Hi folks, there are a lot of events that occurred and still occurring in your world that many people don't know of. There are forces who watch over worlds that are still in the development stage. Your civilization has so much potential but there are alien forces that do not want a strong, free and sustainable society in your world. This is bad news. They've been in your world quite sometime now and you haven't realized their presence here. This is the most important event in the history of mankind. No alien beings except the envoys (who were born here to help humanity) are here to give or support humanity about anything. A lot of researchers and individuals who've been observing and studying the Ufo and alien abduction phenomena found out what the aliens really want. They don't care about humanity or their culture, their values by any means. Aliens have hive mind to only go after what they want and need similar to ants and insects of the world. Therefore aliens are very powerful mentally to influence and control any beings as they wish. Humanity must get ready for what's going on at a personal standpoint because aliens will do everything to pacify society to be converted into servants with no rights or freedom. This is extremely dangerous for all of mankind and the viability of your planet. The beings that come here are a bunch of space pirates but they're very coordinated to exert their secretive plans. This is a massive violation of human rights at every level.

 Humans can be a remarkable race that can progress as a free and dynamic union. More people are discovering what's happening to take action and share the information they retain. It's possible now that humanity can find ways to save their planet also form a more united, progressive and possibly a vegan social order. Aliens created many hybrid beings and placed them in many different locations around the world so they can utilize them to control people and gain access to certain resources they need. This phenomenon has been going on for some time but it's been kept a secret from the public. Nothing will benefit anyone out of this happening except the different groups of alien beings. They're severely deceitful in every occasion so nobody should trust any of these beings during this time or in the future including the hybrids worldwide. Humans are an evolving and developing race on Earth. Going Vegan can help you go forward at least a century in your development as a human being. Nobody is perfect on Earth or elsewhere in the universe. There is no supreme race of beings out there. Stop believing that you'll become an all-knowing and superb being if you work with aliens or find a way to get very rich or else invent the newest technology. That's not how it goes in the universe. The universe and the creation is a series of natural events that took place in many locations simultaneously. No alien races have the best technology nor they're enlightened in any aspects of life or spirituality although they would try to deceive you in every field possible. Humanity has the potential to go to other planets and terraform them in a short time so some part of the universe enclosing countless desolate worlds waiting to be terraformed by the inhabitants of Earth-like planets. This is an amazing opportunity for mankind although staying in your vicinity, protecting and preserving your world from alien life and degradation are more important at this point. Aliens are a bunch of bugs with technology and mental abilities, nobody cares about them nor wants them around their homeworlds. This is the time to save your planet and kick some alien ass so you can declare your independence and freedom on Planet Earth.
 More and more people are realizing that going vegan is the best thing they've ever done. It's the best mindset to save the animals, the environment and your health so a lot of people all around the world are adopting this lifestyle. This may the beginning to save the world and aliens don't like people with elevated mindset and awareness. You basically become useless for them once you start learning and researching more about what's going and what can be done. More people will wake up with a higher consciousness in the future with the help of the internet, social media, new information and shared knowledge worldwide. This is the time of change for everyone who lives on Earth, even though aliens never change =) 

 There are increasing pollution, environmental and social issues, diminishing forests and resources that your society is going through. All the problems in the world can be halted and reversed with collective effort. Humanity is rising to become the next level of human species after the Homo Sapiens with the rising awareness, knowledge and unified mindset. There are many ambassadors from some other societies and planets (who were born here on Earth unlike the alien beings that come here from space) to help humanity go through the transition and overcome the problems of the world and coming changes. They're wise beings that come and incarnate here to raise the consciousness of humanity also find ways to move the human society in the right direction and save the planet Earth. They aren't here to benefit themselves nor control, take over this world. They already come from wise, developed and united a group of planetary systems including many advanced civilizations that may welcome the people of Earth in the future if you can build a unified, free and sustainable also a green and possibly a vegan system of civilization here. The time is now, you can become the ambassadors of an exceptionally fascinating sphere called Earth filled with great biodiversity and plant species. You may have the opportunity to restore your world and the system you live in in order to move on to other uninhabited planets to terraform them in the future because Planet Earth is a viable genetic library of a myriad of evolving and life-giving species. Your mission is to reclaim Planet Earth, fix all the issues and overthrow the fraudulent alien life forms out of your environment in order to gain the chance to associate with a group of more advanced and wise civilizations in the coming times. Start the clean-up now, go green in every field, spread the awareness and vegan mindset, recover your resources, progress into eternity. Earth can terraform many desolate spheres and planetoids with the help of a united vegan humanity.


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