I decided that I would note down everything that I know and all my ideas whatever. Writing is fun. Typing on the keyboard is a lot faster than writing on a notepad so I will type more and also note it down when I'm not on the computer. Hopefully it can become something good to share with others. There is a lot going on in the world. A lot of things are happening secretly. I believe people must wake up and start taking action about it. This is our world. It became a chaotic environment for people to live. Way too much problems. I don't even look at the news anymore because it's very negative. You can't have good mental health if you keep watching the news and reading it. Most of it are fake anyway. I don't even believe it. Anyways I found a message from a man named Marshall which is a pretty cool name. He mentions that he started receiving messages from God through an Angelic Assembly that watches over our planet called Earth. It was remarkable to this. I started reading and watching the videos. It seems real to me. The messages contain some info that people don't know about. They mention aliens and the life in the universe. It states that aliens may not be that friendly and they are similar in intentions to people. They need things, they want to take over, they deceive, manipulate and more. They aren't coming here to save the world at all. They have totally different agendas. They see Earth as a planet with lots of resources which can be useful for them. People are destroying their own planet so they want to act even started intervening secretly to gain advantage here. It's logical to me. I do understand that. This is a beautiful world that's being destroyed by people especially in these modern times. Population is ever growing. Industries are polluting the air, the water, the environment. Rainforests are dying. Resources are diminishing. People must wake to what's going on and take action about saving their own world instead of doing other unnecessary things that don't make sense. Most of the things that we do everyday give us joy and fulfillment for very short time. Being happy means more. We must save and protect our world. Look what we've done. I don't blame any beings come here to take advantage over here. It makes sense. I would do the same thing if I was coming from elsewhere to this world. I'm upset about how our world is being destroyed everyday. Technology is never the answer to all the problems of the world. Technology won't save the world. Technology is good and necessary in a way but it actually takes too much resources and you really don't need a newer cell phone, a computer, a bigger tv nor a camera every time a new product comes out. Consumerism is killing our world. Industries are making products to sell for profit. Not all of them are necessary. Most of them are junk to sell that give people short time happiness to stop their never ending hunger. A minimalist life may be the happiest life. What if you never really need anything? Go out, enjoy your life, breathe the fresh air, travel, meet new people, help someone in need... It shouldn't be all about surviving. There are better ways to survive than working hard all the time to buy stuff that you don't need. We must become connected to our world and the nature. Animals are part of the nature. They help nature build itself. People aren't like that. People are taking away from nature to survive like crazy. Surviving is about giving back to nature. I found out that veganism is a great to save the environment and protect the nature. Nature is all we have. Not even a bit of it must not be vanished. Vegans do save the world in a sense. It may be a great start that will unite people to do more to save this world. There are aliens out there who want to finish it off and make it all theirs if we don't stop fix our problems soon. They already began the process. People will never no rights in the future. They will basically get punished for failing to protect their world. We must stop this.
I will type as much as I can to see what will come out of it. I also noticed that there are new electric trucks and vehicles on their way to highways. This is great news. Gasoline engine cars and trucks are polluting the world and they're costly. Electric vehicles are green for the environment. Oil industry is useless. I hope electric vehicles will take over soon.
I will type as much as I can to see what will come out of it. I also noticed that there are new electric trucks and vehicles on their way to highways. This is great news. Gasoline engine cars and trucks are polluting the world and they're costly. Electric vehicles are green for the environment. Oil industry is useless. I hope electric vehicles will take over soon.
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