We live in a world that needs saving. There is so much damage that we caused to our planet at this time. People have been polluting and ripping the world's resources for a while. Nobody really knows what to do to save themselves nor the planet and its living beings. Does entire humanity need to be saved so this beautiful planet can be clean once and for all? People must change. We have not been behaving wisely. No intelligent species would destroy their own planet. It's not about money and jobs anymore. All those things are becoming useless. When you destroy your world, you won't have any money or jobs. We need to see the reality of the situation here.
People are being brainwashed with phones, social media, news, movies, products, internet and other unnecessary stuff every day, all day. You are what you perceive, what you focus on becomes your reality. Stop being brainwashed, think for a moment. Be aware of the matrix that's been imposed on us. People became robots that do certain things that make few people rich and powerful. The system isn't working anymore. Too many people are unhappy because they either keep doing the same thing over and over again to survive or they live in turmoil. Ask yourself 'How can you save the entire humanity?' at this point. It seems like things are only getting weird. Why can't we create Heaven on Earth and get rid of all this negativity? People need to change. Stop feeding the corporations and the system. Systems needs you to survive, you don't. Focus on the things that matter, focus on your health, read and learn the right material, do the things that you want to do instead of being a slave to pay bills. Money isn't everything. It's printed paper to give value to products and services. Money won't save you from this madness, no matter how much you have. Printed paper won't save you or make you better. Money equals stuff. You need to realize that you're happier when you have less stuff. Enjoy the moment, only do things that you want to do. Most jobs are useless, they don't even make sense anymore. Pay rent, pay bills, eat, sleep, work... Is this the meaningless life you choose to live? You choose what you do in every moment with your brain. Don't feed this system. Find cheap land and build your own world around a small house with greenery.
Going Vegan is one of the best thing people admit after they tried. Don't stop trying. Always read, learn and try new things. That's how you process and experience. I never like doing same thing twice unless I'm learning from it. Life isn't jobs, Steve Jobs built the biggest tech company but he didn't really live his life. You don't need that much tech or all those tech products, you don't even need that much money. Minimalists are the happiest and healthiest people in the world, that's what they confess after becoming minimalist. Sharing is the best feeling in life. Everything is actually made to share, profits convinced people not to. You can't make a profit without sharing what you made or thought of anyway =D Sharing is essential to be successful in life. You can't be taking all the time, it doesn't work that way, you gotta give to take. Give all you have through your passions you were meant to follow. Don't underestimate yourself. Everyone has the power to change the world and make it better for everyone.
Live a healthy life, stop investing on elements that make you sick. Those products are only taking your money and your health from you. Invest your money and your life wisely. Be green to live a healthy life to plant your seeds in everywhere you can so anyone else can do the same. We must change and become dryads of ourselves and our beautiful planet. Other planets like Mars won't be life Earth even if we colonize it. Fix yourself and your world, we need to start the clean up now. Power of now is extremely accurate. Everything is now, future is now, past is now. Your mind is constantly projecting the now and the future with your perception and thoughts. Share your knowledge with others, don't be selfish in life. You'll never have that much money anyway. Eat less, spend less, learn more, share more. Life will never end but it's always changing. Be Green, Read Green, Write Green, Do Green, Spread Green. Now is infinite.
People are being brainwashed with phones, social media, news, movies, products, internet and other unnecessary stuff every day, all day. You are what you perceive, what you focus on becomes your reality. Stop being brainwashed, think for a moment. Be aware of the matrix that's been imposed on us. People became robots that do certain things that make few people rich and powerful. The system isn't working anymore. Too many people are unhappy because they either keep doing the same thing over and over again to survive or they live in turmoil. Ask yourself 'How can you save the entire humanity?' at this point. It seems like things are only getting weird. Why can't we create Heaven on Earth and get rid of all this negativity? People need to change. Stop feeding the corporations and the system. Systems needs you to survive, you don't. Focus on the things that matter, focus on your health, read and learn the right material, do the things that you want to do instead of being a slave to pay bills. Money isn't everything. It's printed paper to give value to products and services. Money won't save you from this madness, no matter how much you have. Printed paper won't save you or make you better. Money equals stuff. You need to realize that you're happier when you have less stuff. Enjoy the moment, only do things that you want to do. Most jobs are useless, they don't even make sense anymore. Pay rent, pay bills, eat, sleep, work... Is this the meaningless life you choose to live? You choose what you do in every moment with your brain. Don't feed this system. Find cheap land and build your own world around a small house with greenery.
Going Vegan is one of the best thing people admit after they tried. Don't stop trying. Always read, learn and try new things. That's how you process and experience. I never like doing same thing twice unless I'm learning from it. Life isn't jobs, Steve Jobs built the biggest tech company but he didn't really live his life. You don't need that much tech or all those tech products, you don't even need that much money. Minimalists are the happiest and healthiest people in the world, that's what they confess after becoming minimalist. Sharing is the best feeling in life. Everything is actually made to share, profits convinced people not to. You can't make a profit without sharing what you made or thought of anyway =D Sharing is essential to be successful in life. You can't be taking all the time, it doesn't work that way, you gotta give to take. Give all you have through your passions you were meant to follow. Don't underestimate yourself. Everyone has the power to change the world and make it better for everyone.
Live a healthy life, stop investing on elements that make you sick. Those products are only taking your money and your health from you. Invest your money and your life wisely. Be green to live a healthy life to plant your seeds in everywhere you can so anyone else can do the same. We must change and become dryads of ourselves and our beautiful planet. Other planets like Mars won't be life Earth even if we colonize it. Fix yourself and your world, we need to start the clean up now. Power of now is extremely accurate. Everything is now, future is now, past is now. Your mind is constantly projecting the now and the future with your perception and thoughts. Share your knowledge with others, don't be selfish in life. You'll never have that much money anyway. Eat less, spend less, learn more, share more. Life will never end but it's always changing. Be Green, Read Green, Write Green, Do Green, Spread Green. Now is infinite.
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