Hello Earth Humans, we have great news for you to inform you about what's coming. It may seem like everything is going out of hand but that's not true. There is a prodigious prospect for mankind laying ahead. Going vegan isn't just a movement about saving the animals and the environment. It's way more incredible than anything else ever occurred on Planet Earth. Planet Earth is one of the most astonishing terrenes in the universe by far because it has immense potential to be so much more. It's approaching now, humanity is evolving as the most extraordinary species in the universe with super intelligence and superpowers that can terraform many planets in and near the solar system in a short time then move further out. Humanity's creative force is ascending as the newest impetus towards expanded consciousness and principal. We live in such unbelievable times on Earth moving into the new age of God's creativity and excellence. Future will be unlike the past of sorrow and misery. As long as the human race is arising as the supreme mentality and intelligence with the power of plants and nature, it will be unstoppable because plants, trees, and nature will provide all the resources and tools to create new green, colorful utopias and new Earth-like planets hereafter. Instead of searching for Earth-like planets to reach onto, enterprises must invest in terraforming technologies that can manifest new Earth-like spheres near our solar system and afar.

 This is the mission assigned to entire humanity by God so the human race can evolve as the United Vegan Gods of the universe eventually. Most alien races aren't able to terraform or create new biospheres in outer space because they depleted their life-giving sources over time for technology and other means. Technology isn't the way of life, it only wastes the rare and significant resources by time, people must understand that protecting and preserving the life-giving sources and building more vital biospheres and environment is way more important and intelligent than wasting it all for robotic stuff. Being more robotic isn't useful or more advanced for the human race. Alien races want to establish a robotic worker class in this world so it would be easier to use people to farm Planet Earth. People must be aware of the consequences of dealing with alien life that come here from outer space. Most of their offerings aren't going to benefit the human race in the long run and it will be extremely difficult to back away from the agreements. Humanity has been created by God to be the savior of the living genetic library called Earth then terraform the deserts and barren lands of Earth than other planets in the future. Scientists are supposed to do research about the plant and tree species that are capable of achieving the terraform projects here and in our solar system. There are many species on Earth that can generate the provisions of new biospheres with the biodiversity of plant life. Earth is able to expand to new regions and places that are free and protected from alien life that only tend to take over and utilize the resources for their own benefit. The first task is to reclaim and restore all the regions and species of this world, refuse malevolent alien agendas so humanity can unite as one to work on the reforestation and support of our environment. More and more people are awakening with the raising consciousness all around the world and everyone will evolve as more intelligent and skillful individuals eventually because it's actually not about technology. Technology will never make anyone better or more advanced. This is a totally false belief adopted by emerging societies in the universe. Many alien races and societies never care about the technology they developed. It's only useful to some extent but overdoing it will waste the rare resources and precious time. The vegan movement is the new beginning of our world and it will never stop expanding and developing itself. More products are being made for the demand that is completely plant-based.

 Reforestation must begin immediately to reverse climate change and provide the foods and resources for the growing population. People aren't meant to be cyborgs that are controlled with devices and implants. This is such a false alien agenda that being forced on humanity incrementally. People are meant to be forest people connected to nature in every possible. Most of the technologies are given by certain races that come to Earth to utilize naive people who are open to new devices and mechanisms that will only turn them into mindless workers. The protection of all living species and the environment is the most important task for each nation no matter their culture or traditions. There is so much potential and life sources here and there are many alien races want this for themselves because people have been damaging and destroying it all. Luckily, things are changing, people started to realize what's going. Life and business aren't all about making more profits that will stay in numerical accounts forever. Survival instincts are diminishing and the awareness is ever-increasing at this time. Gods probably imagined more creators in our universe existing in infinite multiverses of ideas and invention. When more and more people realize they're the creators and unite for this magnificent calling of creating more green, vital biodiversity of lands on and outside of Earth, we'll become the United Vegan Gods of the multiverses of infinite creativity and immortality. No alien race has ever accomplished this yet but the Planet Earth and the human race has been conceived with this assignment that will blossom with the upcoming knowledge of our universal nature. We're gifted with all the resources, tools and wisdom to produce more livable and prosperous habitats for all living species to thrive harmoniously. Terraforming our deserts and deforested areas isn't a difficult task but colonization of other planets is a challenging undertaking. It appears that the vegan movement will spread out all over the world to form the greenest, most sustainable and united civilization ever existed in history. More people suggest that plants made them healthier, more intelligent and creative and helped them form a bond with animals. This is the best way to get back to nature instead of destroying and polluting the environment and oceans excessively. Old survival instincts must be removed from our society's psyche and new mindset must be cultivated with the proper information and knowledge for everyone to share worldwide.

 The English language invented the vegan movement and more people are willing to learn this powerful language and that will make more nations get closer to each other. There will be brand-new green technologies and renewable energies to terraform and vitalize our planet even more also assist the colonization of Mars-like worlds prospectively. Mankind is capable of demonstrating a vast empire by terraforming and colonizing many barren planets in our region of the galaxy. United Vegan Gods will never stop cultivating more resourceful, life-giving forests, green habitats, and sustainable biospheres to expand their civilization and create new life and species reaching out to the universe. The universe isn't about technology or science like most assume, it's about nature and how life develops itself. The outlook of humanity is more bright than other races because planet Earth is a biologically rich world, unlike most other worlds. Planets like this are extremely well hidden and secured by the societies inhabit there. We must do the same and reject the alien groups that come here with their secret plans. The human race will be a remarkable, God-like civilization building the most sustainable, free and unified sovereignty here if they can overcome all the problems and intruding beings from now on. God gave the creative abilities to our society so we can put it into work successfully. The mission of protecting our world and converting desolate lands into sustainable, green colonies is here now. We will progress with this unique assignment into eternity and kick the deceitful alien groups out of our territory so we can evolve as one free society successfully.


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