literally one of the most beautiful and abundant planets in the universe, the research indicates that most worlds even Earth-like ones are mostly arid. Our planet can be the best ever without any alien interference, humans must unite to recover this magnificent legacy given to us by God and archangels hereafter.
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