It seems like everything is going downhill and we're riding the rollercoaster to an apocalyptic world. I believe there are many ways to save the world and humanity although time is running out. Scientists stated that we have only 12 years left to reverse climate change which is one of the worst phenomenons of our time. There are other important things that we need to take action about like pollution, poverty, education, environment, animals, Earth's conditions, climate and many more. We as humanity can save ourselves and the world if we all put our minds into this unique cause. It shouldn't be too difficult. We must stop being brainwashed with unnecessary advertisements, news, media, etc. Humanity has been struggling for so long about so many issues. In reality, anything can be fixed and reversed if people put their minds into finding the right solutions. I will try to write about the right and real ways of saving the world and entire humanity so people can read and implement these into their daily lives to begin. Just a reminder, time is running out. Our Earth and all living beings need the human race to change all that's been occurring during our time. Life is about survival but survival wasn't meant to be about living in misery nor destroying all until nothing left.
1) Gardening and Planting Trees =)
This is essential in life for any person to grow their own foods and build beautiful, sustainable lifestyles. Anybody can garden anywhere in the world. You don't need extremely good soil or lands to be successful in growing trees and plants that will give you the food you need in return. You can also sell the produce in markets near you to have a very sustainable and clean lifestyle. Just a little work and investment can get you the most beautiful gardens and food forests that will feed you and your family year-round.
2) Going Vegan =)
A lot of people became Vegan and decided it was the best thing they did in their lives. Going Vegan is very popular now. A lot of people are going Vegan during this time. Social media and the internet are full of vegan posts and videos. You never really end up vitamin deficient. Vegan diet and lifestyle are actually better for health for everyone. You can always take multivitamin pills to raise your vitamin intake. Vegans save so many animals by not eating them. Animals products actually cause more health problems than anything else. Going Vegan is one of the best things you can do in your life. Humans meant to eat and consume plants and plant-based products =)
3) Planting Trillions Of Trees
Planting all kinds of trees is one of the best ways to reverse climate change also to fix most of the problems of our society. Trees give life, food, and oxygen to all living beings. They attract rain, regulate the landscapes, enrich the soil, form livable habitats for all animals and bird species. Fruit and nut trees of all kinds can feed entire humanity if they're planted all around the world. Trees represent the life source on Earth. Life doesn't exist without trees and forests. Anyone can grow trees from seed or find the saplings to plant in their backyards, lands, lawns or anywhere that they could for them to grow easily with the help of some compost, fertilizers, etc. Planting trillions of trees can reverse climate change in a few years also feed entire humanity with tasty and healthy produce. We're gifted with a wide variety of tree species. Fruit and nut trees grow the most of the produce year-round. This might be the best way to save the world. We must do research and consider the right species that can be planted in parts of the world that can adapt to certain climates, regions and soil types.
4) Uniting As One Human Race
Humanity must unite as a race to stabilize all the issues and problems of the world right now. Time is ticking. Nothing else makes sense anymore. The entire world must be saved, all the problems are getting worse every day. Saving the world and humanity can create billions of jobs for everyone on Earth because they're the right things to do to survive. Survival never meant to be so primitive and destructive on this planet nor elsewhere. It can be easy for everyone. Religions, borders, languages, customs, beliefs and all divide one human race that's supposed to unite as one. Uniting can change a lot of things all around the world. You never need to be divided and in conflict with each other. Protecting the world and all living beings are more important now. Only a united human race can overcome the difficult times on Planet Earth. It can be easy if people unite and start doing the right things instead.
5) Animals Are Friends - Save Them
Animals aren't food for us humans. Humans don't need to hunt for food in these modern times to survive. Old habits must change. We live in modern times where we have computers, cars, technology but humans still eat and consume animal products. There are billions of animals that are trapped in cages waiting to be slaughtered to be turned into products. Animals are part of nature also friends for us humans since we're some type of animals as well. We aren't lions either. There are a lot of old habits of us that must change because they're very primitive and destructive to ourselves and other beings also to the environment. Animals live together with us in harmony and they can help fertilize the plants and land. Animals are equal to us. Most animals are very smart and live in harmony with other beings. Killing millions and billions of animals is never the way of survival as human beings although it became a big business. We must invest in plant-based products so animals can be saved and do other things that will green the world.
6) Do Research About Saving The World
It seems like nobody really cares about this urgent situation everyone is in. Yes, you need to work, you need to pay bills, you need things but everyone must think and do research about how to save the world as well. Most of the ways of our lives literally destroy the planet by every means. We must change our habits and do more research, educate ourselves about this important subject. We need more people to study, research about this urgent topic of our times. We all need to share our knowledge with others so everyone can be aware of what's going on and what has to be done. Saving the world isn't supposed to be impossible, difficult nor complicated. It can be easy if we do the research and share the solutions to inform society. This is a very significant case.
I asked people online how we can save the world and someone suggested that I save myself first. I was like really, is that how it works? =D I will publish this now and get back to it to add more.
7) Invest in green companies and products
People need companies that provide the products and services in the future as well. We can invest in green companies and products that will make a difference for the world and everyone. People buy and consume a wide variety of products that are in the market. Most products and companies pollute the environment, the air, waters, use the animals as a resource that eventually kill the planet. If people become aware and invest in green, vegan and sustainable products, and services, that will help save the world a lot. All companies will become green, vegan and clean in the future for us to work and use their products-services. This is the key to a more sustainable and green future.
8) Share Your Knowledge With Others And Online
You can learn and research about this subject every day or in your free time. You'll eventually have some knowledge and awareness. It's best to share your knowledge and awareness with others and online so more people see and understand what's going on. There are a lot of people on social media post important issues to inform others. Social media and the internet are great tools to share knowledge and make people more aware. I believe that's why they were invented in the first place. You can't keep all you know for yourself. The more you share what you have and what you know, it will grow and spread out. More people will do the right things that will save themselves, all the people and the world.
9) Start A Business That Can Help People Get Better And Save The World =)
Anybody can start a good business with the right knowledge and mindset. Don't rush it. Always do your research and studies first before starting businesses. You don't want to lose money trying to start something fast. It takes time for businesses to reach success. There are people who created businesses that changed the world. They studied and did research very hard every day all day to get to that level. You can do anything if you put your mind into it. We need more Vegan and green businesses and technologies that will help the people, all living beings, the environment, clean-up the world. We need a green world with green business and people. Gather all the information that can change people, products and spread around the world.
10) Find More Ways To Save Entire Humanity, All Living Beings, and The Planet
Of course, there are more ways to save it all. Everyone has different and unique ideas that pop up in their heads or some people can find efficient ways to fix the issues of our society. Life never stops and it always changes. You can't expect the norms that worked in the past to continue forever. The best thing in life can be change. I've written these out of my mind only in a couple of days. There are so many people who think hard to solve many problems daily. Be the change so others can follow. We can save the world although time is running out. This is our planet and we're connected to it and to all life in every way possible. Humans aren't better than other life forms. We're just different. No intelligent species would destroy the only planet they live on. We gotta do whatever it takes to save it now because this is where it came to. Open your mind to all the possibilities and take action. Unite with all others, form a bond and do the right things that will save the world now =)
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