Things To Do List To Save The World =) Skip to main content

Things To Do List To Save The World =)

  I've been thinking about finding things to do that can save the world. Saving the world isn't too difficult if everyone joins. We need a lot of people all around the world. To reach so many people all over the globe can only generated online with a to-do list. Anyone can read a to-do list right? I will give you my ideas. I hope people can read and add to this list so we can share it online on websites that have the most users. We must save the world. This is the time. It starts with individuals. What if someone gave you a list of things to do daily or sometimes that you could save the world by following them? Wouldn't you like it or at least try? It would give you much joy by doing the simple things that are saving the world for everyone. Let's start...

1) Go Vegan =)
I know not everyone wants to stop eating meat and dairy to save animals and the world. But going Vegan really helps the world in all ways. You basically save the animals by not eating them, your actions produce less greenhouse gases by not supporting the businesses that produce so much gases. 
Vegans save water sources and the environment as well. This is one of the best things you can do for yourself and the planet !!
2) Ride A Bike
All the cars in the world cause so much madness. Cars pollute the air, take away from your pockets every month, roads and highways could be parks instead. Everyone knows cars aren't good for the planet and environment we live in. Stop driving and get a bike. Biking is great for you, you exercise by riding it everywhere. You buy less junk when you don't drive so it's beneficial for your health and pockets as well. 
3) Stop Using Plastics
Plastics are causing tremendous amount of pollution in the oceans and all around the world. They're everywhere, multiplying so fast that they became the invading species to our planet. We must get rid of all plastics or plastics will kill all life on Earth soon. You can use reusable plastics as containers, coffee cups etc. Don't buy anything that contains any plastics if they aren't reusable. Plastics are annoying. 
4) Do Research About Saving The World
Nobody exactly knows how to save the world in short time. Everyone must do their homework about finding ways that can save the world. Also share that information with others. Don't just keep it to yourself to try to become a superhero. Doing research about anything always helps. Search engines make it easy.
5) Unite As One Human Race
Human race is one race. We must unite as a race instead of going through the same rat race every day about unnecessary conflicts, debates and over consumption. We have a planet that needs saving now. Stop fighting now and do the right thing. We must create a United World that will do whatever it takes to fix the issues of our beautiful world. Time is running out. 
6) Stop Buying Stuff
You ever wondered why you bought all the stuff you never really needed? Average American throws so much food and gives away crazy amount of clothes. We need to stop buying. It's not about economy or shopping anymore. Those companies that you buy the stuff from will make money no matter what. Over consumption kills the world. It takes away so much from the planet without giving it back. You can use all your money to plant trees, create a garden, clean the environment. Buying things will never make anything happen other than short time happiness. Think long-term. 
7) Think About How You Can Save The World Every Day, Share Your Ideas With Others
Everyone can find a way to save the world. We all have different ideas. Share all your ideas with others especially online and on social media so everyone starts thinking about finding way to save the planet and all life. Sharing is the best thing you can do in life. Share all you got =)
8) Everybody Can Be Friends To Each Other Including Animals 
Life isn't all about work, be friends with everyone including all animal life. Animals aren't food or products for humans. They're sentient living beings. Nobody is superior than anyone because they made more paper to buy bigger houses or more cars. Is that it? Everyone meant to be friends with all the people in the world no matter their race, language, religion. All religions suggest kindness, respect and friendship in their books. Stop believing the propoganda =) 
9) Money Is Never Yours. Stop Believing It 
Money is printed paper. When you think about it, it's never yours. You use it to pay the services to have a more comfortable life. Stop thinking that you will make money or have money etc. Banks own all the money in the world. Most of your money stays in the bank. It's not about money anymore. It's t about saving the world now. The idea of money is getting old. There is more to life. Stop working, eating and spending the money that's actually never yours in the first place. Life your life and do the right things that can save the world =)

I will add more to this list. This is it for today. Comment your suggestions to this list. I'm sure everyone has some opinions about saving the world. We need everyone to join this movement. 
A TO-DO list to save the world can make the change in a short time !!


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