This is it !! It's coming, the future is here. From now on, everything will be totally different than before. Human DNA is the secret quantum computer that was kept dormant for thousands of years. The human race has been created by the Prime Creator to become the Terraform Gods of the alien universe. There are myriads of archangels and angels work for terraformation of the universe where intelligent alien life is abounding. Matter fact, Planet Earth has been terraformed by archangels assigned to seed and create a planet that's the biological and genetic resource hub in this region of the universe. This planet and the human race are both intensely valuable therefore they're both must be saved and preserved from secretive alien races, environmental disasters, instability, and scarcity. Each human being has been selected and appointed to be the saviors of humanity and the world as part-time or full-time. There are extremely critical threats that are already here and approaching that can devastate the human race harshly. There are many alien races and groups around the world doing whatever it takes to gain control of the naive and weakening human population. This is immensely dangerous for the future and freedom of the human race that's perfectly designed and created to protect and enrich their magnificent, unique homeworld called Earth. Don't think that any alien races will come and save humanity and the world, it's totally the opposite and they've been operating clandestinely to take over and turn many human beings into exploited subspecies for decades. People have the ultimate force and abilities to switch the Earth civilization into the greenest, most efficient and occult covert force that can even reverse terraform many alien planets that are desolate or depleted. The evolution of Earth into its lively stage wasn't spontaneous, people must understand that there are always angelic forces around planets containing intelligent living organisms like humans. These angelic authorities constitute and help the formation of life over planets from a higher realm that other beings aren't able to enter. For that reason, terraforming other planets even Earth into its most renewable and self-sustaining phase would nominate the human race as the mighty physical archangels of this realm.

 This is the absolute future for everyone living and will live here. There is research indicating the reality of planetary systems farther from the solar system that most of them are arid or drained by the probable technological civilizations that inhabit them. Fortunately, planets like the Earth have been specially conceived to revive dying systems into Earth-like active microcosms with the cooperation of the world population and all nations. There is a grave danger that must be averted before it ends up more dangerous and irreversible. Some alien races have been already here in and around the world to dominate the reckless population by secret operations. They already genetically engineered an alien hybrid race that looks exactly human but in correlation with these alien beings to overtake the weakening world population. This is one of the most treacherous incidents that can happen to any populace in the universe, so many planets have been monopolized this way by many alien civilizations. In the future, as revenge for this happening, some alien worlds can be terraformed and taken over by the mighty human principals because most alien races that are highly technological aren't able to terraform nor regenerate their own homeworlds they originate in. They either depleted or never had the resources and compounds to restore life and viability in these planetary systems so they wander in space in search of these essentials or obtain them through space trade. Many alien races have been examining the Earth and human society for a long time but they weren't able to establish control mechanisms here in order to acquire essential resources for their own benefit. Some of them after many attempts and experiments somehow created an alien hybrid race to overrule the human population worldwide. No alien races are here to help or save the planet and the world population by any means, they will do whatever it takes to exploit the reckless and divided nations. Luckily, there are growing green movements that can change the world for the better and eventually unify mankind as one to overturn deceiving beings and save the planet with collective action. The cosmic collective intelligence is immensely rigorous and competitive for any human being to even simply encounter without being overwhelmed. They're already here and they want most of the population to become their minions to be farmed and utilized grimly. Human beings have been genetically devised by the archangels assigned to this planet. They're all-powerful beings overseeing the Earth constantly for millions of years. Now is the time for people to remember their fundamental purpose to be here. Archangels aren't allowed to interfere in the physical realm because that would eliminate the lessons and experiences of learning and growth. They see there are alien activities and planetary instability caused after the expanding industrial era worldwide.

 Industrial automation and technological advancements aren't going to save the planet or make humans more advanced over time. This is the ultimate path to resource depletion that will inflict alien orders over the masses. No one will gain anything out of this, the rich and powerful will eventually lose or get replaced as well. Thus, restoration of the planet must begin immediately to raise the sustainable prosperity and strength of the whole world to become capable to overcome anticipated catastrophes also overthrow expedient extraterrestrial factions. The Earth has the utmost capacity to revive dying or depleting systems into sustainable structures so many of the alien worlds can be terraformed for them to become continually vigorous. It's like human beings collectively have the power to evolve into Almighty Terraform Gods to launch the creation of an Earth-like universe, probably many new human species may appear in each system that's interconnected to each other as a dynamic living organism. Of course, each new sphere would call for the appointments of many fresh potent archangels to help with terraformation procedures invisibly. There are legions of archangels, angels and spiritual beings like humans that function around countless planetary systems comprising intelligent life. The decline of the world has been caused by people so they must restore it back with their own effort and cooperation before it's too late. The environment and perishable resources are extremely significant for the stability of world civilization. It seems like Planet Earth is required to be terraformed to refresh its natural balance before the launch of terraformation and colonization of other planets like Mars. In the future, even many alien worlds that are deteriorating can be revived through the process of terraforming that's already mastered in dead worlds like Mars or numerous moons. This will shift the human society into the status of universal archangels because only civilizations from a few selected planets like Earth that embody the life-generating sources can revive deserted spheres. Only very few advanced alien civilizations were able to achieve this level of brilliance turning depleted or arid planets into habitable, viable landscapes for their own race to expand. Since the Earth is undergoing an alien override that's kept secret for decades, the homeworlds of these beings can be covertly terraformed and seized in order to invigorate these draining planetoids. The resource depletion has probably forced countless alien races and organizations to search and gather the essentials elsewhere in space. The archangels of the universe assigned to planets with intelligent life cannot stop this from happening but they can help with terraformation of a freshly new universe that will be predominantly Earth-like.

 Planet Earth that orbits inside the habitable zone has been chosen by the angelic forces a few billions of years ago to be seeded as the biological genetic storehouse in this domain of the universe. Therefore it could recover depleted or dead systems contained intelligent life forms. Human beings are spiritual beings, indeed, they aren't much different than angelic beings. They still have the power and authority to be creative and healing in their surroundings on real planets. Spiritual beings like humans incarnate continuously into the physical realm comprising myriads of spheric living planetary systems and life is mostly rough everywhere but this can change. Even though the Earth is going through changes caused by the human interference and industrial era, it still has the capability to refresh itself to a sustainably upgraded stage for humans to live and prosper harmoniously. Planet Earth is always first, it's all you have into eternity. If terraformation becomes successful on Mars or elsewhere, these places will never be like the Earth or it would take a long time for them to flourish as the new Earths. The Earth has been supplied with the life-generating elements and genetic material for eons for the living organisms and habitats to evolve. There have been alien seedings and support from archangels with many new compounds and biological organisms to enrich the whole planet's biodiversity. Perhaps, the human race may rise as the united vegan alien archangels to save and restore the magnificent Planet Earth into its heavenly limitlessly self-enriching and vividly luscious stage. This will definitely reach other planets and solar systems nearby with the emergence of the angelic terraform force called humans. Industrial eras and high consumption for-profits cycle are concluding amid the creation of the gloriously lush and biophilic millennium where homo sapiens are ripening as the super green force to achieve superlative sustainability and renewability with green, plant-based productions. This planet can be the greenest and most imperishable if it's treated the right way. Mother Earth is calling humanity to go back to their roots and characterize themselves as the native protectors of this spheric living organism.

 Biophilic lifestyles and designs can look futuristic and adorn the growing cities around the world. We definitely must act now to reverse climate change to turn our civilization into climate-neutral or negative. A complete plant-based, biophilic and green civilization worldwide can achieve extraordinary output and unity to overcome the calamities, secret alien agendas and become more advanced and fertile than other space civilizations that are here around the world or wandering in space. Green movements and building designs are rising in popularity each day and may even save the entire planet plus humanity with increased abundance and prosperity fueled only by plants and renewable sources. We live in a totally disparate reality emerging as a newly developing civilization in the universe. Humanity has the potential to surpass all alien races because aliens come from mostly depleted or deserted planets with very scarce resources. The human race can even terraform many alien worlds if they can accomplish terraformation of dead planetoids like Mars, the process will be similar in other worlds. Green will always win in the future, most alien civilizations aren't green or vegan. We can be the united super green force in the universe to restore and safeguard a very exquisite sphere called Earth. The entire world must shift to carbon-neutral as soon as possible to halt the coming cataclysms and deceiving alien manipulation that will hit the human population back to back atrociously. Nobody is safe from the threats, you can see the pandemics already jeopardizing the populace that's been very reckless with industrial growth. Although people need products to survive and live comfortably, all industries can convert to completely green also all products can be made compostable, plastic-free with green, plant-based materials. Some cities and nations incorporate green buildings, plant-based productions, composting and single-use plastics ban into their infrastructure plus doing all they can to convert to carbon-neutral. Biophilic designs and cities will be more common in the future because they're very futuristic and alluring. Biophilia can improve everyone's lives, mood, and health if it's applied efficiently. This planet embodies the heavenly blueprint of vivid and lush higher realms with its biodiversity, beauty, and opulence so all of its diversity, forests, resources and the human race must be saved to maintain sustainability and renewability of the living systems. Green, vegan and plant-based revolutions and products will conjoin entire humankind as one super force outmatching all alien races to begin greening the planet then terraforming countless planets into eternity. The future is now, it's started and nothing will ever be the same again. Getting rich is determined by how much plants, trees you have and how much limitlessly renewable resources you produced with them.

 Human being has been created to enrich its environment and surroundings with new sprouts and perennials then evolve as the almighty terraform archangel operating in the physical realm. This is the most evolved and advanced stage a spiritual, mind-body-soul being can reach. Higher realms and the Earth were never separated from one another, the physical realm can become heavenly with the support of human beings. There are myriads of powerful, tall archangels overseeing each system containing intelligent life and the human race is predestined to merge with them to create a new universe of magnificence. All worlds that bear intelligent living organisms like humans have been conceived by these omnipotent forces interconnected with God that's everywhere. Considering the fact that human beings are spiritual in essence and travel in between other realms and physical realms like Earth, human mind-body-soul trinity will eventually ascend as the archangels of natural planetary systems. The formation of planets like Earth has been executed by many celestial archangels that watch over countless planets and all of intelligent life in the universe. If humanity can protect and preserve their magnificent homeworld also maintain its perishable, fragile sources, they will have the capability of achieving greatness through cooperation. Being an angel or a powerful archangel with exclusive and creative abilities isn't much different being a spiritual being in a human body. They apparently still complete many tasks to keep the whole in order each day similar to what people do to continue their lives. The era of survival instincts is coming to an end, just toiling yourself to pay the same things over and over again to survive isn't productive nor fun. This is one of the reasons the planet is declining rapidly and there are many space beings are trying to take advantage of this madness. Consistent economic growth with products that kill and pollute the environment, oceans and the air isn't the way to live nor survive in a world that's getting more fragile each day. The industrial era has grown and expanded the human population around the world but it's started to annihilate the frail planetary balance and vitality. The conflicts over differences, beliefs, and customs are unnecessary. Aliens will promote more conflicts and fluctuation in order to offer deceptive proposals with the help of alien-human hybrids that are integrated into the population worldwide. Humans are substantially more advanced and superior to any alien beings that come here trying to carry out secret operations to exploit the human race. These beings are like space pirates, nobody allows them in their worlds but they somehow infiltrated to Earth with deception and technological offerings. People all around the world have the utmost potential and diversity to create the ultimate self-renewing resource world and imperishable, green mass productions. The key to achieving the archangel status and expertise for all human beings is through the protection of the planetary resources and ecosystems as well as complete, plant-based independence worldwide. Single-use plastics are harmful to the environment and oceans so they must be replaced with compostable and recyclable options. All products can be made plant-based, compostable and plastic-free with sustainable resources without depleting or damaging the environment.

 There is a great possibility to become way more advanced than all other civilizations in this part of the universe because Planet Earth is an exceptional resource and genetic storehouse that contains a tremendous amount of biodiversity and natural wealth. Planets like this are able to give birth or revive new ones around them once their intelligent species mature to a level of terrific unity, sustainability, renewability, and biophilic growth. There may be some advanced, vegan, plant-based societies affiliated with each other in the proximity of the solar system where Earth orbits. Distances are still deep to reach other systems but human civilization newly developing can consolidate with this progressive and efficient federation in the future. Their purpose is biophilic productions and enhancement in all collaborating planetary systems. The alien beings here aren't any of them, these organizations entering the Earth are fraudulent. The advanced plant-based supporters will approach human civilization in the future after Earth populace thwart the extraterrestrial and hybrid deception also build a cooperatively united and eco-rich civilization. The future is now, the universe is here. There are major hazards ahead that can devastate the whole living system but you can flourish as the greenest, vegan, eco-friendly archangels of the universe. You have the power of plants and trees. They're the foundation of all life even divine presence =D


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