Hello there, my motto used to be 'Get Rich or Die Tryin' back in the day but times have changed recently. Everything is changing so fast and humans came to a point on Earth that we must do all to save the world. It all depends on us and how we behave on Earth =) We can't keep doing the same things we are accustomed to doing in the past. Old habits must be converted into productive, world-saving actions and mindset now. Anyone can transform themselves with study and information. It's not too difficult to become a new human being that can start saving the world instead of trying to get rich. You'll never be rich anyway. Your riches won't matter if you die or you may lose all your money and stuff in a short time. The more you own and make adds up to your expenses. There is no need to overwork so you become a product for a corporation to feed off you. They need people to make money, work, sell and make profits off.
The human race wasn't created by God to become workers for bills and products. We can be spectacular and wise enough to change our world and our society into a more advanced system by saving the world. Stop wasting your life to pay for products and stuff you don't really need. Invest in a sustainable future for all of us to live and thrive. We need to change the mechanics of our society now or else we may deplete all the resources of our world. Humans can't just work and consume all, you must sow back what you reap. Deforestation is a serious issue of our time. Eventually, entire forests may die off. We're cutting and burning them faster than the forests expand themselves. The thing is we must save the world now or die struggling now. You want a livable world with fresh air, fresh, healthy food, cool climate, beautiful landscapes for all of humanity to live on then start the movement now. Otherwise, there won't be any way to turn it around once the time is up and irreversible.
Any job is able to shift to doing the right things about saving the world. Luckily any job can be and do this =) We still have hope although time is working against us. The human race will become a remarkable race once they fully unite as one race and save their amazing, biodiverse and beautiful planet. Nothing or no alien beings will be able to stop us if we protect our superb planet that's full of life and greenery all around it. We must start planting and sowing to turn the world into the greenest paradise in the universe. Green, vegan jobs will always help to change the world also to save the animals and the environment. Big cities aren't the best places to live and work anymore except for short visits. A lot of work must be done in big cities all around the world since they are the biggest polluters and CO2 emitters of our time. Cities must be adjusted with green buildings, forestation, vegan businesses, and more green city plans so they can stop polluting the air and the environment more than anything else on Earth. Basically, the world's big cities are killing the world with consumerism, pollution, greenhouse gases, consumption and productions of meat, dairy, plastics, and other destructive products. It may not be the humans that destroy the world, it's actually the cities, the big cities that we all live in. There are more cars, more consumption, more people, more stress, more restaurants and all kinds of businesses of destruction in big cities all around the world. Life isn't all about business and working to multiply. Humanity is starting to wake up with the new information they receive. The human race is evolving now, we won't be all about work, consume, eat, sleep and do all the useless things to survive over and over again at an increasing rate. We can actually begin the movement of saving the world now. Going Vegan always helps, you get healthier, smarter, lighter, happier after this transition =)
You don't need to 'Get Rich or Die Tryin' no more. You better 'Save The World and All Living Beings or Die and Go Extinct Now' How about that? =) Studying and researching about this important subject can be life-saving since it takes a lot of study and research so the proper action can be put into effect. Money won't give us back all the forests, all the amazing species that ever lived, the fresh air, clean foods, clean water, oceans back. This is the job now. You can always make money if you do the right things that will clean and save the planet. Just change the scripts and the recipes of the production, business, education and whatever are out there for the society to go on. You and your businesses will always thrive and get better when you focus on saving the world and all living beings also to stop the pollution and destruction of the environment and oceans. Humanity is uniting with all they've got. We're unstoppable by every means possible. You don't want to live a miserable life of doing the same things over and over again to pay paper that feeds the corporations and destroy all that exists.
There are some plant and tree products like Bamboo that can be cultivated and used instead of cutting trees. Bamboo can replace most of the wood, other furniture and housing materials. Bamboo grows so fast and is suitable to make many useful products. I know because I have some bamboo bowls and they're the best. I used some bamboo before, it was lighter, more durable than wooden material. Do you understand? There are always other options in nature for us that we can grow and use easily without harming any of the forests or animals. Bamboo can even replace a lot of the plastics and it decomposes over time. Yes, single use plastics are very harmful for the landfills and oceans. They never really decompose. Glass, bamboo, metal can be used to produce many containers, straws that cause the plastics pollution. We can build a green world if we use plants to manufacture all the things we ever need. Some countries started taking action about this topic and more jobs will be created with the help of new laws and regulations. We all want a clean and green world. Who doesn't like going to a garden? Our planet meant to be a prosperous garden for all the diverse, living beings. Get familiar with these subjects and information, that'll kick off new projects that will develop new products, technologies, forests and plans. Everything you do changes you and the society molecularly at every moment. What you sow now will turn into vast forests of production and life in the near future. Even one person is capable of transforming deserts into lush lands. One by one, anyone can change the world. We all have limitless power of thought and creativity. Humanity is becoming an amazing race after they direct themselves to the path of seeding the Planet Earth of amazing biodiversity. We may be living in one of the most wonderful planets in the universe. Reclaim your world now and save the world before the coming catacylsms. Once it's broken apart, it may be impossible to overcome all the coming catastrophes. There are so many ways of creating new forests, cleaning the oceans and environment, saving all species. Let's begin now. Save the world is your new job now =)
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