Hi there. Thanks for the catchy title and you're here. I will try to tell you why you should go Vegan and love all life and everything around you, plus yourself. Although food isn't everything, it's a very important part of life. Think about how many restaurants and grocery stores are in the world. Humans emphasize food everywhere they live and it's entangled in their culture. Well, going Vegan may be one of the best things you can do in your life. That's what some of the vegans stated during interviews. The best thing you can do is loving all life and everything around you, in you and in the world forever and always =)   Yeah, positivity is extremely important to have a great, healthy life for all of us. Everything is actually connected to each other. It's not all about money or survival. You need time for yourself, you need to love and enjoy all you do, see and experience. Being a loving person can't be that bad since all life is created by God. We live in an extremely beautiful biodiverse world that may not exist everywhere in the universe. We must be more kind and loving towards other beings. Education and awareness can change you and make you smarter. What about being a loving person? You can't live and work right if you don't actually love what you do and what you have. Perhaps, being positive and vegan can change the world and improve society in every field.

We're spiritual beings that are in this world for a purpose. It may be to bring Heaven on Earth instead of working and trying to take too much stuff for yourself so you would have more things to survive off. Minimalism can be more fulfilling than working too much or having more than you ever need to live. Life is simple. It doesn't take much to have a nice, loving life as long as you love it all in every step. Anyone can make the world better by doing what they love the most. Or just work to pay bills then do what you love right? We all need the money and things to survive. Survival can be loving as well. Love all you can now so you don't need to look back with hatred. Anything deserves to be loved. People and all living beings are made of love. You can see that in children's eyes and your pets' movements. Let's build a loving world of interconnection and knowledge. Being Vegan can lead to a more fulfilling and happy life also can raise your ability to love towards other beings. Plants are the source of life and they contain the substances of purity in them. We're spiritual beings and our spirits are made of light. That may mean love and light are the same things. Feel the love when you walk on a beach, in a forest or at the park. Nature fills us with all the things we need also the light that our souls feed off. Be part of nature and build your own orchards, gardens, and forests so we can fix all the problems of our world with pure love. Love of money is needed in some ways but love towards all life can be more enhancing. What if money was actually love or love was the money? They could be equal in quantity if they're cultivated with your mind and actions. Your mind can project heavens to the world when you start loving without expecting anything in return.

 Stop doing too much and waste your energy and resources for things that don't matter. Focus on what's actually needs to be done or do what you love to improve society. What you love can become a thriving business as well. Never work. Work only turns you into a worker for greedy purposes most of the time. Life isn't just working. You aren't here for work. Nobody has to work anymore. Just do what you love and change the world now. Create the Garden of Eden right here even in your backyard. Don't hesitate to express your love and feelings for others and living beings. Eventually, you'll get better at what you do and there is always time to do more for what you really love. Plants and trees are made of pure love and they can give entire humanity all they need to live. You never need to work to accomplish your dreams and aspirations because you're here for your soul's purpose. Survival isn't a vigorous task, it's flowing energy for you to follow. Vegan means real love for yourself and all living beings. We're all connected to each other and here on Earth to live harmoniously. The world is changing now, the frequency is rising. That indicates we're creating a newer, better world. We can bring all heavens back to Earth then move to other planets through the cultivation of diverse plant and tree life that will spread love back to many planets in the universe. I'm sure there are worlds full of love, freedom, and prosperity with intelligent, compassionate inhabitants. This is the time for humans to reclaim their mission of building an amazing world full of forests, greenery, love, and knowledge. Only love of nature can save you.


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