Hello, people of Earth. There is a new mission for humanity at this time. As you know, the catastrophes have been spreading apart substantially. You must have a global mind to overcome all the problems that are coming. This just the beginning. God and many alien races have been watching Earth for a long time. The problem is God nor the aliens cannot save your planet nor fix all the issues you've incited yourselves. This is the times of change, not the actual end times because the life on Earth will never end, it will only change. The evolution never stops in anywhere in the universe. Life's purpose is to evolve constantly and people can evolve as the newest evolutionary species on Earth from now on. It seems like there are turmoil and difficulty but the greatest inventions and movements have been discovered during struggling moments. Nothing comes easy in life as you all know already. It takes a lot of dedication and brainstorming to accomplish the best of things. You're lucky that God has given you the easiest way to overcome all the problems in your world in a short time, there are a big hope and opportunity for humanity. Anyone can invest in this amazing future for all mankind to live peacefully and harmoniously. People of Earth can become a remarkable species that only do the right things to save their planet and their society with a unified mindset.

 The universe is here in your world already, there are tons of aliens beings that came to your world and started playing out their own agendas. One reason is humanity has been destructive and reckless towards all life here. You're all extremely fortunate to be born on a planet with such beauty and biodiversity. Most of the planets in the universe are the opposite of Earth and that created a tremendous amount of competition between countless alien races for resources and biological compounds. Your planet is one of the most beautiful in the universe that has been gifted to the entire humanity. Not only to some rich people to take it all for themselves, but greed and selfishness also won't work in the future. Your mindset and values must be converted as a united society. Being united gave the power to many nations to advance them as the most knowledgeable and inventive. Being united is the best thing you can do at this time and going Vegan will help all of humanity to become a global brain that operates worldwide. The internet, social media, computers, smartphones and other technologies will help build the United Vegan World that God inspired you to establish on Earth. This may be the only way to save your planet. You must go back to your roots. The human race has been created by God to be the saviors and protectors of Earth and eventually other planets. Vegans are intended to transform the universe into lush green and colorful gardens and forested worlds. The universe needs planets like Earth to achieve this extraordinary goal inspired by the Prime Creator. That's the reason your planet has been given its biodiversity of living species.

You can't make deals and agreements with deceptive alien races because that's very dangerous for the planet's future. All of the aliens that are here for their own benefits and the tech or things they've offered were basic junk to receive the material they've been searching for. Every individual can contribute to building the United Vegan World to push the civilization forward by a few centuries. This will boost your society's development and the English language will be implemented as the universal language to cease all conflicts and miscommunication. Anyone can learn English fluently in a few years, it's nothing difficult. A United Vegan World can be governed by central tech agencies in order to develop and spread it worldwide. This is probably the best beginning and age for humanity to reduce the issues at a greater scale. Plants and trees are the most significant and life-giving elements of your planet so you must cultivate and use them at every state possible. Most of the languages, beliefs, and traditions are primitive and useless for this modern age that humanity is emerging. Encountering alien life worldwide can light up the nations and unite them to start building something bigger and better than before. Most of the nations are tribal in nature compared to other alien races that come here to take advantage of mankind's instincts and beliefs. You can't ever trust any beings coming from outer space and they all withhold similar agendas. The only way to overthrow otherworldly intelligence that wants to pacify humanity in order to use them as much as they can is building something like the United Vegan World that will progress the development and evolution of every individual that lives on Earth. You must think about how to protect your world and societies all around the world now. If one group or nation falls under any alien order, that would affect the entire world negatively.

 Plants, vegetables, nuts, legumes contain more protein so you'll be stronger, smarter and acute managing the tasks to build a plan that's vast and beneficial for all. Stop poisoning your population for profits. People need their power back and that will generate more power for the main intelligence and leadership. The movies already have taken over the world so it won't be too difficult to build this new world for everyone to accompany an immense ideal. Each individual needs freedom, good health and more efficient communication with each other to complete the assignments that will fulfill this mission. This isn't about work or products, building the most advanced and intelligent network that will operate and administer the planet is the key. The more study and research you do every day, the better to accomplish the best you can. Working is basically doing the same things over and over again to pay the same things and it's not efficient in this new age. The United Vegan World will be vast and encompassing and the groups and individuals that are opposed to it may go extinct in a short time. Old traditions and beliefs won't work in the near future and they will force the people who adopt them persistently to be obsolete. Life is about studying and researching to find the best information and material to produce the most efficient networks and organizations programming us to look forward into eternity. You must think globally and eternally from now on, not just the profits or money that will stay in some numerical accounts forever. Let's begin the development of this ideal future now and it may be the only way to save our planet from alien interventions and many other catastrophes. Humanity is evolving and arising now with the most profound information and abilities that are being discovered and it's worldwide. Languages are merging as one universal language and we're constituting the global vegan mind for our planet's future and eternity.


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