Hello fellow humans. This is our transmission through space to the entire humanity. We want to inform you of what's coming and your great destiny. As you know, there have been too many crises occurring increasingly. There are a lot of things that have been hidden from humanity in the past and now. Luckily, there are forces that watch over planets like you going through the transition as a developing society. There are too many alien beings in and around your world at this time. You must be informed of this, they aren't here to help you nor give you anything that will benefit you in the long run. Cosmos isn't what most people believe it is. It's very harsh to live and survive in outer space also in other planets. Fortunately, you're living in one of the most beautiful planets in the universe that's essentially the living genetic library of this part of the galaxy and the creation. Your world is thriving with extremely diverse animal, plant and tree species and you're one of them. Don't think that you're better than other living species, you're only interweaved to them and to nature. You must be very cautious about the alien beings and the damage you cause on planet Earth. You're gifted with a very fascinating and resourceful world but you've been polluting and destroying it for some time. This is one of the reasons some space pirates to come and play out their clandestine plans in your own world. You have no idea how dangerous this is for any society. Of course, there is a group of united and vegan beings from other advanced worlds that want to help you with the coming catastrophes and alien beings that are here to take over your planet. There is a way to save your planet and overthrow the alien forces that come here now and in the future and we will explain to you that.
Going Vegan is one of the best things any person can do for the animals, their health and the environment. You cannot kill and consume so many animals and turn them into products believing that's the best diet or way of life. All animals are friends that share this world with you. They aren't food nor products for you to use, kill and consume all around the world. Meat, dairy, and other animal productions emit the most greenhouse gases, pollute the environment, water sources, kill and torture billions of innocent, sentient animals every day. This isn't the way of life for any society in the universe. Humanity must evolve by raising their awareness, changing their diets and quitting their reckless behavior. Otherwise, aliens will succeed with their secret procedure of taking over your planet and will turn you into servants with no rights. The human race has so much potential for the future outlook. You can save and reforest your world with green, diverse food forests, build green communities and cities to evolve as the next evolutionary species that are destined to be the saviors of planet Earth. The future can be magnificent if you can overcome all your problems and stabilize your civilization now. Nothing else matters anymore. God gave humanity a unique and marvelous mission for you to fulfill during your lifetime on Earth. Many of you will return back as newborn babies to grow and contribute more for this futuristic blueprint transmitted by the united vegan command. We do have a lot of individuals incarnated on Earth to follow out with this mission of saving the world and creating a magnificent society that can eventually terraform the universe. We don't support the expedient, manipulative and deceitful alien races or groups that try to take over or enslave other planets with young and developing civilizations. It may seem like this is a mission impossible but it can be done because God has given you all the tools and resources for this divine blueprint.
There are countless desolate planets and spheres in the universe that can be terraformed with the help of vegans, humans and some other associative civilizations. If you can build a united, vegan and forested world that's free, discreet and prosperous, more tools and technologies will be given to humanity by the vegan command soon after. This may sound a big responsibility but more and more bright individuals will be born on Earth to help humanity with the transition and carry out this unique plan. God basically wants to transform the universe into a vegan paradise filled with Earth-like planets. You won't be able to go to inhabited worlds because those are overtaken and protected by other beings. What makes you think the Earth has tremendous biodiversity and large numbers of plants and tree species? The creator has gifted your planet with the resources and tools for you to transform barren worlds into green and vegan utopias teeming with evolving new species in these new environments. You already have projects to build colonies on Mars and eventually terraform it as an Earth-like planet in the solar system. Didn't you ever imagine that are actually millions of more Mars-like spheres out there waiting to be terraformed by humans? The tools and resources you have in your world haven't been provided in alien worlds or societies except a few. This is why you must grow up now, you can't pursue reckless and destructive practices here and now. You're supposed to become the gardeners, foresters and saviors of planet Earth then move on to other terrenes in the cosmos. Going Vegan is a great beginning but there is a lot to be done. Your work will never be over, you'll continue your journey elsewhere. Beware of the alien presence on Earth at this time. They've been here quite some time. No aliens are here to help you nor give you anything that will benefit humanity. They've engineered hybrids that look human but alien in mind connected to these beings to acquire your resources and the leadership of your societies.
The individuals from the united vegan command that was or will be born here on planet Earth are the only ones that can help you save the world and build a better society for all of you to live peacefully. You must begin to unite as one civilization by dropping all your differences, belief systems, conflicts and misunderstandings between your nations and tribes. The united vegan forest world can be the best way to save the planet and reforest it as a green paradise. Heavens are always watching you and they're concerned about your future. Unfortunately, the archangel of the higher realm cannot stop you from going through the coming changes. You must overcome all to learn from it so you can evolve and find the ways that can build a better, more advanced social order here. All of you are in this together from now on. You can construct a progressive and productive hive mind, simply a global brain to fulfill execute this extraordinary plan. Shoot the entire world with trillions of most beneficial plants and tree species to transform Planet Earth into the glorious Forest Garden of Heavens. United Vegan Command will approach the Earth to exchange information, knowledge and make trade agreements that will benefit both sides. We're the only ones that you can trust and associate with unlike the groups of alien pirates that are here and coming from space. The united forest planet Earth and the future united vegan forest worlds will join the federation of many vegan worlds that operate discreetly because of the many malevolent alien races. Numerous planets in the universe have adopted the vegan mindset and saved their animals, the environment then reforested their worlds in a short time to build free and self-sufficient societies that only connect with other secret vegan united worlds. This can be your future if you begin the movement now. A lot of people are waking up all around the world to build a united vegan world to eventually progress into a peaceful, green and sustainable union. There is a great destiny ahead of humanity. You can terraform the universe to constitute the most wonderful designs and creations and you've been spiritually and genetically inherited with this idea.
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