The Vegan movement is growing so fast all around the world. This is the best thing ever. The more people become Vegan, the more companies are investing in vegan products and foods. Eventually, vegans will take over the world to build a newer, greener world for all of us to live kindly and happily. Our world needs help right now. Humanity has been destroying and polluting it for a while now. We aren't meant to be the parasites of this beautiful world with so much beauty and diversity. Humans are created to be the protectors of their world. We must protect all life no matter what it is. You can't love pets while you're eating all the animals and causing global destruction with the foods and products you consume. Things are changing. It seems like Veganism will take over the world soon, thanks to the internet and social media. All companies will have to adjust to this new mindset of living green with no cruelty. This is the best time to invest in vegan products and comp...