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Travel Like A Monk Skip to main content

Travel Like A Monk

I saw 3 monks in Florida that were traveling. Even monks travel a lot. I'm not sure where they get their money from. You cannot be working with all those orange clothes. I saw few monks at the mall in Florida before. They were shopping with bags and shoe boxes in their hands =D  I didn't know monks wear colorful running shoes under their traditional clothing. I made a video about it. These monks love traveling. They don't just pray in the mountain. I guess they were tired of it. Everyone needs adventure in their lives. I've been to many places in U.S and I filmed the nice places with my camera to make videos. I'm sure monks go to these nice places as well. They're probably from Nepal or close. Of course traveling in U.S is easier with a car. Just fill up and drive to go anywhere you like. Highways are convenient to drive on. They take you to most states by just driving straight. Of course my favorite state is Florida but I love New Orleans, LA, the state of Georgia too. There are nice places and things to do in those states and they aren't too expensive. Nice weather is another reason to be in South.


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