Hello there, these are such magnificent times on Earth that everyone should experience. Everything has completely changed. We live in a totally different world now and we have an amazing opportunity for humanity and vegans to become most advanced in the universe in a shorter time than any other alien civilization ever accomplished. There are aliens everywhere and alien life will always compete with humans and try to take advantage of the catastrophes and naivety here. Although there are friendly alien societies that are mostly vegan to approach the Earth in the near future once humanity proves to be more progressive about saving their planet, creating a sustainable and cooperative society here. The future may be immensely bright for all of humankind unlike anything ever imagined. There is still a lot to be done but humanity has great potential after they build a vegan, plant-based, sustainable and unified civilization living and functioning pacifically. A lot of things have been kept secret but they're unraveling slowly to inform humanity and elicit knowledge out of each human being for them to become more evolved and advanced hereafter. Aliens will always try to control humanity and to turn them into subspecies so they can farm and dominate this planet as much as they can. This is extremely dangerous for your freedom and the future of your beautiful planet thriving with life. The aliens that are here are pirate groups who intend to lurk and prowl off newly emerging societies with resourceful planets. If humans gain more awareness and knowledge about important subjects and the alien presence, this type of incident can be prevented.

 Earth is in such danger at the moment. Rare resources are diminishing faster than before, forests that provide habitats, food, and oxygen are on fire all around the world. This is the best time to take action about saving the world and our society. Vegans can become the most advanced society and civilization in the entire universe if they start saving their planet and turn it into a very green and extremely sustainable vegan paradise. Veganism and plant life will eventually extend to other planets and systems in the near future after more technologies developed for space travel and terraformation. Although terraformation isn't an easy task, it can be done when most of the population invests in it. Trillions of dollars funding can be collected to terraform other planets in a few months or so. There is rocket technology to reach other planets in the solar system right now and space travel will only improve over time. Saving the planet is immensely crucial because the changes and catastrophes are only getting worse each day. A new vegan and plant-based society that's united and self-sufficient is one of the best ways to save the world and solve most of the problems of Earth. The English language is becoming widespread for the universal language of the world. So more people will be able to communicate easily to reduce the conflicts and prejudice that are useless and unnecessary for any nation. There are extremely important subjects waiting to be managed instead of worthless disputes and negativity. Plants and forests have the ability to generate life wherever they are. All life is connected to each other in every way possible. There are going to be some vegans coming to Earth from outer space to associate with the vegans and humans here and make agreements beneficial for both sides. Humanity is already about to shift as a multi-planetary civilization if Mars can be colonized and terraformed in a period of time. There are countless barren worlds similar to Mars in the universe that may be biocompatible. Some vegan or other civilizations already terraformed some of these and they can make agreements with vegans and humans for exchange and trade in order to utilize resources to terraform more planets and acquire more diversity for their homeworlds. Vegan and plant-based societies are more advanced and sustainable than other technological or robotic organizations. The path to more technological development will only deplete rare and non-renewable resources by time. Becoming plant-based and vegan is the best way for any society to achieve success and growth. What if there are trillions of vegan aliens out there and some even look like humans? They may find this planet with extreme biodiversity and make contact in the future because the universe is enormous and it probably contains so many different alien societies. Don't get confused with the alien presence already in and around the world. The ones that come and operate here secretly only want control and domination of our population in order to gain access to Earth's rare and unique resources. We live in a world that needs to be saved and protected in every aspect at this time. Humanity is awakening and it will become a very advanced civilization if they cultivate the right mindset and unity to overcome all the problems and prevent any alien overruling upon Earth and humanity. No matter what happens, plants, forests, vegans, diverse habitats, greenhouses, plant-based productions will win. Life will always find a way but humans must stop destroying their homeworld that's very rare and unique with the ability to terraform millions of planets into existence.

 Even though there are forest fires and some of the largest forests are being burned, all of these can be halted and vast lands can be reforested as the productive farms, orchards and permaculture gardens in a short time. There is a rising awareness all around the world to change the world in a positive direction. More people will understand what's going on and invest in mindful and green productions. Renewable energies, plant-based products, vegan manufacturing are best for the economy and the environment. No animals are meant to be harmed to make any products. Rising awareness and knowledge can solve all of the issues occurring in parts of the world. People can learn most of the basics online to have a better and healthier life in this age of information and technology. Age of Aquarius that we're in right now may make it out in books as the age of vegans and animal rights movements. Yes, new tech products are exciting but you can't accumulate all of them and it gets difficult to keep up with all the new tech gadgets. Plants, vegetables, gardening, veganism, fruits, planting trees are way cheaper than technology and they're great for the environment and your health. Food is real medicine, everyone needs food to survive. People are supposed to begin planting and building more green farms, orchards, gardens to feed the growing population. Let's plant trillions of trees, sow seeds for the greenest and most productive society ever existed to build the most advanced civilization in the universe also terraform millions of planets on the way. Vegans are becoming the most advanced and sustainable of the cosmic creation and merging with other vegan societies in the future =D


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