We're creating a future and a new universe totally better and sufficient for each living organism including humans and all animals. Life will be a lot easier for everyone, working and paying for things to survive will be obsolete. The human being was perfectly designed to build the most sustainable and abundant planet ever existed for all souls to share equally with no greed and selfishness. We can bring heaven on Earth easily with this precocious design to free all beings and organisms for the everlasting agony of survival. Why is heaven so perfect and amazing and the Earth is difficult or poor? We can merge both realms into one to progress our existence into the next stage of prosperity and livelihood. People don't work in heavens after they die so why do we have to strangely work and pay for every little thing here on Earth or elsewhere? Civilization would become much more productive and creative if people never worked and just did the things to save the world each day. Planet Earth has extraordinary potential to become the divine paradise right here in the physical realm.

 There are people who came back from death recalling a lush, vivid paradise that's more lively and radiant than our planet. So the perfect blueprint of survival continuance already reachable after you die. The implication is that we as the divine souls switching between both dimensions can transfigure our planet called Earth into an immortal and fantastic domain that's more beautiful, more diverse, more abundant, superior in every way than other worlds also higher realms with a fresh grand plan. We already know about the foundations of life that provide us the properties for our survival and development. Nature produces and contains all the renewable, self-sustaining and regenerating components to supply the life force of the whole. We can make money and save the world without doing anything or working. It's the best when it's automatically generating and self-producing like in higher realms or heavens functioning with divine code and order. All animals are friends in the heavens. Why are they being exploited here cruelly like they're nothing? Plantlife, seeds, trees, algae and renewable energy sources powered with photosynthesis are the seraphic life forms of God's creation. Photosynthesis is the foundation of all life. You can tell ethereal plants and trees still process energy with a method similar to photosynthesis because of the vivid colors and sublime light reflecting from the gates of glory. It's obvious the higher realms are extremely lush and self-sustaining so we as the souls coming from these realms must transform our planet into an angelic, exuberant paradise where nobody will ever work or live in the misery of never-ending responsibilities of subsistence. Anything even the economy can be regulated and automated to build the most advanced, free, sustainable civilization ever existed in the universe so people can focus on important things like saving the world, creativity, reversing climate change and other significant topics.

 The ultimate glorious redemption and recovery are coming to take over the world. This new world will progress as the most advanced civilization into eternity terraforming trillions of exoplanets into most heavenly, blissful and abundant creations powered and self-enriched by the biodiversity of plants, trees, other organisms with the supreme force of photosynthesis. Anything can be done in the universe because the matter is moldable by intelligence. Humanity is freshly evolving as a very intelligent race with the greatest potential and innovative mind. All products and the necessary things produced and made by people to survive can be grown with the help of photosynthesizing and self-generating organisms. In the future, all needed energy will be sourced by renewable technologies, all of the commodities people use and consume today and more will be fabricated by the organic material that is self-producing and self-generative. You can already find these life forms in nature. Plundering the environment of resources for constant greed is not beneficial in the long run for any world. Everyone must think ahead of their time and come together to build the best future ever in cosmic diversity. Luckily, Planet Earth has been chosen by the Prime Creator and seeded with one of the most extreme biodiversity in its regions. What is the mighty force that runs the nature for it to be so prolific? Humans are only a small part of this great design that perfectly evolved over millions of years.

 The only way to a more abundant lifestyle is through intensification of the photosynthesis process that provides the energy and foods to most of the organisms, animals, and humans on Earth. There are always new ways to mimic nature so productions and industries can simulate natural processes like photosynthesis dynamically in every field. Saving the world can only be accomplished with renewable energy sources that absorb Co2 out of the atmosphere to turn it into chemical and electrical energy for human use. Humans must augment plant-based lifestyles, products even constructions much more than before. All buildings can be constructed with mixtures of plant matter and cultivate greenery on their roofs, balconies and other spaces around them. There are already some green building designs approved and constructed in some countries around the world, they absorb CO2 in cities and look elegant as well. The next stage of human evolution is the path of green cultivation and development in human consumption, productions, cities and probably every department alleviating the human population with the help of photosynthesis and similar growth mechanisms. Without photosynthesis, plant life even trees, there would be no humans or any life on Earth. We couldn't find a planet with such biodiversity nor any sign of life yet. Some planets or moons look blue-green but they probably don't contain any flora at all. This may be the reason that the Planet Earth and the human population may be one of the only communities in this region of the universe capable of terraforming other planets and planetoids into Earth-like systems eventually. Although there are probably tons of intelligent life in the galaxy we live in and some may be pretty close to our solar system we're orbiting. This doesn't imply that their planets are rich with life and abundant in biodiversity no matter how technologically advanced they are. Our planet is apparently very special, at least for the human race so we must leave all the unnecessary animosities and concentrate on salvaging our one and only home threatened with issues like deforestation, global warming, poverty, environmental degradation, etc. Going vegan and green in every aspect of life is a great beginning for the entire world, a lot of people are waking up to what's going on and raising awareness on the internet, social media and many other forms of approach. Raising awareness is generally one of the best things to do in life because there are a lot of issues that most of the population aren't aware of. These problems can only be resolved with a collective mindset and action.

 The Gaia and its biodiversity constitute a biological genetic library unlike most of the planets and celestial bodies in the galaxy and the whole cosmos. The human race must initiate a new order to protect and preserve this magnificent marble orbiting the sun. Evolution never ends in the physical realm also in higher realms where you fly after you pass away. All creation is under constant evolution and motion called life and existence. The physical realm like the Earth has the promise to merge the heavenly realm with the physical into one interlacing bond. For some reason, the afterlife is so amazing, abundant and free compared to the lives in human bodies. This can change since all realms are powered by the same source coming from the creator of all. Humans are the prevalent species of this planet so we are the ones capable of converting this planet into a magnificent self-enriching utopia of great prosperity and extreme renewable sustainability. All is confided on the growing human population creating collectively each second.


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