Entire world is going Vegan soon to save the world. God wants humanity to evolve into the new age of Aquarius as Vegans. Vegans are taking over the world to fix the environment, save all the animals and evolve as human beings. This is our only mission on Earth and it is to save the world by changing ourselves and our actions. We must re-green the Earth that's been damaged and polluted in the last century. Life isn't just about work, consume and trash all the resources and products. Everything you do and think count in life. Take over of the world has begun as Vegans started thriving in the last few years. This is unstoppable for mankind. Everybody is going Vegan, cleaning the environment, the air, saving the animals by not eating them also helping them. Time is now. Meat and dairy industries emit the most greenhouse gases to pollute the air, landfills, oceans by killing millions of animals every day.
This isn't the way of life or economy. This is some brutal madness. People are waking up to what's going on. We have only one planet to live on. Other planets like Mars etc. will never be like Earth. Our planet is a precious jewel thriving with biodiversity and extraordinary species all around it. Humans haven't been created to destroy it all in a couple of centuries then go extinct. 

 God has been watching Earth for so long. He suggested 'Thou shall not kill' in ancient texts also gave us all the plants, seeds, fruits for us to eat and plant with our hands. It seems like there is an evil force that manipulates humanity and all animals on Earth. We've been brainwashed by advertisements and businesses for decades. Once everyone is Vegan, we'll have a new world. Our planet can become green again. Everybody can contribute to saving the planet with their actions. Any damage can be reverse in a short time if people change their habits and their behavior. Businesses and industries survive off supply and demand. If everyone is Vegan and plant-based, no corporation can support animal exploitation nor the extreme pollution of the enviroment. It all depends on us. Essentially we're the products for them, there are people and industries that have been farming humankind for so long that they gained extreme power to manipulate the societies however they wish. Humankind isn't meant to be some animals for some elite to farm and feed off. People change, they'll have to change. The means of farming and business will change eventually because it's destructive to all life. We are the resource that have to change by informing each other of what's going on. Social media, internet, phones, blogs, websites and all other technologies are our tools to share the information and the knowledge. Time has changed. It's not like 100 years ago when you could do whatever you wanted and Earth was able to take it. The madness has to stop worldwide as soon as possible. Otherwise you won't have a world to live on.

  Let's create a new world that is very green, happy and evolved for all humans to live and thrive on. Everyone will eventually make more money by going Vegan, plastic and pollution free. The economy will only get better and there will be more green and plant-based jobs all around the world. Plants and trees will give us all the products that we need and want. Everyone must start planting all kinds of plants and trees in every inch of Earth to reclaim their planet as their own. Each seed will change the world to turn it into a green paradise. Humans are becoming a new kind of species that is a lot more advanced than Homo Sapiens. There won't be anymore wars, killing, conflict or anything related to that. We have a world to save now. Time is running out. Scientists determined that we only have a decade or less to save the planet otherwise the damage will be irreversible. Go Vegan !! Save The World and The Universe Now =)     Plants, animals, trees and all life will help us achieve this unique mission !!


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