Hello Earth Humans. We live in such amazing times on Earth. We all live in a totally different reality unlike the past now. There are tons of alien beings on and around Earth operating secretly quite a while. There is an enormous threat for humanity at this time on Planet Earth. Nothing is a game in the universe. Everything is very serious and harsh, not a dream paradise out there once you get out of the atmosphere somehow. Aliens are here now and they are here for no good. Unfortunately, the aliens are bad. They don't care about humanity, they only want to take over our world and steal all the resources by enslaving us. Humanity must wake up and unite as soon as possible. Time is up. Our world's society is in danger. There are many upcoming threats that approaching each individual that lives on Earth. We can only overcome all of these crises if everyone in the world joins together to reverse the coming changes also overthrow the malevolent alien presence around the world. Somehow we forced ourselves into these outrageous phenomena with our actions, ignorance, and effect on the environment. Study reveals that there are trillions of alien beings also myriad of alien races in the regions where our solar system abides. Most of the aliens don't care about the native inhabitants of planets and they try to take advantage of their innocence and naivety. Nothing will be the same ever again. The human race is more powerful when it's united and cooperative and it's possible that we can defeat the catastrophes and cataclysms with the right mindset and action.

 Time is now, everything has changed. A new world is in our hands and it's wanted by many groups of aliens. Aliens are extremely deceitful and manipulative so everyone must raise awareness worldwide about the real alien agenda which is utterly evil. A lot of worlds with developing societies have been conquered by aliens secretly without the native inhabitant's agreement. Now they're here on Earth to carry out the same plan to take over our planet. This is pure madness and it must be stopped immediately. People can save their planet with the right action and mindset also overthrow the aliens that are trying to turn mankind into slaves. There is a big misconception about the aliens in people's minds. People believe aliens are so amazing, they have the technology, spaceships, they will save humanity and the world, they want to help us evolve, here to enlighten us, etc. These are all lies to deceive and pacify the people so they can play out their agenda easily. Our Earth is a planet with magnificent biodiversity almost like the living genetic library in our galaxy so its resources are desired by some groups with a level technology and scientific advancements. We must protect our world and all its resources and species by all costs at this time. Otherwise, it may be too late for us to live in a free society. The technology and the global connection that we developed over the years will be utilized for their benefit. It's best not to give all your attention and money to technology and other gadgets because life isn't all about technology and how much or how advanced it is. The nature, biodiversity and the freedom of our world is the most important facet we should all guard from any harm and interference.

 There may be a certain way to reverse the catastrophic events and kick all alien manipulation out of our solar system in a short time. Fortunately, more people are noticing what's been going on all around the world. There are some intelligent researchers who found out what the real alien agenda is and what they're doing to people with the abduction phenomenon. They've been creating a hybrid race that looks like human but alien mentally to complete the tasks for them to take over our society as a resource. All of the human rights have been violated during the abductions and other events proving the aliens are completely evil in nature. One reason they intervened during this time is humanity has been extremely reckless and destructive to their environment and rare resources of their world. This attracted attention from many groups from other star systems and the ones wander around in space.

 There is still hope out there. Humanity is arising with the new awareness that's spreading around the planet. People are waking up to the reality of the world and the universe. We don't want to be servants for some elite or the beings that come from outer space. Humans can become a remarkable race if they save their planet and all species now. Veganism in on the rise and more and more people are going Vegan creating a movement unlike anything of the past. This is just about the animals anymore. Animals are sentient beings and what people have done to them cruelly is being done to us by the alien races. Animals and all living species are our friends sharing this beautiful planet with us. This is the time to save all life on Earth also reclaim our planet as saviors and protectors of the magnificent planet called Earth. Humanity has so inherent potential that's coded in their DNA by God. Our DNA is changing every day, pushing us to evolve as the newest human species that are more compassionate, thoughtful, unified and intelligent. Plant-based diets contribute to intelligence and health of your brain and body with the right and needed nutrients. Animals are never meant to be foods or products for people. Killing billions of animals, destroying the environment for profits isn't the way of life. Survival can be easy and harmonious if we start living the right way. Vegans are evolving at every moment with the awareness and contribution they exert around them. Earth can be more clean and green if we stop polluting the environment and reforest the world.

 Going Vegan is the new beginning of humanity and we can overcome all of the problems as one global mind. Everyone and everything is connected to each other interwoven at a molecular level. Our society on Earth is going forward as a United Vegan World - Restore The Planet and Kick Alien Ass !!  Is this the Independence Day of the new Millenium? We can't let some space bugs acquire our planet and all of mankind as a resource for them to utilize for their own benefit. Go Vegan, Take Over The World. Reclaim Your Freedom, Spread The Awareness. A plant-based diet saves acres of forests, tons of water, so many animals' lives and probably your health. Vegans are possibly initiating a united vegan take over that can change the world in such a short period. The black sheep is unchained running with intensity to transform our civilization. Black sheep are the Vegans that are born at this extraordinary time to help with the transition. Nothing will ever be the same. Black sheep has the power to restore the planet then terraform other worlds. Aliens are afraid of the black sheep because they know there are forces that can stop them with arising awareness and knowledge.

 We can utilize the internet, communication devices, computers and other technologies for our benefit instead of letting them control and subjugate us. Everything can be altered to play out the new Vegan agenda that will encompass the entire world possibly in less than a decade. The projects about terraforming Mars and other planets already started and the colonies will probably be Vegan there concerning the sustainability. It seems like Vegans and plant-based projects and ideas are creating new worlds that will be completely green, sustainable and self-sufficient operating with renewable energies and technologies. We may be manifesting a new universe that no alien race has ever imagined. The new universe that will be invented and terraformed by us humans will be completely green, vegan, plant-based, renewable, sustainable, prosperous and harmonious, functioning efficiently. God possibly left countless desolate planets in the universe for us to reseed over time. It will begin with our solar system and we will protect and safeguard our planet's resources, species and our society from any intervening alien races trying to control and manipulate our civilization. We're creating a new universe and it will be Vegan =)


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