Hi, Vegans are taking off with new innovations worldwide. The voice of animals, plants, and nature has been heard by so many people all around the world so jillions of people started the biggest movement and development of modern society ever. This is a great time for humanity since somebody discovered how to change the world at an extremely rapid rate. Once more and more people go vegan, start doing the right things that can save the planet, animals and the environment, our society will become a more advanced development mind-body-spirit that's more unified than ever before. This will eventually spread out to other planets and more Earth-like planets will be created in a short time. Vegans and innovators are able to create a new universe that's filled with gardens, greenery, forests, peace, and sustainability. A lot of bright individuals already launched projects to build colonies on Mars, Moon and elsewhere. There is evidence that there are some uninhabited Earth-like planets out there in space as well, some of these may be suitable for colonization and may include only primitive life forms. As you know, Earth has a vast range of plant and animal species that can adjust to new climates and terrains with some work and probably bioengineering. The entire universe contains a variety of worlds with diversified temperatures, atmosphere, soils, and gravity. Some regions of these newly discovered planetoids can be engineered to become convenient for human habitation especially underground and in big glass domes to protect colonies from radiation, storms, high and low temperatures, etc. It seems like the universe is calling for more Earth-like worlds to be engineered and terraformed by human beings because Earth is probably the best planet with the resources to expand life elsewhere. Going Vegan is the beginning of the newest Homo Galacticas species native to planet Earth. Everyone would invest in this magnificent future and the technology and advancements will follow up for the colonization of space. Plants, trees, and nature provide humanity with all the opportunities to become limitless mind-body-spirits with super intelligence and super abilities evolving as the new Terraform Gods of the Universe.
Photosynthesis will help a lot in the future because that's how life goes on Earth and it will be implemented to other worlds exponentially. Wouldn't you want to live in a universe filled with so many Earths inhabited by human beings forming an extensive empire? The problem is the sustainability of these new colonies. Generating efficient atmospheres and food sources are essential in order to establish a long-term space colonization plan. More people will evolve into a limitless mindset and become innovators, inventors of the future. The future may be Earth-like or more terraformed planets that will eventually turn into Earths. Of course, this isn't an easy task but it's very exciting to go after this amazing prospect. To save the planet and its balance of life must be the first thing to do before following a colonization agenda in space. Earth has come to a point where it needs a great deal of change from society to keep its original, life-giving balance. This can be achieved if more forests and gardens are planted to feed the population and absorb the excessive Co2 from the atmosphere. Going Vegan definitely saves lives and it's the best way of living on planet Earth. Change of diet isn't enough to reverse climate change and other problems that are occurring worldwide. More people must cultivate fresh new forests and even food forests that will feed people also absorb the high level of Co2 around the world's biggest cities considering big cities pollute more than other places in the world. Any big or smaller city can become a green city if forests are planted all over and renewable energy sources are installed by everyone living there. Living in green cities with various vegan food choices in addition to forests and parks to walk and do activities might be the best plan for our society. Investing in green and plant-based futures for humanity can be more profitable also life-saving for the planet. Even the richest and most powerful corporations can change into this direction that will be more advantageous for each person and market in the outlook. Living the greenest lifestyles will create more sustainable markets, jobs, and opportunities for every company and nation in the world. There are still so many places around the world that need more trees, forests, and reforestation so green and plant-based communities can be based there. Luckily, there is a rising awareness about the animals, environment, health and the planet's condition so people are accumulating more information to start the best projects around this topic. Any passion like building a better, more sustainable world for all living beings can be adopted by anyone as their new or side job. Vegan products are growing faster than any other type of product, hitting the markets back to back. Starting a business that contributes to saving the planet also making the society more sustainable, healthy and plant-based is the best new thing of our time.
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