Vegan went mainstream a few years ago in the U.S, UK, Australia, social media and in other places. Veganism is spreading all around the world. A Vegan saves countless animals, cubic feet of water, trees and more just by living the vegan life. Meat and dairy industries emit the most greenhouse gases globally. This causes climate change to escalate to an irreversible level. Millions of animals are being killed every day to become food and consumer products for people. After you do research about all of these subjects, a question pops up
'Can Vegans Save The World?' I believe the world reached a position of 'save or die' Environmental changes have never been this disastrous in the past. Someone and some people must do something about this. We need to save the world now. There is nothing else to think or do at this moment. Most of the jobs are feeding the meat and dairy industries increasing the destruction of our habitat on a residual scale.
There are probably some ways to save the world, the animals and reverse climate change. Do we know what they are? We're all supposed to do our homework and do more research on this global phenomenon. Human beings must change and evolve as soon as possible. In order to make that happen, we should immerse ourselves into nature and start doing the right things that will save us and other species also entire Earth. This isn't about riches, the economy, jobs, unnecessary spending anymore. Things have gone downhill over the years enrolled us in a situation that we have to take action right now. Time is ticking.
Scientists stated that we only have about 12 years to reverse climate change and other natural transitions. If we don't begin now, we may all go extinct in the near future perhaps leaving only a few humans and animals in a post-Chernobyl like conditions.
Can we plant the world with gardens, forests that can emit more oxygen than the CO2 we produce? The gardens and food forests that we cultivated will also give us the food and other products that we need to survive. Permaculture is one of the recent and most efficient systems of farming. A lot of people had so much success through turning their backyards and lands into permaculture gardens and food forests. It doesn't take much effort nor resources to start a farm or a garden nowadays. It may even be more affordable than starting a new business. There is land in more rural areas all around the world that can be purchased with less money. Anyone can plant and garden in their backyards as well. You don't even need too much land to grow enough food and plants for your whole family.
Permaculture is a great way to the garden because this type of farming actually doesn't need much tilling, fertilizers and effort. It's best not to use chemically rich fertilizers. Tree leaves will fall during the fall months feeding the other plants and trees over the months. You can always add some mulch and compost in the beginning and subsequently. There is nothing better than planting your own food forests in your backyard or land. This is the way to a more sustainable and healthy lifestyle. All the trees and plants you grow will also emit oxygen, form shelter for animals, birds and other species. Humans meant to be planters, growers, farmers in this world, not destroying all on their path. Hopefully, more people wake up so we can turn the world into a green paradise to feed ourselves and save the world. We're lucky that God gifted this planet
with a multitude of plant life for us to grow and take care of.
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