Unfortunately, we have a world to save during this time. Time has been ticking faster especially nearing the latest years. The industrial age has driven our planet into a catastrophic condition. The need for consuming so many processed, chemically altered and manufactured products have ripped the nature apart in an unstoppable rate. Now, it came to a point that humanity must do whatever it takes to save the world otherwise we will force ourselves and our planet into extinction. Natural resources have been diminishing. Trees and forests that give us the oxygen and resources that we need will vanish in a short time that we won't have the time or enough saplings to replace them. This may be the end of us and the world !!

 What can we do to fix all of this? Well, we must act now, everyone is in this all together. We all need to find the right things to do that will save the world before it becomes irreversible. Scientists stated that we still have around 12 years to reverse climate change, environmental destruction, animal extinctions, diminishing forests, ocean pollution, etc.  Time is now. Everyone must do research about finding the solution that can make a difference to our planet and all its biodiverse life. One of the first and best things to do is Going Vegan =)   Vegan movement became very popular in the last few years with the help of social media and the internet. People are becoming aware of what has been going on for so many years. Meat, dairy and eggs production, and consumption kill millions of animals every day also kills the nature, environment, pollute the water sources and makes us sick. Going Vegan is just the beginning to save the planet, there is a lot more to do to accomplish this unique task that's in our hands at this particular time in our history.

 The human race has never caused this much damage to the planet that they live anytime in the history of our Earth. There won't be anything to harvest in the future to turn into consumer products. Consumerism is meaningless and destructive to our lives and all other living beings. We must evolve into the new generation of human beings that have set their minds to fixing all the problems of our society. Life doesn't have a price tag. Killing millions of animals and consuming everything on our path must change now. We have an extremely beautiful and biodiverse jewel that's been gifted to the entire human race but we must become the protectors of this prize. No life has been existed on Earth for humans to kill and consume. That only accounts damage, suffering and more to all life.


 Research states trillions of trees and plant life can be planted and cultivated all around the world on empty lands. This would help the world reverse climate change. Fruits and nuts trees can feed the world if they were planted in every acre of the world to emit oxygen, build natural landscapes and reduce the poverty and hunger in many areas. Permaculture gardening and food forests can be cultivated by anyone in their backyards or in cheap lands that exist around rural areas. They create food, oxygen, attract rain, build beautiful, healthy landscapes for animals and birds to live.

 We can build a greener world in a short time if everyone joins this unique mission and start the process. It's not too difficult. Single-use plastics pollute the environment, landfills also the oceans. We must stop using and producing single-use plastics so we can actually clean the plastics pollution that's getting out of hand. It's one of the most important environmental disasters after climate change. Plastics take over hundreds of years to decompose. The plastics that were produced decades ago still exist in the ocean or in landfill areas. We're manifesting pure madness with our existence on Earth. Humanity must evolve and act now. A green world full of life and no pollution can solve most of our society's problems. Invest in green products and technology so we can have a better future. All animals are sentient beings and our friends. Animals help to nurture the gardens and forests that we can plant in every acre. Let's start now so we can have a clean world for all life to thrive and evolve. Our Earth is a precious jewel that needs some cleaning and sanitation now, every action and thought will help to build this amazing world =)


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