A lot of things going on all around the world. Most of them have been kept secret or were unknown. It seems like the alien races want the world to be depleted by some developed nations in order to initiate a very cruel alien order worldwide. Technology eventually depletes any planet's resources for the civilization to end up dependent or taken control by alien races. This is the biggest threat to entire humanity at this time because the planet's been polluted and depleting rapidly. Aliens offer technology and other gifts then wait for that world's inhabitants to overly manufacture these technologies, diminish natural resources and deposits in such a short time. The climate and the environment have neared the edge of either reverse all the damage or the consequences will be cataclysmic and irreversible. Aliens won't save the world or humanity, they have their own agendas. Without the essential resources and supplies, all nations will fall under a very harsh alien order to be exploited in every way possible. Alien hybrids are all around the world to become the world's new authority after the depletion and catastrophic instability around the world. Humanity must unite as soon as possible to save the planet, stop the pollution, the destruction of the environment and the resources. Manufacturing tons of junk products packaged in plastics will only pollute and deplete the entire world for it to fall under alien orders easily. These alien beings are everywhere, they have bases underwater, underground, in mountains and many other hidden places. Alien hybrids look exactly like humans but they're aliens in disguise work for the secret alien organizations. They've done this to other worlds before, these pirate alien organizations collected many different races and worlds under their hierarchy. Several alien groups are in competition with each other for decades, all of them operate in different regions of the world. These are the extremely deceptive, collective associations that acquire worlds with manipulation, deceit, and offerings. No civilization needs much technology to progress into the future, the planet's fundamental, renewable resources and ecosystems are the most significant for any race and civilization.

 There is data to disclose that many collective alien races are competing with each other to acquire our planet's regions and resources that are mostly biological and plasma from animals, humans and other organisms.  Each of these collective alien groups isn't one race, they consist of a few alien races that they captured from the worlds they've occupied. Therefore they all look different and make it more confusing to discern their plans. Many alien groups worked with particular nations to gather the resources they required. All kinds of technology have been granted through exchange programs for decades and most of the technology people buy and use today are alien in origin. The unknown reason the aliens give technologies and advancements is actually for the human civilization to excessively mass manufacture these technologies for-profit and developments so they would force their world's climate, environment, and limited resources into instability and depletion. A depleting world in need of help, going through disasters, scarcity and conflicts over masses would be very easy for these deceptive alien organizations to take over and exploit as they aspire. No alien races are here to help humanity or save the world. Their secret agendas have been totally classified for decades. The alien races here are scavenger, pirate organizations that wander in space searching for worlds to farm and exploit crookedly. So many people have been abducted and harvested, most never returned. This is the biggest threat to mankind and will ever be. Only a united world can expel the malevolent alien forces out of the solar system and shield the human civilization forever. Aliens have established so many bases around the world, they have a few in the Himalayas, underwater, underground in many places of the world. They've constructed remote islands in the pacific ocean to carry out their operations. They've been gaining more power and influence each day, alien hybrids look indistinguishable from normal human beings are placed everywhere. They know that when some developed nations will shortly deplete the world and lead to back to back cataclysmic events that will devastate the entire planet. Consequently, aliens all around the world will initiate a very oppressive order upon all of humanity and all nations will fall under alien order because they won't have the resources or the stability to maintain their state nor the collapsing world. Mass manufacturing too much technology and junk products packaged in plastics for the sake of economic growth are detrimental to the environment and the future. This will only weaken any nation against the alien races that have been here quite a while. Pollution and depletion must be banned completely worldwide before it's too late.

 A few nations competing with each other over technology, trade, manufacturing and other futile endeavors that will only make the human population more vulnerable to alien syndicates. They literally want the human race as their new servants to be used sternly. People must realize that they live in an alien universe where there are countless extraterrestrial races, groups, and organizations that cope with all others for trade, resources, territory, workforce, hierarchy, and many other issues. What's happening on Planet Earth has been transpiring on an infinite scale more aggressively. Fortunately, Planet Earth has the ultimate super-vegan and green pathogen that can rescue the entire humanity and the planet that's in danger now. The creator with the help of archangels has seeded the fundamental mechanism to surpass all alien races also uplift the human race as the physical archangels and powerful saviors of this magnificent, heavenly planet called Earth. This planet, all its diverse inhabitants and its uttermost biodiversity must be protected, restored and safeguarded from depletion, pollution, disasters also from alien races now. They're waiting the right time to strike for the final conquest after the world becomes very unstable as a result of conflicts, environmental degradation, diminishing resources, and catastrophic events. Nobody would benefit from any alien order that will be imposed in the near future so the world must be recovered and regenerated with a new green deal and the united vegan & green pathogen. All necessary actions must be taken worldwide with the cooperation of all nations otherwise any negative outcome in any place will affect the whole adversely. The industrial era is over, it's been extremely destructive recently. Technological advancements and mass manufacturing of loads of superfluous products packaged in plastics are the most ridiculous path to complete planetary deficiency, contamination, disorder, covert alien interferences, conflicts vice versa. The entire world must unite as one pathogen against the aliens to thwart their presence out of the solar system. Of course, these collective bugs, reptilians, greys wearing a variety of costumes are all the same, they all want the same thing, work for the same purpose. There are many races all over the world for decades with different looks, ships, abilities but they're all affiliated under one scheme; secretly, deceptively subjugate and acquire all of the resources for their own benefits and use. Several groups have been competing against each other for territory as well. We definitely need a pathogen that can overcome these alien forces and all of the problems of our planet now and in the future. Luckily, God had a grand plan and that's the united green-vegan super virus that will reclaim Planet Earth, rejuvenate the environment, accumulate the animals and all people under one super green force. This is the age of viruses and plagues to regreen the planet, eject the aliens and build the most sustainable, renewable and green civilization in the universe.

 Vegan and green movements and projects will never stop expanding. It's clear that staying at home most of the day will reduce all kinds of pollution and resource depletion by at least 90%. Of course, everyone needs basic necessities to live even if they're at home most of the day or 24/7. The lockdowns reveal the relief in nature and atmosphere, carbon emissions have dropped significantly. The economic system must be converted to carbon-neutral or negative by collaboration and that can be achieved by staying in or work from home. All supplies can be distributed equally to each home and even single-use plastics can be banned to halt plastics pollution. There is no need to destroy the world's limited resources to grow the economy, degrowth of economies may be very advantageous for the entire world now and in the future. The manufacturing and product lines should be scaled down to essentials only, therefore, the world's finite natural wealth is conserved for thousands of years. Going backward and going back to roots are required because pollution is ever-increasing. Over 90% of the products made are utterly needless, designed for profit and financial gain only. Now is the time to think about the limited deposits, environmental and climate change also the planet's ultimate future otherwise some aliens will take us over and it will be game over. They've done this to many naive and newly developing planetary systems, they were in need of help, technology was fascinating, ended up as peasants in a cruel alien system drifting in space searching for more. Perhaps, if the entire world is in lockdown for a while until the real problems are solved and the human civilization becomes extremely sustainable, renewable and green preserving what they have then we can be the super green force to even terraform other planets. Now is the best time to do whatever it takes to save the world and recover all the damage the industrialization has done for decades. There is no higher purpose than this because all of the other things that people do no matter how technologically advanced or sophisticated they are, will undermine the planet and all its fragile organisms, habitats and resources. The overdeveloped nations produce and consume the most of the natural wealth of the world not realizing that one day there will be nothing left or climate and environmental changes will devastate the entire world, even the developed nations. Without resources, no nation will be able to maintain their well-being and freedom against the alien races that have been here scrutinizing the human race for decades. The technologies and advancements they offered through exchange programs were exclusively plotted to drive the planet into catastrophic pollution, depletion and insecurity. That way, all nations would need help and aliens would take over the entire world easily. Even the strongest nations would have to comply with their proposals and arrangements planned to farm and exploit the entire human race. Alien orders are extremely harsh and ruthless for ordinary human beings, the alien beings that fell under other alien organizations control have lost their freedom and enjoyment completely. They became minions and servants in a very bitter hierarchical classification. Now they want human beings to be their next subspecies to be utilized and farmed forever. No human being would appreciate living under such cruel conditions imposed by alien beings. Aliens lost all their senses over thousands of years of living and operating under these circumstances. For these reasons, any alien activity around the world is extremely dangerous for the future of humankind, the alien presence must be completely banished out of the solar system. The alien hybrids that look human but work for the aliens should be seized and kept at a safe place. So many alien hybrids have been genetically engineered to carry out the secret alien agendas to take over the world and all of the world's resources for their own benefit. Unfortunately, this is the reality of the universe, no alien beings help or save each other especially newly developing and reckless societies.

 Entire humanity must unite under one higher purpose to rescue the planet, protect and safeguard all of the resources and biospheres for the next thousands of years. Of course, alien races hidden around the world do not want this, they instead wait for the human civilization to eradicate their self-support by polluting, destroying and consuming the natural resources that the Earth contains abundantly. No civilization in the universe needs too much technology, mass productions, and junk products packaged in plastics to live and thrive. Most of the civilizations even the advanced ones regulate productions and consumption to halt pollutions and resource exhaustion for the prospects because excessive industrialization isn't advanced by any means, it's very destructive anywhere in the universe. Humanity is supposed to go back to their roots and forget about the technologies mostly provided by certain alien races with deceptive agendas. All of the technologies that people buy and use every day will be controlled by the alien overlords in the near future, this is their master plan that's perfectly designed for alien interests only. No human beings will benefit from this in the future, having less technology that's essential for daily life and certain tasks is adequate even for advanced societies in the universe. Mass manufacturing countless electronics, technological gadgets and junk merchandise causing extreme pollution and depleting the limited natural wealth of the planet is the quickest path to falling under cruel alien domination that will last forever. Myriads of alien societies native to their worlds have succumbed to larger empires or deceptive alien groups like the ones here on Earth now. This is definitely the biggest threat for humanity and it's also related to technologies, environment and diminishing resources plus climate change. Many alien races are waiting to strike one last time to completely overtake the human race that will be very weak and confused after the coming cataclysms. It looks like nothing but the united super-vegan pathogen force can save the planet and overthrow the malevolent, deceptive alien occupancy. All of the environment, forests, habitats, and natural resources ought to be restored and shielded from devastation and overuse by all nations around the world. Countries like Nepal can be the example displaying the carbon-neutral, negative and sustainable civilization with sufficient technology and productions with little or no pollution or depletion of any kind. These types of countries will become very futuristic superpowers in the future because of their sustainability and green, lush ecosystems. The overdeveloped ones will exhaust all of their supplies so the imperative action must be taken collectively as soon as possible since some nations have conspired climate change, environmental decline, and contamination into its extremity. No alien technologies will contribute to the development and advancement of the human race considering the fact that they've been intelligently designed for evil plans.

 The human race has been created by the angelic forces with a grand plan overseeing Earth for millions of years. Mankind can become a very powerful, wise and cooperative, angelic and green force over Earth to even outmatch all alien races. Technology and advancements are not required to grow as an advanced and sustainable civilization in the universe. Most advanced civilizations tend to be plant-based and self-sustaining in nature, technologies and over manufacturing will only exhaust limited resources. Vegan - green movements and mindsets are augmenting increasingly all over the planet and their positive benefits over health, environment, ecosystems and animals' lives are wonderful. A lot of countries are going green and even shutting down most of the destructive industries gradually. It seems like super-vegan and green pathogens can save the planet, entire humanity plus defend the civilization from any deceptive and secretive alien races. Terraformation era is starting with projects to colonize Mars and other spheres in our solar system. If it succeeds efficiently, the human race will secretly emerge as the angelic terraform super force in this part of the universe. There are only a few advanced alien races that can terraform barren planets with great success. Don't think that other planets will contain an abundance of resources but they can still be terraformed in certain ways and colonies can survive in domed structures and underground facilities. Humans are spiritual beings and most alien races and organizations don't feel the need of being and practicing spirituality by any manners. There are many angelic powers like archangels and many smaller angels watching and guiding intelligent societies for future ideals. They know better than anyone and aliens what the ultimate direction is and it's not alien or technological. Some technology is needed for any society but excessively manufacturing and use of these technologies and industries will make you vulnerable to alien exploitation and environmental also climate change. In the future, right after the world is secured and stabilized from depletion, pollution, climate change, and alien interferences, the marvelous human race with the help of myriads of archangels can spread pathogens onto other deserted or depleted planets and terraform them for the sake of creating new Earth-like planets that are very rare and valuable. Everything is changing now, we all live in a totally different age in an alien universe where the aliens already here trying to take advantage of our society, our technologies and our resources granted to us by the creator. No intelligent alien races will help us now or in the future so humanity must unite as one super green force rapidly to save Planet Earth, secure the perishing resources and establish a very sustainable, green civilization immune to catastrophic events, diminishing of resources plus alien intrusions forever. Going green will help us evolve in every field of human civilization but it's not enough. Planting trees won't save the planet but it's still necessary and it can be done by everyone. Our human society requires a reset because the industrial era has been very destructive especially to forests, animals, the environment and the fragile, limited natural wealth. Going vegan improves your health, your perceptive abilities, creativity, and intelligence as well as wastes a lot less water, saves millions of animals and the ecosystem you're part of. We must move forward as a mostly vegan, fully green and renewable civilization and productivity towards prospects of every field of human survival. Most of the technological alien societies and organizations lost their connection to nature and spiritual forces that exist within them also around them. Therefore, we must reconnect with nature and the spiritual forces that oversee and protect the Earth, humans and all life to become a more advanced and progressive order. No matter how sustainable, advanced or green the industries are, they will somehow deplete natural resources of the planet to make the entire population very vulnerable and powerless against skillful extraterrestrial forces that have been all around the world on the sly for decades. No alien beings are superior to human beings, Human DNA has been fundamentally conceived by the archangel super forces with the blueprints granted by the creator. As a result, the human race has more potential and capability to become more self-enriching, creative and productive than all alien races. They're just beings from some either deserted or drained systems roaming in space seeking organic supplies that are very precious for their own use and in space trades.

 The mighty human beings are predestined to become most advanced in the universe if they can overcome the problems and alien forces with collective action then terraform many new Earth-like planets in the future. Planet Earth is always first so the time is now to do whatever it takes to rescue and shield the whole. The human race will evolve as the archangel super force that can turn any landscape into extremely lush and prolific like in heavenly realms that your spirit travels after death. Planet Earth can be the physical heavenly realm if it's treated right by the human mind-body-soul trinity from now on. This is the new age of universal intelligence that will always examine and attempt to exploit the newly ripening human awareness for their own benefit and use. Space isn't a place of heavens and riches, it's extremely dangerous and commanded by countless alien races. It seems like pathogens and plagues appearing all around the world is nature's action to stop the environmental and climate destabilization caused by human beings' expansion of excess industrialization. Nobody needs that many products either made by plastics or packaged in single-use plastics, plastics are highly pollutant to oceans and landfills. Saving and clean-up of the planet must begin now since nature has alerted the population about the consequences of pollution and degradation. Perhaps, a lot of unnecessary industries must come to an end, the overdeveloped nations that pollute and use most of the resources must be strictly regulated. All of the mind control that aliens cast upon many individuals in power and influence must be counteracted and alien groups must be removed out of their hidden bases. If people knew what's going on around the world either alien or environmental related, they'd absolutely unite to save the world as their full-time jobs. This may be the Independence Day everyone was waiting for and it's been executed behind scenes by many alien races to overtake the human race that's weakening and overusing their limited resources and supplies. To restore the beautiful green Planet Earth in danger and eject the fraudulent alien races and technologies can be embraced as everyone's higher purpose for the next thousands of years. Humans will always be on Earth but things are changing fast at this time so we have to proceed into great sustainability, green renewability plus environmental resource protection for the whole world. The human race will eventually surpass all alien races that are here or elsewhere because Planet Earth is a very special resource hub seeded by angelic forces sent by the Creator to be the genetic and biological storehouse in this region of the universe. Therefore, world's human population is assigned to be the super green saviors of this living diverse system and kick alien donkey jackasses out of the solar system forever and ever  =D


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