People believe that they will have money of their own. They need to save money to have a better life, wishing for more money every day. This is technically not true. Money is actually never yours in the first place. Money is printed paper that's owned by banks and a banking system. You can't ever have money, even you get to hold some in your hands. It will actually never be yours. People don't know how the system works. Banks and the system own it all. The stuff you need or buy are never yours either. You have to keep buying them and paying for them in order to use them in your life. Money isn't something you can have. It's printed by a bank to make things go around that you will never own. Nobody has money. That is not how it works. People need to stop believing in it so much.
If you want to be happy or even successful of making the life that you want to, you must not believe in money. Nobody gives you money like that. The companies that you see everywhere that make things that people need and buy don't own any money at all. Money is a tool to make sales. What is a sale? It's a product to go around to be used by people for some time. Then it will get old, useless, be finised in short time. You pay for the things that don't make sense or will never be yours. What would you care about money or even all the things if they are never yours? You never need anything except yourself in life. Keep paying for the same things and doing the same things over and over again assuming that you will have money doesn't make sense. Stop believing in it. If you want to do something, go ahead and do it. You don't need money to do things or to be happy. You never need stuff. Stuff is stuff. They get old and become trash shortly after. Have a purpose in life and know that money will never make that happen. Look at all the most successful people in the world. They went after their passion. They didn't think about being rich or making money like that. Keep chasing something you will never have or own is a ridiculous idea...
If you want to be happy or even successful of making the life that you want to, you must not believe in money. Nobody gives you money like that. The companies that you see everywhere that make things that people need and buy don't own any money at all. Money is a tool to make sales. What is a sale? It's a product to go around to be used by people for some time. Then it will get old, useless, be finised in short time. You pay for the things that don't make sense or will never be yours. What would you care about money or even all the things if they are never yours? You never need anything except yourself in life. Keep paying for the same things and doing the same things over and over again assuming that you will have money doesn't make sense. Stop believing in it. If you want to do something, go ahead and do it. You don't need money to do things or to be happy. You never need stuff. Stuff is stuff. They get old and become trash shortly after. Have a purpose in life and know that money will never make that happen. Look at all the most successful people in the world. They went after their passion. They didn't think about being rich or making money like that. Keep chasing something you will never have or own is a ridiculous idea...
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