We live in a different world now. There are positive and negative things going on all around the world but it seems like we're winning. We can actually build a new world that is more compassionate, more prosperous for everyone. Let's say we can actually save the world and entire humanity now. Humanity has knowledge that's presented in them. More people are going Vegan, we're planting many vegan forests in return. This is a worldwide phenomenon. Eventually, the entire world can become a vegan food forest to feed us all also save us and the world from all the problems that have been going on in the past. The future may be very bright. We must follow this future and share all our knowledge with others. The dream is here =)

  In a few years, humanity can save the world by going Vegan, investing in green, sustainable products for our daily use. There are so man vegan businesses starting in cities and other places. Most of them are thriving. People love the food and treats that are cruelty-free with health benefit and nutrition. It seems like veganism and plant-based products are the way to live and work. Most of the cities are becoming vegan because of the high startup rate of vegan businesses. I've been to many vegan cafes, bakeries, and restaurants and I loved all of them. They all serve amazing food and pastries, treats. Vegan isn't just food, it's the way of life. It's the biggest movement ever =)   Eventually, it will take over the world. It hit the social media recently and more and more people are becoming aware of the cruelty so they choose to go vegan. You can't just go vegan after the transition, you basically become a new human being. You work, live, research, read, talk and share vegan and plant-based. Some plant-based recipes and products aren't fully vegan so beware. There are hidden ingredients. Our oceans are dying, environmental pollution is at the highest rate but veganism and vegan businesses help the world and animals a lot. Animals are sentient beings that are smart, friendly and loving. There are always ways to make any products vegan and plant-based. There is no need for cruelty in the world anymore. We have internet, knowledge, more information out there in books, online and even on social media that can be used to make any type of products and foods. With a little investment, you can start an amazing vegan business that will thrive forever. This is the time to cash out now. I've never seen a vegan business that's not doing good yet. All of them are going for money because people are supporting the best thing ever !!

  When it comes to forests, yes they're taking over as well. Vegan food forestation is another big movement that anyone can start as a business, hobby or plant the barren lands. Animals will help fertilize the soil and eat the weeds out. That's one of the tasks that can be given to most animals, they fix the soil so you don't need to do any digging, tilling, etc. Soil will be fertile with the help of animals for us to turn them into amazing gardens and food forests anywhere in the world. Most of the deserted lands and areas can eventually turn green with some work and research. Some countries with vast deserted regions are investing in greening the landscape with new technologies and research. Any land can become a forest and a vegan food forest to feed entire humanity also reverse climate change and transform the world for the better. This is the future that we must invest and follow. Other ways of survival aren't as efficient as these ideas and mindsets. We can save the world with food forests, vegan businesses and gardens for all of us to work, get healthier, smarter, live a sustainable lifestyle. Let's start now and take over the world with vegan forests and businesses. It's not difficult to accomplish this spectacular mission that's laying in front of us to lead. World is changing but any degradation can be reversed and become positive if people put their minds into it. Yes, life takes work but what is work anyway? Work is doing the right things to save the world and people all around us. It's not about money, jobs or bills anymore. Times have changed. Do your work for the study and research of saving the world with vegan forestation and startups. There are tons of jobs are being created by the new minds of our generation. You don't need schooling anymore. Just give all you got and try harder to become successful in this subject.

 There is a limitless universe out there that's full of life. Life in the universe may be competitive like it is on Earth. That doesn't mean it can't be changed or transformed. Anything changes over time with the right mindset, study, and research. Humanity is talking about terraforming other planets now. Yes, we can turn many worlds and planets into vegan paradises. This unique future of Earth and humanity is inevitable for the next generation. Stop focusing on old things that keeps you powerless. You'll only gain power once you work and invest for vegan, plant-based and green ideas and dreams. Trees and all plants are connected to each other. They have one mind that's also connected to God. This is why God put humans on Earth and gave them all the plants, seeds, trees and other species. So we could seed them everywhere and terraform other planets that contain little resources and life. Some planets in the universe, although they're overtaken by alien beings, are still able to become green abundant planets. This is the extraordinary mission that's been given to entire humanity to go after. Let's start now. We reached a point on Earth that we're emerging as a new race in the universe but we have knowledge and power to overcome any situation in our world also in the universe. It'll take a little time but we must begin this mission now. Unite as one human race to save the world with green forests and businesses and do whatever it takes to fix the universe =)


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