THE YEAR A.D. 2100 UNITED VEGAN WORLDS TAKE OVER =D Skip to main content


 Hello there. The future is Vegan, it's taking over the world. More and more people are going Vegan every day by raising awareness all around the world thanks to social media and the internet. The year A.D 2100 isn't far from our time and we can build a United Vegan World then move on to other places in this galaxy and the universe to constitute the United Vegan Worlds altogether =) 

 We may be living in such amazing times on Earth even though it looks like it's going downhill. Everyone is waking up to what's going on and more people want to take over the world also other spheres wandering around the space with their mindset and unified cooperation. Nothing is impossible in the universe and our beautiful Planet Earth provides us all that we need now and in the coming years. We must protect and preserve our ecosystems and all living species at all costs. There are even many secret alien forces who have come to Earth to play out their clandestine agendas. Everyone is in this all together, people aren't some type of sheep anymore. We're raising the awareness, saving the animals, the environment, cleaning our lands and oceans also uniting to manifest a better and healthier world for all of us to live harmoniously. Humanity can become a remarkable society in the near future although we've damaged and polluted the environment and the oceans at an increasing rate. Any pollution, damage, and problems can be reversed in a short time if more people start taking action and find the solutions that can make a change. A lot of scientists started thinking about how we can overcome the issues of our times instead of working on subtle projects and ideas. Once all of humanity understands what's been happening, we will all unite to build a new, vegan society thriving with freedom and prosperity for all living species. It already started and it's impossible to halt what people can do from now on.

 The study states that there are trillions empty and left alone planets and planetoids in this galaxy and the universe waiting to be terraformed. It's clear that advanced alien races cannot achieve this because they depleted their homeworlds' resources for the sake of technological, collective advancements. It's a ridiculous idea to use and deplete the life and viability of your home planet to develop more technologies, automated machinery, and science-related systems. Aliens may not be very intelligent nor advanced like most people assume. They're just bunch of bugs and beings from other planets containing some type of natural setting. Technology or other advancements won't generate spiritually or socially progressive societies in the cosmos. Technology isn't everything like most people believe. Your homeworld's social order, sustainability, and natural sources are more important than technology and being able to roam around space. No alien beings or civilizations are better or more advanced than humanity even if they developed magical machinery and abilities over a long period of time. You can compare otherworldly beings to the insect kingdom of our world where spiders and some insects can manifest extraordinary abilities and output similar to humanoid, big-headed beings from outer space. Humanity may progress as a more advanced species because we have the tools and resources to terraform some other desolate, deserted planets circling around stars. The Planet Earth luckily consists of a great amount of biodiversity and numerous plant, trees and animal species that part of nature. These biodiverse phenomena can be utilized in colonies that are established over a period of time. What can be done in Mars-like spheres can be mimicked in other arid looking systems in outer space near our solar system. Humanity may become a multi-planetary species but they must do whatever it takes to clean and protect their homeworld first so the green technologies and life-giving sources can be applied elsewhere. Nothing is impossible in life nor in the universe, it seems like God left out countless empty worlds for the humanity to go and take over with developing terraform capabilities. What if some part of the universe can be transformed into a series of Earth-like planets resembling the Garden of Eden or the Heavens? Isn't the most incredible future for the mankind?

 Let's talk about the future of the Earth first. The year A.D. 2100 may be a great civilization existing in many terrenes in and near our solar system. Our society has advanced as a sustainable and fully vegan civilization called United Vegan Worlds. There are spaceships going back and forth between Mars, the Moon, and the Earth in only a few minutes Earth time. Mars colonies have become big subterranean communities with great technologies and biospheres inside glass domes that protect them from the harsh climate. There are communication systems and internet that connect Mars, Earth and the Moon to each other in lightspeed. Humanity has evolved into the greenest, most self-sufficient and unified civilization operating as one without the need of much technology. People realized life isn't about technology or scientific achievements, there is a lot more than that. Being connected to nature and cultivating the greenest, most colorful communities all around the world powered with free energy was a better idea. Flying cars are the main transportation vehicles to wander around Earth for travel and other means. Nobody is working much anymore, the money and careers never made much sense so the public diverted themselves from unnecessary ways of survival. Everyone receives free credits automatically and the gardens and food forests that have been cultivated worldwide turned the world into a free to live and be happy kind of structure. Nobody works except seeding and protecting the nature of Earth since that's the most significant aspect of our lives. Without our forests and gardens, we vanish in a short time. Almost everyone is speaking the universal language which is a mixture of English and a few other languages. All production that supply people's needs are automated and everyone is free to collect what they need to survive easily. This may be a dream but it can be accomplished if we start building the best future possible instead of being too greedy and destructive against of life around us. Plants and trees that are propagated to cultivate the biggest, most magnificent gardens and food forests can feed entire humanity and stop all the inequality. Green technologies have reversed the climate change also stopped all the pollutions that we've caused during the industrial age.

 This is the age of United Vegan Worlds and our goal isn't to make more money or work more to have printed papers that buy us bunch of stuff that nobody ever needed. The economy is the best ever when all the productions are not planned to make more money, it's designed to give the necessities to all of people for them to live freely and sufficiently. People still work some time because life is boring without doing nothing so there are a lot of designers, thinkers, developers that invest some of their time into finding new ways and projects to move us forward. Life is about building the sustainable systems and structure for everyone and all species to benefit from. Making more to keep it in numerical accounts so you feel like you've achieved some level of mastery is caused by survival instincts and ego. It's useless when more and more of product value is saved in a safe somewhere hidden. It can be utilized to build designs and productions that can help us become a sustainable and self-sufficient society. The new age has already started and it will never stop ever again. Vegan movement is everywhere encompassing all of the globe and it will trigger new ways of mindset, ideas and social order soon. Some nations are practicing terraforming deserted lands to produce green developments even in infertile places. Most of the buildings will be forest buildings filled with trees and greenery that emit tons of oxygen into the surrounding cities. The climate change will end once the entire world has adopted a plant-based diet also greenest ways to live. Spaceships can drop trillions of numerous, beneficial plant and tree seeds to cultivate new forests that bear foods so green cities can be constructed near these food systems for new developments. United Vegan Take Over Is Here !! This is the coming of the Golden Age for all of us to experience and contribute into. A few trillions dollars could be able to engineer the most amazing terraform technologies to convert deserts into forests and empty planets into green paradises and biospheres. Is this why God has created the human race? So we could become the Vegan Gods of the universe or at least in our region of the cosmos. There are desolate lands on Earth that have been mutated into fertile fields with increasing production. Construction biospheres inside glass domes with subterranean tunnels and buildings may be the most efficient design to live in other planets. We must overcome all of the problems here first. Our future will be fascinating because humanity has the potential to be better than selfish and greedy alien races. The United Vegan World is the best society ever established in our world that will move forward progressively. Technology isn't everything but it will help us communicate and raise the awareness for us to manifest this ultimate goal. The world is changing at every moment, time is now. The new age is united, free and vegan =)
 Each person will be an archangel to take over and save the world =D


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