Yes, you heard it. We live in amazing times in our world. There is so much going on. We're at the edge of an extraordinary metamorphosis that will alter the entire world. Someone invented a secret code that was able to reform the structure of every human being. It was probably inspired by some otherworldly beings that observe our planet for quite a long time. It was implemented by the few in the past but now it hit the mainstream. It came out as an idea and a new term first. The idea popped out in someone who lived in Great Britain where there were many crop circles show up in fields. This secret code can change humanity now. We live in remarkable times. Vegan is the secret code to take over the world and the universe =) Do you all understand? It wasn't just a term to call a new diet that won't harm animals, it was a lot more than that. It was inspired by some spiritual beings who were practicing this lifestyle for a long time in outer space. Vegan is becoming galactic to start a new age beginning from Earth. It will never stop. Eventually, vegans will take over the world and the universe. There are countless planets out there in the universe that are deserted. We can give life back to them with our diverse plant species and trees. A lot of the barren worlds can be terraformed with the help of the resources and biological species our planet contains. Humanity has been created by God to fulfill this amazing mission. Adam and Eve were vegans. There are hints in holy scriptures about seeding the world and other planets to turn them into colorful gardens of biodiversity. Heavens are lush, colorful realms that thrive off the plant and tree life they consist of. Earth can be the same. There are spiritual realms that some people go into after death that are full of colors, countless plants, trees, and lush environments. God is literally keeping all kinds of biological and plant species in certain realms also on Earth. Our mission is to recover Earth to transform it into an amazing garden with the help of veganism. No species should go extinct from now on.
People are waking up all around the world. Now, we have the secret code that can take-over worlds and the universe eventually. Humanity is adjusting to this new phenomenon all around the world. We can build new heavens in physical realms as well if we all cultivate gardens and forests everywhere we live. Research shows most beings that visit our planet come from barren worlds because they don't have the life we have here on Earth. If our planet becomes the greenest, the most colorful in the universe, it will spread to other globes to transform them into gardens. It may take time but this can be done. You must go Vegan, take over the world now so we can start building a vivid, vibrant forest that will seed life back to deserted regions. Everyone can join this incredible assignment given to humanity to put forward. A lot of countries started banning deforestation and pollution causing products. People must understand that they live in one of the most beautiful planets with such biodiversity. The secret code is reprogramming our minds and bodies, shifting us into a new consciousness and dimension. Human beings will evolve into a more advanced level of species that can save their homeworld and go on to achieve this task elsewhere. Our planet is supposed to be protected with all of our power. Humanity is uniting.
The English language can become a global language with the help of the vegan movement. It's the most useful and powerful language ever existed. Our society will shift into a level of paradigm unimaginable by the people of the past. It's going to be so advanced, so green, so colorful, so vibrant and full of life. Vegans can take over the universe because most aliens are ugly looking and insect-like. The human race may become the saviors of all living beings and diversity. Now is the time to fulfill this mission with all we've got. The secret codes are implemented in our brains and we are able to accomplish anything by uniting, studying and researching in order to perform many spectacular jobs and operations. Operation Vegan Take Over Worlds can succeed with the leadership of Vegan mindset that protects and plants all life =) Going Vegan isn't enough, there is a lot more to do. We have a world to save and preserve at this moment. Optimus VeganPrime is coming soon to save the world and many other planets. He isn't an intelligent robot, he's the Commander of a jillion of Vegans that were united to save planets in need.
There is a variety of apps, software, websites and more coming out for Vegans to communicate and perform the tasks needed with their devices and phones. The secret codes are transforming people's minds to make them ready to achieve amazing projects. There is rumor on the internet that Mars will have a vegan society with greenhouses that grow all kinds of plant life to emit oxygen and feed people there. Mars can generate a robust atmosphere if people cultivate a wide variety of plants and trees on the surface or underground. Earth's atmosphere would perish if we lost all forests indicating that atmosphere can be regenerated with forests and trees that emit the most oxygen and bear fruits that feed. All production is moving towards plant-based that's compostable and healthy for human biology. Now is the time to go vegan and fix the problems of the world and all people. It's just about animals or what you eat anymore. We have a mission that anyone can contribute to. Let's bring a heaven-like sphere onto Earth and create a new world full of life, peace, and prosperity with no pollution, poverty and problems =)
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