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Showing posts from April, 2019

Soil Is A Living Organism

How To Grow Food For Free In The City - Watch Now !!

The Secrets of Sugar - Watch Now !!

Simple Sustainable Apartment - Watch Now !!

How To Build An Instant Garden !! Watch Now !! =)

How 50 Million Trees Changed The World =)

The Forested Garden: What Is A Food Forest?

How Vertical Farming Works

When Trees Meet Buildings =)

How To Green The World's Deserts And Reverse The Climate Change =)

Being Vegan Is The Best For Your Soul And Mind =)

 Veganism is everywhere now. Social media is thriving with Vegans and Vegan posts every day. Going Vegan might be the best thing you could ever do for yourself, animals and the planet. Vegan businesses are doing great. There are so many vegan food trucks and even festivals popping out everywhere all around the world. Vegan is the biggest thing ever happened on Earth =D   A lot of people love it, they feel a lot better and healthier after going vegan except a few. Meat and dairy are addicting cause of all the hormones and chemicals they use during the process of making them. There is no nutrition or anything except cruelty and killing in a diet that's not vegan. So many people recommend going vegan from their hearts because they never had anything better than being Vegan.  Being a Vegan is the best for your soul and mind as well. Your body regenerates itself with the food you eat and consume every day. No diet should include the killing, suffering and torture of so man...

Each Word Is A Unique Idea !!

 Anything can be written and put into words. Each word represents a unique idea that can be written and said with our mouths and vibration of our vocal cords. Words are the routes of communication that we use every day all around the world. Each language consists of many words and symbols that describe different ideas and thoughts. Thoughts are infinite in our minds although words are countable. That's why we use sentences to clarify the many thoughts we develop in our brains as in business or daily lives. Words have power because brain and thoughts are the creative forces that we are gifted with. Your brain processes so much information and reveal them to ourselves by countless times each minute. No sentence are ever the same. Everybody says something different when you talk or listen to them. We form many sentences with only few words to express our ideas and imagination. Ideas never end because brain never stops inventing or processing the information it receives. Our brains fir...